By BLUEAPPLES – Zerohedge
Update: Queue the MSM planting the idea that Tucker could be charged under the Espionage Act Of 1917 into the public discourse, as Newsweek has followed the publication of this article discussing that very premise.
With the world transfixed on Tucker Carlson’s impending interview of Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin, the resounding support his journalistic endeavor has fairly garnered has seemed to delude supporters from reality. Though engagement with Putin is a welcome reprieve from the US media’s sycophancy shamelessly exhibited in contrived interview after contrived interview with Putin’s Ukrainian counterpart in President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, I largely doubt it will be of any consequence as far as shifting policy or even public sentiment goes regarding the war in Ukraine and more broadly on foreign relations with Russia. When it comes to US policy making on Ukraine, each side of the US’ bipartisan paradigm has its heels dug in the ground from an ideological standpoint. Anyone watching Carlson’s interview will largely be unmoved in my view as his supporters already espouse the presumable positions Putin will take while its detractors will certainly frame those same points to justify their own narrative on the matter. Continue reading “What Dangers Lie Ahead For Tucker Carlson?”