By Cullen McCue – Trending Political News

Alice Stewart, a veteran political adviser and analyst for CNN, died suddenly on Saturday at the age of 58.

According to law enforcement officials, Stewart’s body was found outdoors in the Bellevue neighborhood in northern Virginia early Saturday morning. A cause of death has not been released, though it is believed that Stewart suffered a “medical emergency.” Foul play is not suspected, CNN reported. Continue reading “JUST IN: CNN Political Commentator Alice Stewart Dies Suddenly After ‘Medical Emergency’”

By Katie Daviscourt – The Postmillennial

Tayler Hansen reveals how easy and lucrative it is for Americans to aid cartels in human trafficking of illegal immigrants

TENET Media reporter Tayler Hansen reported that he had set up a human smuggling transaction with a cartel member as part of an undercover operation to expose how American citizens collude with the cartels to smuggle illegal immigrants into the country. Continue reading “Tayler Hansen reveals how easy and lucrative it is for Americans to aid cartels in human trafficking of illegal immigrants”

By Middle East Monitor

Watch the moment an observer at the International Court of Justice called Israeli lawyers ‘liars!’, as they submitted ‘counter-evidence’ against South Africa’s petition to impose provisional measures on Israel under the Genocide Convention. The Israeli lawyer looked up at the public gallery in shock before the official ICJ live stream was stopped and the woman who heckled was escorted out by security.

Continue reading “‘Liars’: Israeli lawyer heckled at ICJ hearing”

By Frank Bergman – Slay News

The unelected World Economic Forum (WEF) is calling on global governments to begin placing limits on private car ownership among the general public.

The globalist WEF is demanding that regular families with more than one car should be forced to give up one of their vehicles. Continue reading “WEF Demands Limits on Car Ownership Among General Public”

By Baxter Dmitry – The People’s Voice

Globalist billionaire Bill Gates has unveiled his plan to inject the entire world with multiple doses of mRNA, vowing to “experiment” with mRNA “for every disease that we don’t have a vaccine.” Continue reading “Bill Gates Unveils Plan to ‘Experiment’ on Humanity With $2 mRNA Vaccines ‘For Every Disease’”

By Baxter Dmitry – The People’s Voice

George Soros caught funnelling millions to Hamas

George Soros’ Open Society Foundation funded a series of short stories written by convicted child rapists that present pedophiles in a sympathetic light and feature “love stories” involving adult men and young boys. Continue reading “George Soros Funding Convicted Child Molesters To Write Pedophile Love Stories”

By TYLER DURDEN – Zerohedge

I never imagined that we would ever see a time when it takes $177,798 for a family of four to live comfortably in the United States.  Unfortunately, that day has arrived.  Our leaders have been pursuing highly inflationary policies for many years, and now we have reached a point where inflation is wildly out of control.  In fact, the latest wholesale inflation figure that was released on Tuesday came in much higher than expected.  Sadly, this is just the beginning and we are in far more trouble than most people realize.

Continue reading “Out Of Control Inflation: It Now Takes At Least $177,798 For A Family Of 4 To Live Comfortably In The US”

By Hannah Nightingale – The Postmillennial

Pregnant detransitioner’s lawsuit against doctors, medical professionals allowed to move forward in North Carolina: court

A Judge has ruled that a detransitioner’s lawsuit against healthcare providers that she says pushed her towards transitioning despite having a history of underlying mental health problems can move forward. Continue reading “Pregnant detransitioner’s lawsuit against doctors, medical professionals allowed to move forward in North Carolina: court”

By Didi Rankovic – Reclaim The Net

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen is campaigning to get reelected (by the next European Parliament, EP) and her messaging ahead of EP elections next month unsurprisingly includes doubling down on the policy of “combating disinformation.” Continue reading “EU’s Von der Leyen Calls for More Censorship Amid Re-Election Campaign”