All Gov – by Noel Brinkerhoff

Going to the hospital is increasingly a risky proposition, considering that more Americans die from mistakes in the hospital than those killed by strokes and accidents combined.

new study published in the Journal of Patient Safety estimates that between 210,000 and 440,000 patients annually don’t make it out of hospitals because of some kind of preventable harm.  Continue reading “More Americans Estimated to Die from Hospital Mistakes than from Strokes and Accidents Combined”

Washington’s Blog

Obama Says America Is Not a Banana Republic and We Have to Pay Our Bills …  What Do Experts Say?

America’s top liberal communications expert is George Lakoff.  Professor Lakoff (who we’ve previously interviewed) points out that when a politician says “Not X”, people usually think of X:  Continue reading “Obama’s “I Am Not a Crook” Moment”

People wait in line as they buy toilet paper in a supermarket in Caracas 17 May, 2013.BCC News

The Venezuelan government has taken over a toilet paper factory to avoid any scarcity of the product.

The National Guard has taken control of the plant, and officers will monitor production and distribution.

Earlier this year officials ordered millions of toilet rolls to be imported to counter a chronic shortage. Continue reading “Venezuela seizes toilet paper factory to avoid shortage”

Defence Minister Senator David Johnston.The Age – by David Wroe

Australia’s new Defence Minister, David Johnston, says he wants to keep the military battle-ready for further possible conflicts in the unstable Middle East and south Asia.

Senator Johnston said that after 14 years of involvement in overseas conflicts from East Timor to Afghanistan, the Australian Defence Force had a strong fighting momentum that should not be lost as troops return from Afghanistan.  Continue reading “Australia’s defence forces to be maintained at battle-ready status”

The Dissenter – by Kevin Gosztola

The National Security Agency sent out a letter to all of its employees and affiliates, including contractors, that could be printed and shared with family, friends and colleagues. It was intended to reassure them that the NSA is not really the abusive and unchecked spying agency engaged in illegal activity that someone reading former NSA contractor Edward Snowden’s disclosures might think it happens to be.

The letter, sent on September 13, is signed by NSA Director Gen. Keith Alexander and NSA Deputy Director John Inglis, begins, “We are writing to you, our extended NSA/CSS family, in light of the unauthorized disclosure of classified information by a former contractor employee.”  Continue reading “NSA Sends Letter to Its ‘Extended’ Family to Reassure Them That They Will ‘Weather’ This ‘Storm’”

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Pakistan freed the Afghan Taliban’s former deputy leader on Saturday after years of detention in a move that many officials in Islamabad and Kabul hope will aid Afghanistan’s struggling peace process.

But others doubt Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar will do much good, and the United States, which opposed his release, is worried he could return to the battlefield. That could give the Taliban in Afghanistan a boost at a time when the U.S. is drawing down its troops and increasingly relying on Afghan forces to fight insurgents.  Continue reading “Pakistan releases top Afghan Taliban prisoner”


SANTA ANA, Calif. (AP) — A human-trafficking charge against a Saudi princess was abruptly dismissed Friday after prosecutors were unable to support claims by a Kenyan maid who said she had to escape from her employer’s condominium after having her passport taken and being forced to work long hours for meager pay.

The announcement came during what had been expected to be the arraignment of Meshael Alayban, 42, on the felony charge punishable by up to 12 years in prison. Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckas told the judge that investigators tried to corroborate the allegations but found the evidence did not support the claim.  Continue reading “Trafficking case against Saudi princess dismissed”

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — Gunmen threw grenades, fired automatic weapons and targeted non-Muslims at the upscale Westgate mall in Kenya’s capital on Saturday, killing at least 22 people and wounding dozens more, a Red Cross official and witnesses said.

Police blamed the attack on terrorists. Kenyan military and police surrounded the mall, which had been hosting a children’s day event, and helicopters flew overhead. Gunmen remained inside hours after the attack, although firing subsided.  Continue reading “Kenya Red Cross: 22 dead in upscale mall attack”

33_siRT News

African-American middle school students were forced to act as slaves, pretending to be sold at auction and standing in the darkness of a would-be slave ship, all while enduring racial epithets, a human rights lawsuit filed by a student’s mother claims.

Sandra Baker told the Hartford Courant this week that her  daughter, who is black, said she and other students in her  seventh grade class were “terrorized” during a field trip  to Nature’s Classroom in Charlton, Massachusetts. Parents of the  students, who traveled from Hartford Magnet Trinity College  Academy 45 minutes away, were not told their children would be  participating in a slavery reenactment when giving permission for  the trip.    Continue reading “Parent files lawsuit over slavery reenactment on school field trip”

Linux creator admits NSA demanded backdoorSalon – by Natasha Lennard

Speaking at the keynote LinuxCon panel this year, Linus Torvalds, who created the open-source Linux operating system 22 years ago, revealed that the government had approached him about installing a backdoor into system’s structure. Linux is the preferred operating system for the privacy conscious infosec community.

It’s just the latest in a string of revelations illustrating how the NSA have for a number of years attempted to intervene in the very structuring of online communications and cryptography to enable easier surveillance.  Continue reading “Linux creator admits NSA demanded backdoor”

attenboroug-plague-population-controlStory Leak – by Anthony Gucciardi

Top globalist Sir David Attenborough, who last year described humans  as a ‘plague on Earth’, has now gone on record in calling for nations of the  world to stop sending food aid to starving nations in order to reduce the  population of the world.

Speaking with the Daily Telegraph, the highly decorated  psychopath expanded upon his notion that the  plague of humanity must be reduced throughout the world. Reduction  that, according to him, really starts with starving poorer nations that have  been decimated by first world global powers (and could be fed with  about a week or so of military spending). The problem, Attenborough  says, however, comes down to numerous “huge sensitivities” that continue to  block the goal of massive population reduction.  Continue reading “David Attenborough: Stop Feeding Third World Nations to Reduce Population”

American Everyman – by Scott Creighton

Images posted by a spin doctor who works for a gun control supporting congressman, turned up almost immediately on every MSM outlet during the Navy Yard mass casualty event.

According to the new story from BuzzFeed, cops moved him from the scene at the Navy Yard and dumped a victim on the side of the road.  Continue reading “Navy Yard Shooting: Victim Photo Posted by PR Guy Working for Gun Grabbing Congressman”

US President Barack Obama Press TV

US President Barack Obama will use his Tuesday’s address to the United Nations in New York to demand that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad step down, according to US officials.

White House spokesman Ben Rhodes told reporters on Friday that Obama’s speech will also focus on the need for a tough resolution demanding Syria turn over its chemical weapons or face a threat of force.  Continue reading “Obama to demand Syria’s Assad removal at UN speech”

White House Dossier – by Keith Koffler

I don’t know, mainly I’m putting this up because it was amusing and I thought you’d enjoy it. But there is a larger point.

The news business has sunk to an abysmal depth. Nobody has any money, competition is fierce, and corners are cut everywhere you can find them. “Reputable” news organizations take one source and run a major story on the information as if they were sure it was fact. The old news saying – If your mother says she loves you, check it out, is a quaint anachronism.  Continue reading “Jon Stewart Roasts CNN’s Navy Yard Coverage”

4015804044_c0a69687e4_b-195x110Veterans Today – by Jim W. Dean

Press TV has conducted an interview with Jim W. Dean, managing editor of Veterans Today, about Syria calling on the international community to put pressure on Israel to destroy its weapons of mass destruction.

The PTV website video is original quality  Continue reading “Israel must turn over its WMDs for peace”

Before It’s News – by Alton Parrish

The most powerful typhoon of 2013 was passing between northern Philippines and southern Taiwan on Sept. 19. When NASA’s Aqua satellite passed over Usagi, infrared data showed a large area of powerful thunderstorms and heavy rain surrounding the center while NASA’s TRMM satellite measured that heavy rainfall from space.

Super-Typhoon Usagi is a monster storm that according the Joint Typhoon Warning Center is headed for a landfall near Hong Kong on Sept. 22 around 1200 UTC/8 a.m. EDT/8 p.m. local time Hong Kong.  Continue reading “Category 5 Hurricane: Satellite Images Of Super-Typhoon Usagi Passing Philippines And Southern Taiwan”