Video Rebel’s Blog

The numbers we are given about the economy are lies. Using Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), a former IMF economist calculated that China surpassed America’s GDP in 2010. Zero Hedge reported that Spain’s real GDP is 21% less than what their government officially claims. Peter Schiff has said America’s GDP is 3.3 trillion dollars less than our Banker Occupied Government (BOG ) in Washington has told us. PPP would take our GDP even lower than what Schiff claims. PPP discounts services like haircuts which are cheaper in China but cannot be exported to America.   Continue reading “So What Is The Quality Of The Real Economy?”

American Liberal Progressive CommunismMilitia News – by Richard J. “Sarge” Garwood

Cultures more refined than modern American culture see things through more patient eyes. Orientals see the world evolving through the “Thousand Year Plan” meaning the plan’s ultimate goals will be realized after a thousand years of hard work have passed. Native Americans believe the fruition of any idea planted comes after “Seven Generations”. The adage of “good things come to those who wait” is an axiom; not a theory.

Americans want everything now. They overlook what’s happening right under their noses. Karl Marx’s specific game plan has moved inexorably forward since the 1800s. Americans have ignored the ramifications of this in favor of a growing a more and more “beneficent state” supplying their ever increasing wants to the point certain Americans are social, economic and philosophical parasites.   Continue reading “The Ten Planks Of Communism”

bearcatOath Keepers – by Shem Kellogg

Report from boot on the ground:

You may or may not have heard, but activists in New Hampshire have been successful in postponing the City of Concord’s vote to accept a $260K Homeland Security grant to purchase a Lenco BearCat (Ballistic Engineered Armored Response Counter Attack Truck) to thwart domestic terrorist threats, including “sovereign citizens, free staters, and Occupy New Hampshire”   Continue reading “Concord’s BearCat “For The Children”?”

vinegar_health_benefits_scienceWake-Up World – by Sayer Ji

Anecdotes about the health benefits of vinegar proliferate wildly, as do claims by skeptics that it is nothing more than placebo medicine. So, what does the scientific evidence actually say?

According to a recent review published in MedGenMed titled, “Vinegar: Medicinal Uses & Antiglycemic Effect,” which set out to examine the scientific evidence for the medicinal uses of vinegar, folklore concerning vinegar’s discovery stretch back to the very beginnings of recorded history:   Continue reading “The Health Benefits of Vinegar: Real or Imagined?”

NuvigilNatural News – by Mike Adams

Ever heard of “shift work disorder?” It’s a new disease being played up by the pharmaceutical industry to sell drugs so dangerous that even the home page of the drug website admits the drug may kill you.

One such drug is called “Nuvigil,” sold by Cephalon, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. The warning text on the Nuvigil website says:   Continue reading “Big Pharma invents yet another disease to sell deadly drugs: ‘Shift Work Disorder’ now used to push medication that may kill you”

Cccp rustCreepypasta Wiki

Russian researchers in the late 1940s kept five people awake for fifteen days using an experimental gas based stimulant. They were kept in a sealed environment to carefully monitor their oxygen intake so the gas didn’t kill them, since it was toxic in high concentrations. This was before closed circuit cameras so they had only microphones and 5 inch thick glass porthole sized windows into the chamber to monitor them. The chamber was stocked with books, cots to sleep on but no bedding, running water and toilet, and enough dried food to last all five for over a month.   Continue reading “The Russian Sleep Experiment”

Obama Nobel Peace PrizeThe Economic Collapse – by Michael Snyder

The Obama administration seems absolutely determined to help radical Islamic jihadists that have beheaded Christians, that have massacred entire Christian villages, and that have pledged loyalty to al-Qaeda topple the Assad regime and take over Syria.  Yes, the Assad regime is horrible, but if these jihadist lunatics take control it will destabilize the entire region, make the prospect of a major regional war much more probable, and plunge the entire nation of Syria into a complete and utter nightmare.    Continue reading “15 Signs That Obama Has Already Made The Decision To Go To War With Syria”

Los Angeles Times – by Samantha Schaefer and Diana Marcum

Yosemite National Park officials made additional closures as a precaution and because of air quality as a massive wildfire raged nearby.

The Rim fire, which is burning in and around the park, has scorched nearly 134,000 acres over the last eight days and is 7% contained.   Continue reading “Rim fire: More closures in Yosemite National Park”

SOTT – by James Chang

I’m sure many of you have heard about Lavabit shutting down rather than cooperating with a plan to expose their customers’ communications to the government. It was quite a laudable response and, indeed, there was much celebratory banter. Then everybody went home and moved on with their lives.

Then, in response to what had occurred to Lavabit, Groklaw (and separately, SilentCircle), announced it was shutting down, based on what had happened to Lavabit. Response ranged from mystified wonderment, to insinuations that it was a publicity stunt. How that publicity would benefit a company that had just shut down, I don’t know. Such is the internet. I suspect that the underwhelming support and negativity arose from the fact that most folks had never heard of Groklaw before the announcement.    Continue reading “Know when to fold ’em: Groklaw and the Total Security State”

Canada Free Press – by Kelly OConnell

It has become painfully clear that Barack holds an al a carte theory of American law—to be taken piece by piece, but not by whole. For example, he clearly does not considerthe Constitution binding, unless its’ mandates already fit into his plans.

For this reason it is inevitable that when Obama taught “constitutional law” as an unpublished, non-professor instructor,  he would have used the theory of evolving “living law.” (see Teaching Law, Testing Ideas, Obama Stood Slightly Apart) Therefore, when we observe Barack as making legal decisions off the cuff, he uses the style of lex animata, or the living law. In effect, an elected office holder becomes the very embodiment of what the Founders fought against—much to their grave-turning horror.   Continue reading “Obama’s Puerile Molestation of the Constitution is Gruesome & Exceptionally Dangerous”

Shenandoah – by John Galt

Several years ago a good friend of mine enlightened me about the true meaning of the “red” and “blue” lists regarding enemies of the state and disposal of those individuals or groups using whatever means the President, group of globalist leaders, or selected intelligence services deemed necessary. When Steve Quayle first told me about this, I paused, expressed my concerns about the validity, and then as I do with every friend or source verified what he said with a former friend of mine in the government.   Continue reading “The Red List for Assassinations and Purges Has Been Activated”

Shenandoah – by John Galt

As the United States prepares another undeclared, unconstitutional, and unnecessary war against the nation of Syria, its last adventure into Libya is now imploding on a daily basis. When left wing globalist rags like Foreign Policy magazine recognize this fact, it is not rocket science to figure out that the crisis inside of Libya is far worse than advertised:   Continue reading “While Syria is the Focus, Another Arab Spring Obama Experiment in Libya is Collapsing”

sniperalley2SHTF Plan – by Selco

SHTFplan Editor’s note: Our friend Selco at SHTF School will change everything you may think about your life in a post-collapse world. For many of us, the idea that the world around us may fall apart and lead to the worst that humanity has to offer is mostly theoretical. For Selco, it was a reality. He experienced a total grid-down collapse in war-torn Sarajevo during the 1990′s – and he lived to tell the tale. He has shared his knowledge with our community over the last few years, and in the article below he changes our perceptions once again. Just because we are making preparations – stocking food, or supplies or guns – means nothing if the mind is not prepared to comprehend the absolute horrors that may come.   Continue reading “Collapse Reality: “If I Had to Be an Animal, I Was an Animal. It Was About Survival.””