Jihawg Ammo Pork-laced BulletsHuffington Post – by Tracy Simmons

SPOKANE, Wash. (RNS) Still angry about the idea of an Islamic cultural center opening near Ground Zero, a group of Idaho gun enthusiasts decided to fight back with a new line of pork-laced bullets.

South Fork Industries, based in Dalton Gardens, Idaho, claims its ammunition, called Jihawg Ammo, is a “defensive deterrent to those who violently act in the name of Islam.”   Continue reading “Jihawg Ammo: Pork-laced Bullets Designed To Send Muslims Straight ‘To Hell’”

Register in the Rockies

From a reader; flyer here – please spread the news far and wide:


We are having a huge 2nd Amendment/Support Our Sheriff’s March at the July 4th Parade in Westcliffe, Colorado.   Continue reading “Colorado Open-Carry Rally, 4 July 2013, 0930 MDT, Westcliffe, CO”

Home on the range -- in New York CitySalon – by DANIEL KRIEGER

The only public shooting range in Manhattan is tucked away in the basement of a commercial building at 20 West 20th Street. After passing through the lobby and descending a winding staircase, I came to a long corridor whose green walls are adorned with framed newspaper clippings, photos and painted-on golden bullets pointing the way. The muffled blasts of gunfire grew louder as I got closer.   Continue reading “Home on the range — in New York City”

Common Dreams

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak has cheered NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden and admonished the rise of the surveillance state.

Speaking with CNN‘s Piers Morgan on Thursday, Wozniak expressed support for the whistleblower and said, “I felt about Edward Snowden the same way I felt about Daniel Ellsberg, who changed my life, who taught me a lot with a book he wrote…” He continued:   Continue reading “Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak Slams Surveillance State, Hails NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden”

TPM Livewire – by Perry Stein

Words got heated on Meet The Press Sunday when host David Gregory asked Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald — one of the reporters to whom Edward Snowden leaked classified NSA documents — if he should be charged with a crime for “aiding and abetting” Snowden.

Greenwald strongly responded that it was “pretty extraordinary that anybody who would call themselves a journalist would publicly muse” about that, adding that he was acting as an investigative journalist and there was no evidence he aided Snowden.   Continue reading “David Gregory To Greenwald: Should You Be Charged For ‘Aiding’ Snowden?”

California-Passes-Ammo-Permit-Fee-1110x400Secrets of the Fed – by Mikael Thalen

Once again, Sacramento proves that to go really over-the-top, you’ve got to go to Democrat California:

The California Senate this week approved a collection of bills, including one (SB 53) that would require background checks, permits, and fees for the purchase of ammunition.   Continue reading “GUN CONTROL: California Senate Passes Bill Requiring Permit to Buy Ammo”

Strat Risks – Saudi Gazette

RUSSIA, the world’s largest crude producer, is shying away from Europe – as far as crude supplies are concerned – ramping up instead supplies to China. And as the process gains pace, new alliances are springing up on the global energy chessboard while the old ones are being discarded. The small, yet, strategic shift in target markets is providing Moscow not only with an opportunity to end its reliance on weak, saturated and somewhat fragmented European markets, but is also a major source of instant, handy cash at a time of great need. And the swap ensures Beijing long-term supply security.
A win-win situation on more than one count!   Continue reading “Russia-China oil deals may change global energy run”

Atlanta Journal Constitution – by Wayne Washington

Atlanta police still had not released the name Sunday of an armed citizen who shot a would-be robber in Little Five Points on Saturday morning.

The dead man, who also has not been identified, was killed after allegedly trying to rob a group of people waiting in line to buy the new, $180 LeBron James sneakers.   Continue reading “Cops: Robber fatally shot in Little Five Points”

Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (R) and Lebanese Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour meet in Tehran on June 23, 2013.Press TV

Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says enemies seek to dominate the entire Middle East region, stressing that the Syrian issue is part of a bigger scheme.

“All [nations] must be vigilant and not be fooled by the … enemy,” Ahmadinejad said in a meeting with the visiting Lebanese Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour in Tehran on Sunday.  Continue reading “Enemy seeks Middle East domination: Ahmadinejad”

181825033Osnet Daily

YEKATERINBURG, June 23 (RIA Novosti) – Russia can use Soviet-era SS-18 Satan heavy intercontinental ballistic missiles to destroy celestial bodies posing a threat to Earth, a Russian scientist said on Sunday, four months after a powerful meteor struck Russia’s Urals region.

“Carrier rockets created on the basis of intercontinental ballistic missiles like Voyevoda [the Soviet name of Satan missiles], which use standard liquid fuel based on hydrazine, are well-suited for fighting suddenly discovered small [space] objects,” said Sabit Saitgarayev, a senior researcher at the State Rocket Design Center in the city of Miass in the Chelyabinsk Region.   Continue reading “Russian Scientist Proposes Satan Missiles to Fight Asteroid Threats”

Disinfo – by JacobSloan

Via Popular Resistance, psychologist Bruce E. Levine on when questioning authority is seen as a psychiatric disorder:

My experience as a clinical psychologist for almost three decades is that many young people labeled with psychiatric diagnoses are essentially anarchists in spirit who are pained, anxious, depressed, and angered by coercion, unnecessary rules, and illegitimate authority.   Continue reading “The Difference Between Mental Illness And Healthy Resistance”

Pharmaceutical Drugs - Photo by Tom VarcoEnd of the American Dream- by Michael

If you could get 70 percent of Americans addicted to your drugs and rake in $280 billion a year in the process, would you do it?  If you could come up with a “pill for every problem” and charge Americans twice as much for those pills as people in other countries pay, would you do it?  If you could make more money than you ever dreamed possible by turning the American people into the most doped up people in the history of the planet, would you do it?    Continue reading “20 Signs That The Pharmaceutical Companies Are Running A 280 Billion Dollar Money Making Scam”

Tech at NightRed State – by Neil Stevens

So Edward Snowden is getting charged with spying. Note that this development in itself is not an affirmation of any particular element of what he ‘leaked.’ Parts may be true, parts many not be. For all we know, he’s a spy for things he didn’t leak but instead took with him to the People’s Republic of China to take refuge in that communist country which attacks American interests daily.

Speaking of attacking American interests, it looks like the privacy religion is heating up in Europe, as a coordinated assault on Google is happening in the European Union. Italy,France, the Netherlands, Spain, Germany, and the UK have openly coordinated attacks on the company and are hitting the American firm with 6 hits, combined with possible action from the European Union itself.   Continue reading “Tech at Night: Google hates your privacy, and EU regulators hate American firms? Is Bitcoin propped up by child pornography and drugs?”


The speed and extent of the flooding in southern Alberta has taken people in the province by surprise.

“Yesterday, I was kind of being a little flip about it. I could see what was going on in the mountains and that didn’t surprise me,” says Arlene Dickenson, one of the judges on the CBC TV show Dragon’s Den, who has been watching the scene unfold from her condo in downtown Calgary.    Continue reading “Calgary flood: Half a year’s rainfall in one day – at least 75,000 people evacuated – highways and whole neighbourhoods washed away”

Freedom Outpost – by Dean Garrison

With billions of dollars in wealth, Michael Bloomberg still has to rely on the people of New York City to fund his anti-gun website. My parents always taught me that stealing is stealing. Whether it is a gumball or a brand new Mercedes does not matter. I would suggest that when there is smoke there is usually fire and this could be just the tip of the iceberg.

Ace of Spades uncovered an interesting fact on Friday. Bloomberg’s “Mayors Against Illegal Guns” website is actually registered to The City of New York. Specifically it is registered to “NYC DoITT” (the New York City Department of Information Technology & Telecommunications).   Continue reading “Mayor Bloomberg BUSTED… Using Taxpayer Money to Fund Mayors Against Illegal Guns”

The Alpena News

ISTANBUL (AP) — Turkish police used water cannon to disperse thousands gathered in Istanbul’s Taksim Square on Saturday to observe a memorial for four people killed during recent anti-government protests. The officers later fired tear gas and rubber bullets, and in some cases beat people with batons, to scatter demonstrators who regrouped in side streets.

The police move came as Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan declared that foreign-led conspirators he alleges are behind the anti-government movement in his country also are fomenting the recent unrest in Brazil.   Continue reading “Turkish police unleash water cannon on protests”

This Rather Strange AllianceTaki’s Magazine – by Taki Theodoracopulos

This Rather Strange Alliance

When a draft-dodging con man such as Bill Clinton begins to sound like General George Patton, most intelligent people realize that the fix is in.

Clinton recently remonstrated with Obama over the latter’s inaction in Syria. Like a true politician, Barack obliged and ordered small arms to be delivered to the rebels three days after the draft dodger had read him the riot act. Clinton is a sleazeball who has never done a thing except beat his own drum. His close friends are sleazy, his Hollywood buddies are shabby, and even his daughter’s father-in-law has done hard time for big-time fraud.   Continue reading “Want to Know What Is Going On In Syria, Follow the Money?”