Events have been moving so fast and furiously (no pun intended) that we have not had an opportunity to give you an update on the rules fight — or to solicit your help in connection with a pivotal ongoing battle. Continue reading “GOA Update on Two Battles”
Patriotic Americans need to start saving all glass bottles. The uses of glass bottles go beyond the abilities of patriots to be creative! The bottles work well for: guarding candle flames, wine and beer making, sterile water creation and storage, as candles, for holding medicine, carrying fuel for camping stoves, and as mixing receptacles for making all types of cocktails. DO NOT discard glass bottles of any size as garbage.
I read an article today posted to Henry Shivley’s website regarding a patriot who is contemplating the awful thought of having to go to war and the real possibility of protecting his family before himself.
In the article he mentioned removing himself from his home in case the feds might decide to kick his door down in the middle of the night to drag him away to a FEMA camp. He would decide to not shoot back due to the possibility of his wife and kids being harmed by bullets fired by the invaders. In effect, he would surrender himself or fall on his sword to protect others. I applaud this man’s chivalry and desire to protect his wife and offspring first. Yes, he would be making a wise decision to avoid carnage for those he loves. Continue reading “Fear, Confidence, Courage as Practiced”
The research wing of the U.S. Congress is warning that three decades of “historically unprecedented” build-up in the number of prisoners incarcerated in the United States have led to a level of overcrowding that is now “taking a toll on the infrastructure” of the federal prison system.
Over the past 30 years, according to a new report by the Congressional Research Service (CRS), the federal prison population has jumped from 25,000 to 219,000 inmates, an increase of nearly 790 percent. Swollen by such figures, for years the United States has incarcerated far more people than any other country, today imprisoning some 716 people out of every 100,000. (Although CRS reports are not made public, a copy can be found here.) Continue reading “US Prison Population Seeing ‘Unprecedented Increase’”
Human rights advocates were floored on Monday night when NBC News published the details of an alarming Justice Department memo detailing the protocol for sending drones after United States citizens. It’s not as if they hadn’t suspected that the Obama administration’s top secret drone attack protocol contained some unsavory details. They just didn’t expect them to be so frightfully broad. The scoop by Michael Isikoff is actually startling not for the details but rather for the lack of details. It’s very vague about a decision-making process that puts American lives on the line. Put simply, the government believes that a lethal drone attack against an American citizen is justified if the targets are a) “senior operational leaders” of al-Qaeda or b) “an associated force.”Continue reading “Take a Rare Look at How Obama Decides to Send Drones to Kill Americans”
On July 27, 2012, negotiations on the United Nations Small Arms Treaty fell apart with member nations placing the blame for the failure directly upon the United States, with US Senators stating that the treaty would lead to new gun restrictions in the United States which would be constitutionally unacceptable, including but not limited to registration of ammunition, which at the time, just seven months ago, was considered to be impossible.
Interestingly, just prior to this get together, on July 20, 2012, we had the false flag in Aurora, Colorado, with a propaganda campaign coming out of it centering on online purchases of ammunition, AR-15s, and large capacity clips. Of course we all know we the people saw Aurora for what it was and began purchasing guns and ammunition double time. Continue reading “UN Small Arms Treaty to be Enacted in the United States before it is Signed”
A Chinese frigate has locked weapon-targeting radar on a Japanese guard vessel in the area of the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea, said Japan’s Defense Ministry. The islands are the subject of a territorial row between Beijing and Tokyo.
US senators have requested the legal justification for the killings of US citizens suspected of terrorism by the Obama administration. Meanwhile a ‘chilling’ leaked memo showed that the government sees little need for constraint on the issue.
A group of 11 senators on Monday wrote a letter to President Barack Obama, asking him to release all Justice Department memos on the practice of targeting US citizens suspected of being terrorist leaders with lethal force, particularly drone airstrikes. The request comes as the administration seeks Senate approval for John Brennan, Obama’s nomination for CIA chief. Continue reading “Senators ask Obama for legal basis for targeted killings of Americans”
At least 54 countries including Syria, Iran, Sweden, Iceland, and UK offered CIA “covert support” to detain, transport, interrogate and torture suspects in the years following the 9/11 attacks, according to a new report.
The hysteria surrounding the threat of gun violence continues at fever pitch. We have seen a string of school suspensions in recent years for ludicrous reasons such as:
With huge fanfare and an overdose of propaganda, the U.S. government is announcing it’s going to reform school lunches and vending machines to eliminate junk beverages like sodas. “Under new rules the Department of Agriculture proposed Friday, school vending machines would start selling water, lower-calorie sports drinks, diet sodas and baked chips instead,” reports the Washington Post.
Are we witnessing the start of a historic financial meltdown in Europe? In recent days, two massive corruption scandals have greatly shaken confidence in European financial markets. The first involves Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy. It is being alleged that he has been receiving illegal cash payments, and the calls for his resignation grow louder with each passing day.
The U.S. and Canada have made significant progress in advancing the Beyond the Border deal and continue to implement various perimeter security initiatives. Without much fanfare, they have signed an immigration agreement that would allow them to share biographic and at a later date, biometric information. As part of a North American security perimeter, both countries are further harmonizing border security and immigration measures. Canada is further taking on U.S. security priorities and this could include a bigger role in the war on terrorism. Continue reading “U.S.-Canada Harmonizing Border Security and Immigration Measures”
WASHINGTON — Barring an unexpected turn of legislative affairs, a ban on military-style semi-automatic assault weapons will not make it into law, top Hill aides and gun policy advocates say.
An absolutely insane news story coming out the Fresno, California area of an unlikely homeless, hitchhiking hero named Kai is going viral online. Kai doesn’t know his last name, nor his age (he can’t call it!) but Kai took matters into his own hands when a brute thug crazy on something decided to crash into someone and then-decided to attack them in a racially fueled attack by this psycho claiming to be Jesus. Hold on to your hats. Continue reading “Homeless Hitchhiker Rescues Victim Of Racial Attack”