unarmed slavesBefore It’s News – by Live Free or Die

This is another story that YOU WILL NOT hear about on national mainstream media because it doesn’t fit the political agenda of ‘the powers that be’.

A 70-year old man who coaches the girls basketball team at a school in Detroit has shot two would be robbers after they attacked the trio as he walked the girls out to their cars.

I challenge the MSM to report this story and give it 1/1000th as much press as the recent ‘mass shootings’ committed by pharmaceutically drugged up kids that fit the gun grabbers agenda of disarming the masses. Continue reading “Gun Saves Day! 2 Students Saved After 70-Year Old Coach Shoots Attackers – Another Story You Won’t Be Hearing About In National MSM”

marijuana seizedStar Tribune – by Nicole Norfleet

A half-dozen Minnesotans have sued the state and numerous law enforcement agencies, claiming that they were used as “guinea pigs” when officers supplied them with drugs as part of a controversial police training program.

In the lawsuit, filed Friday in U.S. District Court in Minnesota, the plaintiffs call the now-suspended Drug Recognition Evaluator (DRE) program, which is supposed to train police on how to spot drug use, “an unethical clinical trial” in which officers gave people large amounts of marijuana and observed them before abandoning them on the streets while they were still high. Continue reading “Suit says cops gave pot to protesters and the homeless”

illegalsBefore It’s News – by Frosty Wooldridge

Whether 12 million illegal aliens or 20 million illegal aliens live, work and play in our country—we law-abiding American citizens grow tired of the excuses and platitudes for their jumping our borders.  They excuse themselves by saying, “I broke your laws to come here for a better life.”

They broke our laws in order to jump in front of the line of 10 million people waiting patiently to be processed into this country legally.  Continue reading “We Americans Are Tired Of 20 Million Illegal Aliens In Our Country”

BIN malwareBefore It’s News – by Chris Kitze

Malware alerts struck the web last night and this morning, in a preview of what Internet users have to look forward to once the real cyber false flag hits the Net.  Real and fake malware will create chaos, as users get blocked from their favorite websites.

Regular visitors to BIN may have noticed that we had some of those cute red screens courtesy of your browsers (Safari, Chrome and Firefox) on our site last night and this morning alerting you that “you’d better not go there”. Continue reading “Malware Attacks Hit News Websites – Foretelling Cyber False Flag?”

mcafeePropaganda Alert! Quick! Pass Cybersecurity NOW!

CNN – by David Goldman

During a four-month long cyberattack by Chinese hackers on the New York Times, the company’s antivirus software missed 44 of the 45 pieces of malware installed by attackers on the network.

That’s a stunning wake-up call to people and businesses who think they are fully protected by their antivirus software. Continue reading “Your antivirus software probably won’t prevent a cyberattack”

ala hostage situationHuffington Post

The standoff between law enforcement and an Alabama man who held a boy in a bunker for seven days ended with the suspect dead and the 5-year-old safely rescued.

Reports of an explosion at Jimmy Lee Dykes’ Midland City property came first on Monday afternoon, followed by media reports of the 65-year-old’s death. Continue reading “Jimmy Lee Dykes Dead: 5-Year-Old Hostage Rescued In Alabama Standoff”

shockingThe Economic Collapse – by Michael

Did you know that the percentage of the U.S. labor force that is employed has continually been falling since 2006 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics?  Did you know that the increase in the number of Americans “not in the labor force” during Barack Obama’s first four years in the White House was more than three times greater than the increase in the number of Americans “not in the labor force” during the entire decade of the 1980s?  Continue reading “Shocking Numbers That Show The Media Is Lying To You About Unemployment In America”

usgsBefore It’s News – by Live Free or Die

Are all of the mysterious loud booms being heard throughout the New Madrid area and elsewhere in the vicinity the New Madrid fault line awakening? It appears that we have a cover-up in progress, with the USGS involved, as we speak. The first minute of this video shares proof that prior to the previous great New Madrid earthquake in the 1800’s, loud booms that couldn’t be explained were also heard. The USGS has taken down this web page since the video was put out days ago. You can verify yourself, google: USGS, topics, booms. Your top choice is the one the USGS website has taken down  yet seen in the video below. That’s not the only coverup going on. Do we know what the mysterious booms are now?  Continue reading “Booms Cover-Up! New Madrid Is Waking Up! Video Shares What The USGS Doesn’t Want You To Know”

ny state policeOnly Guns and Money

If these gun owners of western New York attending an information meeting in Buffalo on the NY-SAFE gun law are any indication, Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) has opened a huge can of worms that will have all sorts of unintended consequences. Who would have ever thought there would be talk of armed militias in an overwhelmingly blue state like New York? Continue reading ““Who Are The Police At War With?””


BLAINE, MN –-(Ammoland.com)- Coonan, Inc. is proud to announce the new Compensated Pistol to its .357 Magnum Automatic line.

With an extended barrel length to 5.7”, the Compensated Pistol is ideal for reduced recoil resulting in greater accuracy from a top-of-the-line performer. Continue reading “Introducing the Coonan .357 Mag. Automatic Compensated Pistol”

cyber attackPress TV

A secret legal review on the use of America’s growing arsenal of cyberweapons has concluded that President Obama has the broad power to order a pre-emptive strike if the United States detects credible evidence of a major digital attack looming from abroad, according to officials involved in the review.

That decision is among several reached in recent months as the administration moves, in the next few weeks, to approve the nation’s first rules for how the military can defend, or retaliate, against a major cyberattack. Continue reading “Secret rules to let Obama order ‘pre-emptive’ cyber attacks”

corporate flagTruth Dig – by Chris Hedges

Chris Hedges gave this talk Saturday night in Brooklyn at the People’s Recovery Summit.

The corporate state has made it clear there will be no more Occupy encampments. The corporate state is seeking through the persistent harassment of activists and the passage of draconian laws such as Section 1021(b)(2) of the National Defense Authorization Act—and we will be in court next Wednesday to fight the Obama administration’s appeal of the Southern District Court of New York’s ruling declaring Section 1021 unconstitutional—to shut down all legitimate dissent. The corporate state is counting, most importantly, on its system of debt peonage to keep citizens—especially the 30 million people who make up the working poor—from joining our revolt. Continue reading “Breaking the Chains of Debt Peonage”

chris kyleFormer Navy Seal Chris Kyle, noted for his book, “American Sniper” wherein he claims to have whipped Jesse Ventura in a bar fight, was shot in the back by a deranged vet, Eddie Ray Routh, at a Texas gun range.  Chad Littlefield was also killed in the shooting.  Reportedly Chris Kyle was counseling this deranged vet who was suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and, as a part of his treatment, was taken to the gun range.  For what, to fire off some guns in an attempt to trigger a flashback, where thereafter the three would sit down and talk about it?

This stinks to high heaven.  Chris Kyle was adamantly pro 2nd Amendment.  He also had deep ties within the government, as he had, as a Navy Seal, procured and executed 150 assassination contracts for the international corporate mafia.  The assertions being put forth in the propaganda coming out on this incident indicate it is going to be used to disarm war vets.  Continue reading “Gun Ownership, A Mental Disease”

jesse jacksonThe soviet socialist Jesse Jackson is putting out a call for federal intervention into the streets of Chicago to stop the gun violence.  This is a perfect example of the technique, “problem, reaction, solution”.  You take away guns from honest people, open the city up to the armed Mexican drug gangs, and let the bullets fly.

You then offer the solution to the unarmed innocents who are being mowed down in the carnage: militarized streets, federal disarmament across the nation of the honest and innocent to allow the mayhem to spread, and of course evermore funding for the eternal police state.  And don’t forget, the members of the drug cartels, like all the rest who have flooded across our border, are to be given citizenship as their reward for the carnage they have caused.  Continue reading “Jesse Jackson, Another Committed Communist”

jasper country scIsland Packet News – by Anne Christnovich

About 150 Marines and sailors will hold “realistic urban training” in Jasper County later this week as part of pre-deployment training.

The 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit will train within Ridgeland town limits Thursday through Saturday. Times and exact locations for the training are not being announced, according to 2nd Lt. Gerard R. Farao. Continue reading “Marines, sailors to ‘invade’ Jasper County, South Carolina for training mission”

syriaWashington’s Blog

Despite the Pretense that the U.S. and Israel Are Not Intervening In Syria’s Civil War, They Are Both At War With Syria.

Israel claims it bombed a weapons convoy, while Syria claimed that a research facility was hit. Who is right?

Both. Continue reading “U.S. Approved Israeli Bombing of Syria … and May Join the War at Any Moment”

House_of_RepresentativesBlacklisted News – by Lee Rogers

In my previous article we analyzed the various gun control bills that have been proposed in the U.S. Senate. In this article we are going to take a look at the different gun control bills that have been proposed in the U.S. House of Representatives.

It is important to note that all gun control bills are unlawful and in violation of the second amendment of the Constitution. The second amendment clearly states that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Attempts at gun control infringe on an individual’s right to bear arms. It is that simple. Continue reading “A Summary of the U.S. House’s Latest Gun Control Proposals”