If you are waiting for the economic collapse, you’re too late – it’s already happened. And it’s TWCTM (Those Who Control the Money) who did it. They pulled the rug right out from under themselves. We are living in a world of complete economic fantasy, using numbers that are unfathomable, unconscionable, and un-repayable.
Those of you who already know this, bear with me for the sake of those who don’t, but here’s a quick primer on big-picture economics in the U.S.: Congress tells the Treasury that it needs some amount of money. The treasury asks the Federal Reserve Bank (“the Fed” – a privately held company, not a U.S. Government agency) to print/issue an amount of money. The Treasury issues Treasury Notes (a.k.a. T-Bills) to cover that amount of money and these Notes are sold to other countries who are, in effect, loaning us that money until the maturity date of the note. (Lately, though, other countries are less than enthusiastically buying up our T-bills. The biggest purchaser is now the Fed, themselves.)
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