The mainstream propaganda machine, in an all out effort to put the fraudulent 2012 election as far in the past as they can, as fast as they can, has now turned to the ultra soap opera, As the World Turns Rome Burns and the United States Plunges off the Fiscal Cliff, using scenes right out of Peyton Place. We have affairs and scandals right up into the highest echelons of the socialist insurgent elite. And yes, it would seem General Petraeus has betrayed us.
Was it the CIA/Mossad hit in Benghazi or the cover-up thereof? No, it was something much more devious. This act comes right out of the Clinton Chronicles. In an attempt to find out what “is” is, we have learned that US CIA Director General Petraeus has been playing stinky finger with a Washington DC socialite, which has the whole nation wondering, does he smoke cigars?
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