Sky News  US security agents are to be based at Heathrow and some other UK airports for the duration of the ‪Olympic‬ Games, according to Sky sources.

The Department for Transport has reached an agreement with the US Transportation Security Administration for specialist agents to be work at several UK airports.
Continue reading “US Security Agents ‘At Heathrow For Olympics’”

The National Slate  The following statement was released by Congressional Candidate, Kesha Rogers of the 22nd district of Texas

The entire criminal operation that has turned our cities into slums, stolen our pensions, bankrupted our cities and states, and murdered our most vulnerable citizens, all in the name of “too big to fail”, has now been exposed as “LIBOR-gate”. Let us be clear: this is not an interest rate scandal; what is exposed is, all the hell you’ve been suffering for the past 5 years, since the 2007 collapse of the system and the 2008-2012 taxpayer bailouts, was planned, preventable, and entirely intentional. The highest elements of government and finance crossed party lines to form a bipartisan coalition to murder Americans.
Continue reading “LIBOR-gate Never Again: Glass-Steagall Now”

Title 4 USC 1 Flag

Veterans in Minnesota are reacting with outrage as The Department of Transportation has ordered that United States flags flying from overpasses there be removed.  The DOT sites safety concerns but the veterans are not buying it.  It is becoming the predominant opinion that the removal of US flags in venues across our nation is a deliberate attempt to undermine our veterans and their service to our country.

This could not be further from the truth.  Though it seems that every removal of the flag has a veteran at its center, the removal of a flag actually has nothing to do with them.  You see, veterans tend to fly the Title 4 USC 1 American Free Flag of Peace.
Continue reading “Why is the US Flag being taken Down across our Country?”

Iran is threatening to close the Straits of Hormuz, escalating tensions in the Middle East.  It seems this dogma is being put forth as breaking news at least once a month now.  The United States sends another ship to the Persian Gulf to further intimidate the Iranians through what can only be defined as an offensive act and this barely raises an eyebrow.  Iran sends ships into the Persian Gulf for missile exercises and the boob tube lights up with “Alert! Warning! Iranians threaten to close Straits of Hormuz!”

The following week oil prices start to climb again, followed by immediate raises at the pumps which are blamed on Iran while the big oil companies fleece the American people.
Continue reading “FLASH: Iran Threatens to Close the Straits of Hormuz”

I have heard the expression “the lesser of two evils” more times than I care to count in the last couple of months.  So will it be Mitt Romney or Barack Obama?  Which is the lesser of two evils?  It is bad enough that we have been reduced to this question, but to add insult to injury, the ad campaigns are not designed to portray their candidate as a better person and manager than the other candidate.  The campaigns instead are no more than about showing just how lowdown dirty and diabolical the other guy is.

Hence, “Vote for Barack Obama because he is not as evil as Mitt Romney” or vice versa.  So is this what we are going to settle for?  Shall we sit down, pad and paper in hand, and listen to every Mitt Romney ad and list every evil aspect and act of treason committed by Obama? And then take a day watching Obama ads noting every aspect and act of treason committed by Mitt Romney?  I guess this is voting made simple as all we have to do is make a count and vote for the one with the least entries on our score sheet.
Continue reading “Romney and Obama – Evil vs Evil”

As predicted on From the Trenches World Report, the attack on the poor and impoverished has been renewed in the wake of the affirmation by the Supreme Court of the unconstitutional Obamacare.

A $16 billion cut in food stamps, which was made a part of the Farm Bill, was blocked by the soviet socialist arm of the socialist insurgency.  Not because they give one little damn if poor people starve to death, but rather because the contractors who own them are the ones stealing ninety-five cents out of every food stamp dollar through the administration of the program.
Continue reading “Neo-Cons Attack Food Stamps”

Global Research by Michael Carmichael  Next week, presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Mitt Romney, will hold controversial fundraisers in London and Jerusalem as part of his international itinerary.

Romney insiders are saying privately that the primary purpose for Romney’s international jaunt is his determination to raise more funds than President Obama.
Continue reading “Controversial Romney Fundraisers in London and Jerusalem”

The final skirmish for the GOP primary season will occur this weekend at Grand Island in the great state of Nebraska via their state convention.  We have seen the most outrageous and treacherous acts being perpetrated upon the voting public by the GOP establishment as almost a course of action through the primaries, caucuses, and conventions and Nebraska is promising to be a proper finale indeed.

The GOP establishment is now trying to play the victim and has hired a private security company to protect them and their process against what they are calling the “Paulistas”.  This is pure hypocrisy as it has been the establishment and their thugs, both in and out of uniform, who have disenfranchised and abused those supporting Ron Paul every step of the way.
Continue reading “Lexington – Concord – Grand Island, Nebraska?”

RT News It’s official: starting Saturday, Britain’s Royal Air Force (RAF) may use “lethal force” against any unauthorized craft, including passenger jets, caught violating London airspace during the Olympics.

The no-fly zone is the latest in security measures that have been criticized for putting Londoners at further risk from terrorist attacks rather than protecting them.

The RAF warned that rogue aircraft that stray into the no-fly zone above London could be shot down.
Continue reading “‘Lethal force’ at the ready: No-fly zone over London Olympics”

Disquiet Reservations  The mainstream media is a concentration camp of the mind.

The bankster-hijacked U.S. government is planning to construct re-education camps in America to convert the population to globalism and corporatism. They are targeting conservatives and liberals alike. It doesn’t matter if you’re an Israeli-Firster, a born-again American, or a turban-wearing Jihadist, you are all the same pieces of trash in the eyes of your new globalist fascist overlords.
Continue reading “Re-Educating The Conspiracy Theorist: The Five Key Issues”

RT News  The world’s most elite men will meet in secrecy for the annual Bohemian Grove gathering this week. And although the public won’t be allowed inside the elusive event, protesters will be on the other side of the fence as part of Occupy Bohemian Grove.

Demonstrators from around the world will descend on a plot of land around 70 miles north of San Francisco, California this week, but they won’t be granted access to see what actually happens between the members of one of Earth’s most unknown secret societies: Bohemian Grove. That shroud of secrecy that has surrounded the gathering since its start over a century ago — and what happens beneath it — is exactly why hundreds are expected to turn out in Monte Rio, California to protest the ongoing erosion of a democratic society.
Continue reading “Occupiers to protest Bohemian Grove”

The people of the United States seem to have taken a step backwards and are in a mild shock in observing the open criminal outrageous now being perpetrated by the international corporate mafia right out in the open.

Eric Holder was charged with Contempt of Congress, followed by the assertion in the media that he cannot and will not be prosecuted for his crimes.  And let’s face it, if any attempt was made to bring Holder to justice, Obama would just pardon him like Bush did for Scooter Libby.
Continue reading “Romney Committed Fraud and it doesn’t Matter”

End of the American Dream  Did you know that sterilization will not cost women a penny under Obamacare?  A new regulation that goes into effect on August 1st requires that health plans cover sterilization for all women with “reproductive capacity”.

That includes teenage girls.  According to the new regulation, women must have access to sterilization “without having to pay a co-payment, co-insurance or a deductible.”  So women will not have to pay a single penny out of pocket if they want to get sterilized. Of course this sterilization mandate will make health insurance more expensive for all of us, but the social engineers in Washington D.C. feel that increasing access to sterilization is a very important public policy goal.
Continue reading “They Want To Sterilize American Women: Sterilization Won’t Cost Women A Penny Under Obamacare”

Ether Zone  Here is the latest body count that we have. All of these people have been connected with the Clintons in some form or another. We have not included any deaths that could not be verified or connected to the Clinton scandals. All deaths are listed chronologically by date. This list is current and accurate to the best of our knowledge as of January 13, 1999 August 1, 2000.

Susan Coleman: Rumors were circulating in Arkansas of an affair with Bill Clinton. She was found dead with a gunshot wound to the head at 7 1/2 months pregnant. Death was an apparent suicide.
Continue reading “The Clinton Body Count”