Dr. Ron Paul will not be denied.  For everyone who has shouted from the get go that Ron Paul could not win the GOP nomination, your propaganda has failed.  I have to believe the international corporate mafia is in a rage right now.  All the money they have spent on their propaganda machine and to no avail.  We the people and our numbers through the internet are prevailing and the best the mainstream can come up with is that if Ron Paul wins Iowa, it will be good for Mitt Romney.  Truly pathetic, don’t you think?

The Republiscums have announced that they will not be calculating the delegates as previously planned.  In a last ditch effort to rig the Republican race, the leadership has announced that the delegates, rather than going for the candidate who wins the state, will instead be proportioned out in coalition with the percentage of votes each candidate obtains.  This is a desperate act and I’m afraid it is just the first of many we are going to see as Ron Paul wins state after state.
Continue reading “A Ron Paul Win in Iowa Looks to be Inevitable”

This Thursday, December 15th at 9:00 EST, 6:00 PST, FOX News will hold yet another GOP debate and the propagandists have worked themselves up into a frenzy with one or two new polls coming out daily, showing either Newt Gingrich or Mitt Romney as the clear winner in Iowa and New Hampshire.  And of course there is always a “possibility” that Ron Paul might just, could maybe, possibly win in Iowa.

No, no, no propagandists, Ron Paul IS going to win Iowa and New Hampshire and South Carolina and by jingle, you know it is true.  This is why the GOP has now made the announcement that they might just, possibly, or probably will be brokering the GOP nomination at the Republican Convention.
Continue reading “Fraudulent Polls Aside, Ron Paul will be President in 2012”

The payroll tax cut extension legislation must be passed immediately or the world will come to an end.  All joking aside, the failure to pass the legislation will hurt the working poor and middle class.  Both Demopublicans and Republicrats are saying they support the extension; however the corporate elite have certain conditions.

If you have not heard of the Keystone Pipeline proposal, you have been living under a rock.  Now the neo-con corporate lapdogs have attached an authorization for the Keystone Pipeline to the payroll tax cut extension legislation, saying we need to do it for jobs and any vote against the bill is a vote against jobs.
Continue reading “Payroll Tax Cut Extension and the Keystone Pipeline Legislation – A Fraudulent Scam on the American People”

As Christmas closes in and millions continue to be out of work, homeless, and hungry, all focus is of course on the 2012 election.  Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat has hit the campaign trail, hot and heavy.  Apparently his platform is going to be one wherein he will blame all of his treachery on the false right, while telling us if we just give him four more years, he will do something.  It has become obvious that both the phony left and phony right are hell bent on four more years of the status quo.

The false left says if we can get unemployment down to 8% the Rat may very well be reelected.  And getting the unemployment rate down is really no big deal.  Hell if the false left and false right can manage between them to stop the federal unemployment extension legislation, they could very well drop the unemployment rate down to 7%.  Of course the drop will be nothing more than a couple million more people losing their unemployment benefits without finding a job.  But all they have to do is say; well people are now giving up and leaving the labor force after 27 weeks, rather than 99.
Continue reading “The One Party System is Losing Control – The Ron Paul Revolution is Succeeding”

The neo-con propagandists have launched a full scale attack on the Occupy protesters.  At first it seemed the game plan was to try to ignore the protests and diminish their meaning through a propaganda campaign that said the protesters are only a handful, they are having no effect, and it looks like they are finished.  The mainstream coverage coming up on the 12th of December and the port occupations was sparse at best, again, putting forth the contention that it really wasn’t that big of a deal.

Well evidently the Shut Down the Ports protests are having a real effect as the mainstream propagandists have now changed their tune and are calling the protesters anti-Christmas, saying that Christmas gifts will not be delivered on time and that the only people they are hurting are their brothers and sisters in the 99%, and that the port shutdowns are having no effect on the 1%.
Continue reading “Occupy Protesters Succeeding in West Coast Port Shutdowns”

MSNBC aired a hit piece on Ron Paul yesterday on Weekends with Alex Witt.  If you watched the debate on Saturday night, you already know Ron Paul did quite well.  The fact is it has become evident that the mainstream propagandists are not going to be able to stop Ron Paul.  Witt was joined in her effort to slander Dr. Paul by Jackie Kucinich, Karen Finney, and Robert Traynham.

Witt began by asking Kucinich to interpret Mitt Romney’s and Rick Perry’s compliments to Dr. Paul’s campaign.  To which Kucinich replied, “Paul has a lot of loyal supporters, that’s why he’s staying about the same place in the polls.”
Continue reading “Propagandists Pull Out All Stops in Attempting to Derail Ron Paul Campaign”

As soon as December 13, the President will sign NDAA Section 1031 into law, permitting citizen imprisonment without evidence or trial. The bill that passed Congress absolutely DOES NOT exempt citizens. The text of Section 1031 reads, “A covered person under this section” includes “any person who has committed a belligerent act”. We only have to be ACCUSED, because we don’t get a trial.

– Confusingly, Obama threatened a veto for 1032, but NOT 1031. 1032 is UNRELATED to imprisoning citizens without a trial. He has never suggested using a veto to stop Section 1031 citizen imprisonment — in fact, it was requested by the Obama administration. Watch the video for proof.
Continue reading “Proof Obama will sign NDAA 1031 Citizen Imprisonment Law – Sign the Petition”

Attorney General Eric Holder, testifying before Congress last week, still refused to disclose what he knew and when he knew it in reference to Fast and Furious, skirting the questioning like the attorney he is.  And now of course the DEA has been brought into the picture.  Apparently while Eric Holder and company were running guns into Mexico and drugs into the United States, the DEA was laundering the money.  Of course, like the ATF gunrunning, the illegal money laundering was just a part of yet another investigation.

How would the average citizen fare if he or she was busted for running guns and drugs and money laundering and then put forth the excuse that the activities were being perpetrated for the purpose of ascertaining who is at the top in the crime families, so that this average citizen could turn these names over to the proper authorities for prosecution?  The assertion would be laughed at.
Continue reading “Eric Holder Laughs At Congress as 12 Foreign Worker Visa Legislations Move through Committee”

Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich has stated that if elected president, his stance on Israel will be essentially this:  Palestine never existed and the Palestinian people are a manufactured race.

Palestine was a part of the Ottoman Empire but the Palestinian people in Palestine were there before the birth of Jesus Christ.  Anyone who would accept Gingrich’s Zionist statements need only look at a map of the Middle East prior to 1948.  You will see a country there with absolute borders and a population of people there known as Palestinians.  We have covered the ongoing invasion of Palestine which has resulted in the virtual capture of that entire country by the occupying force known as Israel.
Continue reading “Newt Gingrich Displays His Loyalty to Zionism”