The Hill – by Justin Sink

The White House on Wednesday will release a new report offering a stark appraisal of past failures in federal education policy for Native Americans ahead of President Obama’s scheduled appearance at the annual Tribal Nations Conference.

The report acknowledges “a history of deeply troubling and destructive federal policies and actions” that have hurt Native communities and exacerbated inequality, while warning that progress today “continues to be hindered” by poor educational infrastructure.   Continue reading “Obama to speak at Tribal Nations Conference”


AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — The University of Texas at Austinis missing about 100 brains — about half of the specimens the university had in a collection of brains preserved in jars of formaldehyde.

One of the missing brains is believed to have belonged to clock tower sniper Charles Whitman.

“We think somebody may have taken the brains, but we don’t know at all for sure,” psychology Professor Tim Schallert, co-curator of the collection, told the Austin American-Statesman ( ).   Continue reading “About 100 brains missing from University of Texas”

CBS New York

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — A grand jury is expected to decide soon whether to indict a police officer in the death of Eric Garner.

The grand jury began hearing evidence in the case on Sept. 29. Staten Island District Attorney Daniel Donovan asked New Yorkers to be patient ahead of the decision.

“The grand jury has been diligently listening to evidence and we await their decision,” he said.   Continue reading “Grand Jury Decision Expected Soon In Police-Involved Death Of Eric Garner”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, center said he'd act to dissolve the parliament ahead of new elections.Wall Street Journal – by NICHOLAS CASEY and JOSHUA MITNICK

JERUSALEM—Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday fired two top cabinet ministers, bringing about the collapse of his coalition government and calling for fresh parliamentary elections.

The ministers, Yair Lapid and Tzipi Livni, ran the finance and justice ministries respectively. They came from parties that were increasingly coming to blows with the conservative Mr. Netanyahu over a growing list of subjects—from the country’s budget to a proposed law that would declare Israel a Jewish state.   Continue reading “Netanyahu Fires Two Top Ministers, Setting Stage for Fresh Israeli Elections”

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Bangor Daily News – by Paul Nussbaum

PHILADELPHIA — Chinese investors have begun signing up to spend $500,000 each to help pay for a long-awaited connection between the Pennsylvania Turnpike and I-95.

In exchange, the investors hope to get permanent residency in the United States for themselves and their families.   Continue reading “Chinese investors sign up to fund I-95 Turnpike link in exchange for fast-track to US citizenship”

Kim Dotcom (Reuters / Nigel Marple)Sent to us by a reader.


Kim Dotcom, wanted in US for copyright infringement, says his Internet Party plans to enter American politics next year. The taunt came shortly after a New Zealand court rejected a US plea to revoke Dotcom’s bail.

Dotcom, who is engaged in a number of court battles in New Zealand over US extradition for his Megaupload service, described himself as “your Internet Freedom fighter” and “Hillary’s worst nightmare in 2016!” in a tweet.   Continue reading “‘Hillary’s worst nightmare’: Kim Dotcom flags US Internet Party launch”

The New American – by Alex Newman

Pointing to the killing of Michael Brown by police officer Darren Wilson along with subsequent unrest in Ferguson and policing issues, the dictator-dominated United Nations just launched another brazen assault on America, U.S. sovereignty, and the gun rights of Americans. UN boss Ban Ki-moon (shown), the global body’s “Human Rights Council,” and even the UN “Committee against Torture” all took turns lambasting the United States as an alleged stronghold of systemic racism and police brutality. To fix the problems, the UN argued, Americans and their elected officials must submit to the demands of self-styled global “authorities” — including more unconstitutional gun control to further restrict access to firearms, and UN rules for police.   Continue reading “UN Attacks U.S. Gun Rights and More, Citing Ferguson and Cops”

Fox News

House Speaker John Boehner announced plans Tuesday to effectively push off a looming battle over President Obama’s immigration policies until next year, while potentially averting a partial government shutdown later this month.

The speaker met behind closed doors Tuesday with fellow Republicans. Boehner is attempting a balancing act — as he tries to avert a budget showdown, while also letting conservatives vent over the president’s controversial executive actions on immigration.    Continue reading “Boehner moves to push off immigration fight to 2015”

frankmurphyhallofjusticeUSA Today – by Robert Allen, Elisha Anderson, and Doug Stanglin

DETROIT — A massive power outage throughout the city on Tuesday knocked out electricity to most public buildings, trapping many people in elevators and cutting power to police departments, fire stations, schools, jails and traffic lights.

A city spokesman said most of municipal grid was down. Some police officers speaking to their dispatcher on police scanners said they were concerned about running out of gasoline because gas pumps were down.   Continue reading “Detroit hit by huge power outage”

Fox News

The gunman in three shootings that killed four people in West Virginia on Monday morning was found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, State Police said.

Jody Lee Hunt, 39, of Westover, was found Monday evening in the woods in the southern part of Monongalia County, located in the north-central part of the state. Two of the shootings happened in the Westover area and the other was in the Cheat Lake area, both in Monongalia County, authorities said.   Continue reading “Gunman in West Virginia shootings dead of self-inflicted gunshot wound”

450-Lilly-Disney.jpgFox News – by Todd Starnes

It turns out you can give thanks for a lot of different folks on the Disney Channel website – but you can’t thank God.

I received a Facebook message on Sunday from Julie Anderson, of Angier, North Carolina, a town located about 30 miles from Raleigh.  Julie was writing to tell me about her daughter, Lilly.

Lilly celebrated her 10th birthday on Sunday. After church and a delicious lunch at the Golden Corral, the Andersons headed home – and Lilly made a beeline for the computer.   Continue reading “Why did Disney block God?”

PHOTO: President Barack Obama pauses as he speaks about Ferguson, Mo., before speaking at the Copernicus Community Center in Chicago to discuss immigration reform, Nov. 25, 2014. ABC News

With fallout from Ferguson, Missouri, in the spotlight, President Obama announced new action today aimed at boosting accountability of local law enforcement and improving policing policies in minority communities. Here are the top four pieces of the plan:

1. 50,000 Police Body Cameras

Obama will ask Congress for $75 million over three years to subsidize the purchase of up to 50,000 body-worn cameras for local police, according to the White House. The lapel-mounted devices, which record police officers on the job, have won praise from both civil rights advocates and local police union officials who want better documentation of police conduct and that of those they interact with. White House officials believe the cameras would also help improve trust between communities and their police forces. The program is one piece of a $263 million budget request that also includes money for training of law enforcement officers and more resources to reform police departments, administration officials said.   Continue reading “Obama’s 4-Point Plan for Police Post-Ferguson”

Jody Lee Hunt, 39, is suspected of killing four people during a rampage through the Morgantown, West Virginia area Monday morning.USA Today – by John Bacon

A manhunt was underway in north-central West Virginia after four people were fatally shot in three attacks, authorities said.

State police spokesman Lt. Michael Baylous said the attacks took place Monongalia County, in the Cheat Lake and Westover areas. Baylous said Sharon Kay Berkshire, 39, of Westover, and Michael David Frum, 28, of Maidsville, were among those found dead early Monday.   Continue reading “Four dead in West Virginia shooting rampage; manhunt underway”

ap photoProgressives Today – by PW Adams

As the Ferguson protests continue around the country, more and more radical groups are joining the ranks.

CBS reports that Palestinian and Communist groups have joined the protests in Portland, Oregon:

“Police in Portland used pepper spray and arrested seven people after hundreds of demonstrators roamed the city and blocked traffic Tuesday night while protesting a grand jury decision not to indict a Missouri police officer in the killing of an 18-year-old. Continue reading “Palestinian and Communist Groups Join Ferguson Protests”

Washington Post – by Katie Zezima

More than 20 mayors from around the country have formed a coalition to support and help implement President Obama’s executive action on immigration.

Members of Cities United for Immigration Action said they will work to put the executive action Obama announced last month into effect on the local level, push for congressional action on immigration reform and rally grassroots support.   Continue reading “Mayors form coalition to support Obama’s immigration action”

Ed and Elaine Brown and the New Hampshire propertyThe Telegraph – by Josie Ensor

A mansion in picturesque New Hampshire, complete with 100 acres of land, has gone up for auction in the US with a very reasonable $250,000 starting bid.

There is just one catch – the grounds are said to be lined with an undetermined number of explosive booby traps.

The secluded hilltop home in the town of Plainfield once belonged to couple Ed and Elaine Brown, who infamously held off federal agents there to arrest them for tax evasion in a 90-day standoff back in 2007.

Continue reading “Ed and Elaine Brown’s New Hampshire 100-acre property for just $250k? Only catch – it could be full of booby-trap explosives”

Fracking-TexasABC News – by Emily Schmall, AP

RENO, Texas — A Texas hamlet shaken by its first recorded earthquake last year and hundreds since then is among communities now taking steps to challenge the oil and gas industry’s traditional supremacy over the right to frack.

Reno Mayor Lyndamyrth Stokes said spooked residents started calling last November: “I heard a boom, then crack! The whole house shook. What was that?” one caller asked. The U.S. Geological Survey confirmed that Reno, a community about 50 miles west of Dallas, had its first earthquake.   Continue reading “Texas Towns Test Oil and Gas Supremacy on Fracking”

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Patriot mythology occurs when an assumption or rumor is publicized, and people accept it as truth without fact checking, because it fits in with their prejudices and pre-conceived notions.

Case in point — the notion that George Soros has bought up munitions companies. This was reported a couple of years ago in a net publication called The International Forecaster, published by Bob Chapman, who died this year. It was reported specifically as a rumor, that Soros had bought Remington and other companies through a holding company.   Continue reading “Cerberus Info: Connecting the Dots”