As the protests continue to grow across the United States, the fears of the Ron Paul platform and its inevitability continue to grow right in step.  Every gluttonous pig with a head in the trough is making the case to justify his or her further existence.

CNN, the Communist News Network, has been broadcasting pieces designed to portray the banks and bankers as misunderstood, saying we should support the bankers because we need them to keep our economy going.  The question is, going where?
Continue reading “Occupy Wall Street and End the Fed Protests, The Elite are Beginning to Sweat”

Well, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has decided that he will not run for President of the United States.  Wise choice, Chris, at present you only have the people of New Jersey wanting to try you for treason.   At any rate, good riddance to bad rubbish.

The Occupy Wall Street protests continue to gain momentum and are branching out into protests to end the Federal Reserve.  When the mainstream propagandists launched their campaign to define the Occupy Wall Street movement as socialist and communistic, we at From the Trenches were the first to step up in the defense of our patriotic brothers and sisters, who in reality make up the majority of those on the streets.
Continue reading “Occupy Wall Street – Occupy the Fed – The Individual Sovereign Movement”

Demonstrations against the bankers’ theft of our $30 trillion are growing exponentially every day.  The fires sweeping our nation has now grown to the point that the international elitists are starting the feel the heat, triggering a propaganda blitz from Rupert Murdoch’s FOX News corporate propaganda machine.

On FOX Business the propagandists, who try to pass themselves off as our fellow citizens, using a couple of clips showing groups of young people involved in the New York protests, tried to portray the movement as consisting of nothing more than young, out-of-work actors trying to get their faces on TV.
Continue reading “Elitists Send Insurgents to Capture Control of the Occupy Wall Street Grassroots Movement”

It is October 3rd and a cry resonates throughout the land.  “We need Chris Christie.”  “Chris Christie for president.”  “Will Christie run?”  ……..pause……… I apologize; I usually do not puke until the end of the article.   Now where were we?  Oh yeah……. “Only Chris Christie can save us from the confines of the Constitution.”  Can the propagandists think for one minute that anyone is going to buy into this Chris Christie excrement?  Is this bizarro world?

The neo-cons on Wall Street are calling on Chris Fat Ass Christie to champion their cause as the protests against Wall Street expand throughout the nation.  What are they thinking; that if the country went into chaos the people would have to hang Christie first and there is just no rope big enough?  That was just a joke, I wish Chris Christie no ill will as I’m sure the fat around his heart will eliminate him in due time as the parasite on the ass of society he represents.
Continue reading “Will it be Chris Christie or Obama?..…What?”

The Occupy Wall Street protests are heating up as the mainstream propaganda machine continues to ignore the growing cries for an end to the theft.  I suppose the propagandists will continue to ignore the fire until the flames are licking at their arses.  On the other hand I have to believe that the corporate elite are running scared as evidenced by JP Morgan stepping up to “donate” $4.6 million to the already grossly overfunded NYPD – protection money?  It makes one wonder what exactly JP Morgan thinks they are buying.  I guess if we see incidences of police brutality pick up it will be evident that the NYPD has been reduced to a pack of pure corporate whore thugs.

Dylan Rattigan is putting forth a push to define the protests in New York and indeed around the country as nothing more than a call for campaign finance reform.  No sale, Dylan.  You are going to have to tell your corporate masters that you have in no way established the kind of clout it would take to transform a revolution for the reinstitution of our Republic under our Constitution into a petty issue for the 2012 campaign.
Continue reading “Occupy Wall Street Protesters Turning Into the Mouse that Roared”

From the Trenches World Report is adding a live broadcast, featuring Henry Shivley as host.  The Word From the Trenches will be broadcast through Liberty Tree Radio, Live 365, UStream, shortwave, and various micro broadcasts.

This will be a live call in show and all our loyal readers are encouraged to join in the conversation.  The one hour broadcast will air Wednesday, October 5th, at 12 noon Pacific time, 3:00 pm Eastern time and every Wednesday thereafter at the aforementioned time.
Continue reading “The Word From the Trenches”

We’re seeing reports on Twitter that protesters from Occupy Wall Street have marched down to the Brooklyn Bridge, and hundreds of people have begun to stream into traffic lanes, completely stopping traffic on the bridge. According to NY Times reporter Brian Stelter on the scene, “Scratch that: a LARGE # of protesters are in lanes of traffic. Traffic out of Manhattan is now completely stopped.” [Watch live video stream below]

Gawker’s Adrian Chen, who is also down there, wrote, “Shit, they’re shutting down the brooklyn bridge,” and also tweeted a picture of the Brooklyn-bound lane completely blocked. We’ll update as we hear more about what’s going on by the bridge.
Continue reading “Breaking: Occupy Wall Street Protesters Blocking Off Brooklyn Bridge, Police Arresting Scores”