She needed reconstructive surgery to 'replace the bones that had been shattered' after being pushed into the cell Daily Mail

A woman is suing a police officer and the town of Skokie, Illinois, after she was seriously injured when a cop threw her into a jail cell face-first following a drunk driving arrest.

Cassandra Feuerstein, 47, claims in a federal lawsuit filed on Wednesday, that excessive force was used in the incident and that she needed reconstructive surgery to ‘replace the bones that had been shattered’ after being pushed into the cell on March 10.

The video of the incident clearly shows the 47-year-old being roughly shoved into the cell by an officer, who was later identified as Michael Hart.   Continue reading “Woman shoved face-first into a concrete jail cell bench by cops”

obama-rome-burningFree Patriot – by Brandon Walker

On October 12, 2013, ABC’s Dianne Sawyer brought us a video of a 9th, yes 9th, General fired from the military this week. It’s even reaching some of the more liberal stations and begging them to ask the question, “What is going on?” It seems President Obama is preparing what he calls “my military” for his version of the final solution. With all the documentation we have, it looks as though he is purging the military for the next step.

We have now seen this official President Obama temper-tantrum in action this week. But is it a temper-tantrum or is there a method to his madness?   Continue reading “Obama Preparing “My Military” For Next Step?”

Of Two Minds – by Charles Hugh Smith

The U.S. Constitution leaves too many areas open to interpretation; a New Constituion of 2,300 pages (+ 200 redacted secret pages) is the solution.

The Obama Administration has proposed replacing the current U.S. Constitution (4,543 words, including the signatures with a 2,300-page “new Constitution” that in the words of an administration spokesperson, “clears up the gray areas in the current Constitution.”   Continue reading “Obama Administration Proposes 2,300-Page “New Constitution””

439973dde226531ec959178e97bfda7b.jpgSouth China Morning Post – by Julian Ryall

A citizens’ group in Tokyo has found elevated levels of radioactivity at sporting facilities that will be used in the 2020 Olympic Games and is warning that competitors and the hundreds of thousands of people expected to flock to the city for the event will be putting themselves in danger.

The Citizens’ Group for Measuring Radioactive Environment at Facilities for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics claims wind-borne radiation from the four crippled reactors at the Fukushima nuclear plant has contaminated a number of future venues.   Continue reading “Elevated radiation claimed at Tokyo 2020 Olympic venues”

martial law obamaThe Common Sense Show –  by Dave Hodges

America has gone from being annoyed with their government to the point of resisting their government. In my previous article, I have detailed how state governors, veterans, truckers and just average everyday citizens are resisting the tyrannical and egregious abrogation’s of the United States Constitution. The police state crackdown mechanisms are in place which are designed to break the back of any resistance to federal authority, legitimate or not.   Continue reading “The Three Stages of US Martial Law”

Before It’s News – by Susan Duclos

[Update] Bear with me folks, I am adding the photos as quick as I can save them, name them and open this article back up…. keep refreshing for more photos and videos— Thank you, Susan

For those unaware of what is going on, a quick intro. Truck drivers across the country are heading to Washington DC for the “Truckers Ride for the Constitution,” Facebook page for them can be found here. The event is scheduled for October 11-13, 2013, to shut down DC. Twitter hashtag #T2SDA.   Continue reading “Trucker Ride To DC All Day Live Updates”


The President Barack Obama administration has “chilled the flow of information on issues of great public interest,” according to a Thursday report that amounts to an indictment of the president’s campaign pledge of a more open government.

The report from the Committee to Protect Journalists, a non-profit dedicated to global press freedoms, said Obama has “fallen short” on his promises of a transparent government while at the same time forging ahead with an unprecedented effort — the “most aggressive” since the President Richard M. Nixon administration —  to silence government officials and the media at large.   Continue reading “Obama’s Efforts to Control Media Are ‘Most Aggressive’ Since Nixon, Report Says”

Poll: Obamacare Has 90% FAILURE rate 101013obamacarePrison Planet – by Steve Watson

In a new Associated Press poll, 9 out of 10 people who attempted to sign up for Obamacare online say they were not enrolled.

In other words, only 10% of those who tried to buy health insurance on the new government run exchanges were able to do so successfully.   Continue reading “Poll: Obamacare Has 90% Failure rate”

NBC News – by Domenico Montanaro

Throw the bums out.

That’s the message 60 percent of Americans are sending to Washington in a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, saying if they had the chance to vote to defeat and replace every single member of Congress, including their own representative, they would. Just 35 percent say they would not.   Continue reading “NBC/WSJ poll: 60 percent say fire every member of Congress”

Deer TrailDenver Post – by Yesenia Robles

The town of Deer Trail has rescheduled the special election during which voters will decide whether the town should sell licenses to hunt drones.

The town board of six was evenly split on the ordinance when it took up the issue in August, so it forwarded the decision to voters.   Continue reading “Deer Trail vote on drone hunting licenses rescheduled for Dec. 10”

Lame Cherry

FUXNET is a most interesting creation as the basis of it is, it activates when using the Obamacare sign up and in all other instances it simply lays dormant.

I can not go into details nor would I in assisting the dismantling of this virus put into place by MIC to liberate Americans from the regime, but I will mention aspects of this to explain it’s far reaching effects.

FUXNET is such a virus, that it can not be detected. If it were attempted to be removed, it would literally shut down the computer operating system.

That is why the regime shut down Obamacare the first weekend and admitted they were trying to gut the system as it is embedded.   Continue reading “FUXNET: The Obama Virus”