The Common Sense Show – by Dave Hodges

Sometimes it is beneficial to pause and try to intellectually understand what the American people are fighting against. We see the daily struggles (e.g. threats to our pensions, bank accounts and civil liberties), however, what seems to be missing is a narrative which provides a macro view which reveals that there is a centralized plot designed to bring the nations of the world and its people to its knees and then impose one centralized political and economic authority.

I will not mince words here, this is also a classic battle between good and evil and for now, evil is winning hands down.     Continue reading “The Financial Pyramid of Power”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

More than 44,000 people have signed a petition on the sebsite calling for the Departmnet of Justice to arrest some House Republican leaders for their roles in the givernment shutdown and debt-ceiling debacle. AsThe Hill reports, the petition singles out Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and House majority leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.), as well as “other decision-making House Republican leaders,” for the crime of “seditious conspiracy against the United States of America.” While careful to point out that it does not “necessarily endorse the contents of petitions” we thought it ironic that more people successfully completed the petition to arrest the GOP for trying to abolish Obamacare than have successfully signed up for the new law.   Continue reading “More Than 44,000 Demand GOP Arrests For “Seditious Conspiracy” Against USA”

Politico – by DYLAN BYERS

President Barack Obama held an off-the-record meeting with a group of print and web-based journalists at the White House on Thursday.

Present at the meeting were Jonathan Chait, the New York Magazine writer; David Brooks, the New York Times columnist; and Josh Barro, the Business Insider politics editor, along with several others, according to sources with knowledge of the meeting.   Continue reading “Obama meets with Chait, Brooks, Barro”

Sandy Hook school to be melted down, erasing any trace of killing spree sceneNew York Post

NEWTOWN, Conn. — When the old Sandy Hook Elementary School is demolished, building materials will be pulverized on site and metal will be taken away and melted down in an effort to eliminate nearly every trace of the building where a gunman killed 26 people last December.

Contractors also will be required to sign confidentiality agreements and workers will guard the property’s perimeter to prevent onlookers from taking photographs or videos.   Continue reading “Sandy Hook school to be melted down, erasing any trace of killing spree scene”

cancerNatural News – by Carolanne Wright

Rarely known outside traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), lei gong teng or “thunder god vine” is stunning Western researchers with its ability to stop cancer in its tracks – in as little as forty days. Used for its health enhancing qualities for more than 2,000 years in China, the West is beginning to recognize the astounding benefits of the vine for treating cancer, giving new hope to those who suffer from the most deadly forms of the disease.   Continue reading “Thunder god vine compound annihilates cancer in 40 days, researchers discover”

Fire boat response crews battle the blazing remnants of the offshore oil rig Deepwater Horizon, off Louisiana, in this April 21, 2010 file handout image. (Reuters/U.S. Coast Guard/Files)RT News

The US Coast Guard has discovered a 4,100-pound tar mat under the sand around Louisiana’s southernmost port. It is believed to be left over from the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

The tar mat was uncovered while the Gulf Coast Incident Management team combed the coast following Tropical Storm Karen, which developed in southern portions of the Gulf of Mexico in early October.    Continue reading “New mass of tar on Louisiana coast linked to 2010 BP oil spill”

ENE News

Alexandra Morton’s Blog, Oct. 11, 2013: […] The sockeye returns to the Skeena watershed in northern British Columbia crashed this year. This was completely unexpected. Sockeye salmon returns have plunged to historic lows in the Skeena River system of northwestern British Columbia, forcing drastic, never-before-imposed fishing closures. […] massive numbers were dying before spawning. This is a Fraser sockeye problem.   Continue reading “Biologist finds pink salmon that are canary yellow on Canada’s Pacific coast”

The U.S. DollarThe Economic Collapse – by Michael Snyder

On the global financial stage, China is playing chess while the U.S. is playing checkers, and the Chinese are now accelerating their long-term plan to dethrone the U.S. dollar.  You see, the truth is that China does not plan to allow the U.S. financial system to dominate the world indefinitely.  Right now, China is the number one exporter on the globe and China will have the largest economy on the planet at some point in the coming years.  The Chinese would like to see global currency usage reflect this shift in global economic power.    Continue reading “9 Signs That China Is Making A Move Against The U.S. Dollar”

The Common Sense Show – by Dave Hodges

The internet chatter which states that Obama is going to get Congress to impose a 1% transaction tax is going viral on the internet. When this news arrives in your email box, delete this erroneous email the same as you would any other spam.  The email would have you believe that while you were sleeping, the government planned to introduce a 1% transaction tax which would tax every single transaction in the United States from direct deposit to ATM withdrawals to social security payments. The bill, labeled HR 4646 did indeed propose to impose this requirement upon all financial transactions in the United States. The fact of the matter is that this bill was proposed in 2010 and it died in committee without ever being voted on. This concept was resurrected in 2011 and it, too, died in committee without ever being voted on.   Continue reading “The Importance of October 17”

The Aviationist – by David Cenciotti

Images have surfaced on the Chinese Internet of what seems to be an actual AH-64D Apache or a real-size copy of the world’s most famous attack chopper.

The helicopter, on a truck, seems to be in the process of being moved even if it is at least strange that it is is not hidden below a protective covering, as happened for other mysterious choppers spotted on the move in China.

It’s not easy to guess how Beijing put their hands on the helicopter. It could be one of the U.S. Army Apaches downed or crash landed in Iraq, that was later fixed and exported in China.   Continue reading “A U.S. Apache attack helicopter appears in China. Did they clone it?”

Zero Hedge – by Phoenix Capital Research

While the US continues to bumble its way towards a debt ceiling crisis (somehow our President doesn’t have time to meet work on solving this, but does have time to make sandwiches with volunteers and give press statements about how we wants to work), Europe continues to make us look good by comparison.

Remember how we were told time and again that Europe was saved? Remember how repeatedly we were told that the European Central Bank (ECB) would do “whatever it takes” to fix things?   Continue reading “Surprise! Europe’s Banks Are STILL Totally Insolvent”