Finding fault with speed cameras has recently been an easy task. Speed cameras installed throughout the city of Baltimore were found to be so inaccurate that officials are scrapping the entire system and spending $450,000 to replace them. One issued a ticket to a driver stopped at a red light. In one small Ohio town, speed cameras issued 20,000 tickets in two weeks. Continue reading “Taxi Driver Beats Faulty Speed Camera In Court”
Category: News
The parking garage at the Galveston County courthouse is already blocked off, in preparation for military training exercises Wednesday, which could include helicopters landing on the roof.
The garage occupies four floors of a seven-story building at 715 19th St., which also houses an empty jail. Continue reading “U.S. Army’s special forces set to train in Galveston”
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (CBS St. Louis) — A Kansas City high school will begin collecting hair from students to conduct mandatory drug tests.
KHSB-TV reports that Rockhurst High School will start the random drug testing during the 2013-14 school year. Continue reading “High School To Collect Students’ Hair For Mandatory Drug Testing”
Before It’s News – by Mort Amsel
Update, 2:47 p.m.: Syrian state TV is reporting that the Israeli warplanes bombed a military research center. “State TV says the strike targeted a military research center in the area of Jermana. It says the strike caused material damage and the center was used to advance Syrian military capabilities,” reports the AP. U.S. officials have confirmed a strike took place, but so far have not said when — or what, exactly, was bombed. Continue reading “Israel Bombs Russian Arms Shipment In Lebanon”
Washington DC – -( Senator Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) seemingly endless pursuit of a ban on “assault rifles” since the Sandy Hook tragedy has now led to the introduction of her “Assault Weapons Ban of 2013“–a bill that not only bans “assault rifles,” but numerous handguns and shotguns too.
Here’s a question: When did handguns and shotguns become “assault rifles”? Continue reading “When Did Handguns and Shotguns Become Assault Weapons?”
Manasquan, NJ –-( Ok, if you are gun news junkie, like we are, then you know that the web has been all worked up, talking about how New Republic Magazine was duped by a fake Twitter photo of the anointed one, President Obama, skeet shooting.
You can see the image in question above, but we thought as public service we would highlight some more supposedly fake photos of our president, skeet shooting or talking about skeet shooting, just so no other news service winds up with egg on their face. Continue reading “Fake Photo of President Obama Skeet Shooting”
According to reports, Attorney General Eric Holder has begun the implementation of three gun control measures related to President Obama’s Jan. 16 executive orders.
These deal with information sharing, background checks, and name registries. Holder’s action on them appears to be part of a two pronged approach where he pushes certain measures behind the scenes while Congress considers other measures Obama suggested. Continue reading “Eric Holder goes around Congress on Gun Control”
Human Events – by Audrey Hudson
A Chinese company will take charge of sensitive military and battery technology following the Treasury Department’s decision on Tuesday to permit the sale of a U.S. company that was bankrolled with tax dollars to the Shanghai-based Wanxiang firm.
The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) approved the $256 million sale of A123 Systems’ operation, despite warnings from military insiders and lawmakers on Capitol Hill that the sale presents a danger to national security. Continue reading “Obama Admin Approves Sale of Sensitive Military Technology to China”
Sheriff Terry Maketa of Colorado’s El Paso County has promised his constituents that he “will actively oppose any effort that infringes upon your second amendment rights.”
“Like every elected official in the state, I took an oath to support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Colorado,” wrote Maketa in an open letter to El Paso County residents. “This means all rights.” Continue reading “Why is it a “Crime” to Disarm a Uniformed Aggressor?”
There’s been another mass shooting in America, this one at an office complex in Glendale, Arizona.
Here’s what we know so far. Stay tuned for frequent updates.
1. Five People are Reportedly Injured Continue reading “Glendale Arizona Office Shooting: Top 10 Facts You Need to Know”
Ithica Journal – by Joseph Spector
ALBANY — The state Rifle and Pistol Association filed a notice of legal claim Tuesday against New York for its new gun-control law, saying it violates residents’ “fundamental constitutional rights to lawfully possess, keep, bear and use firearms for self-defense and other lawful purposes.”
The notice of claim is the first step in filing a lawsuit against the state. The lawsuit would have to be filed in 90 days. Continue reading “Gun-rights groups take NY gun law to court”
I just wrote two days ago about the government’s Martial Law training in Miami, and yesterday a similar event happened in Houston. As happened in Miami, there was no warning and no citizens were alerted to the fact that the police and military would be practicing domestic war “games” in their neighborhoods.
In this story from ABC in Houston: Continue reading “Martial Law Preparations Continue”
The New American – by Bob Adelmann
On Saturday, the editors at the New York Times decided to print Alan Feuer’s story of his odyssey into the fringes of society — the “preppers,” those people who are preparing for some type of national collapse, often the insolvency of the U.S. financial system.
Feuer, a reporter for the Times who has determined for himself that the U.S. economic system is set for a major shakeup, including high levels of price inflation, said he became concerned about his financial future somewhere “between the fall of Lehman Brothers [in 2008] and the corresponding rise of quantitative easing when it occurred to me … that the financial system was appallingly unstable and that the realm of the possible now included a disruptive reduction in the value of our money.” Continue reading “New York Times Goes “Prepper”?”
This past Sunday, CBS ran an op-ed segment on its morning show called, “Let’s give up on the Constitution.” It was written and delivered by Georgetown law professor Louis Michael Seidman. Professor Seidman gave a longer version of this in print at the end of 2012 in the New York Times. There, he said, “As someone who has taught constitutional law for almost 40 years, I am ashamed it took me so long to see how bizarre all this is.” Really, it took 40 years to see the light? On the CBS version, Seidman said, “I’ve got a simple idea: Let’s give up on the Constitution. I know, it sounds radical, but it’s really not.” Really? It’s not a radical idea when the President of the United States just swore an oath to “uphold the Constitution” in his second term inauguration? (Click here for the CBS version of Seidman’s op-ed.) (Click here for the NYT version.) Continue reading “CBS Anti-Constitution Network”
Why are fully-automatic AR-15s with 30-round magazines and hollow-point bullets called ‘personal defense’ weapons when the Department of Homeland Security purchases them, but semi-auto AR-15s are assault rifles in the hands of citizens?
The Department of Homeland Security filed a purchase bid this past June titled “Personal Defense Weapons Solicitation”. It is combined bid for 5.56x45mm NATO ammunition and “select-fire firearm suitable for personal defense.” Continue reading “Why are AR-15’s ‘Personal Defense’ Weapons for the DHS but ‘Assault Rifles’ for Citizens?”
Or what happens when Wall Street Muppet A is vewy, vewy angwy with Wall Street Muppet B and desperately needs a ratings boost.
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Straight from the best Senate Wall Street taxpayer bailout money and Fed excess reserves (by way of deficit monetization) can buy: Continue reading “The Farce Must Go On: Senate Suddenly Furious With Eric Holder For Allowing Banks To Become “Too Big To Jail””
Weapons are being fired all the time on television, but that happens on cop shows. Network programmers know the public will obsessively watch guns going off and bodies falling.
On the news, however, the issue of gun ownership is adjudicated independently of the glee that accompanies watching fictional people kill each other.
When it’s fantasy, the audience wants violence. When it’s real, the audience wants no violence. Continue reading “How television will shape the new gun-culture in America”
To understand even a little bit about real psychiatry, versus the false picture, you have to know that someone running around the streets naked and screaming has nothing to do with a mental disorder.
If you can’t grasp that, you’ll always have a lingering sense that psychiatry is on the right track. It isn’t, and never was. Not from its earliest days, and not now, when it has the full backing and force of the federal government behind it. Continue reading “The psychiatric wolves attack more innocent children”