The neo-con propagandists have launched a full scale attack on the Occupy protesters.  At first it seemed the game plan was to try to ignore the protests and diminish their meaning through a propaganda campaign that said the protesters are only a handful, they are having no effect, and it looks like they are finished.  The mainstream coverage coming up on the 12th of December and the port occupations was sparse at best, again, putting forth the contention that it really wasn’t that big of a deal.

Well evidently the Shut Down the Ports protests are having a real effect as the mainstream propagandists have now changed their tune and are calling the protesters anti-Christmas, saying that Christmas gifts will not be delivered on time and that the only people they are hurting are their brothers and sisters in the 99%, and that the port shutdowns are having no effect on the 1%.
Continue reading “Occupy Protesters Succeeding in West Coast Port Shutdowns”

MSNBC aired a hit piece on Ron Paul yesterday on Weekends with Alex Witt.  If you watched the debate on Saturday night, you already know Ron Paul did quite well.  The fact is it has become evident that the mainstream propagandists are not going to be able to stop Ron Paul.  Witt was joined in her effort to slander Dr. Paul by Jackie Kucinich, Karen Finney, and Robert Traynham.

Witt began by asking Kucinich to interpret Mitt Romney’s and Rick Perry’s compliments to Dr. Paul’s campaign.  To which Kucinich replied, “Paul has a lot of loyal supporters, that’s why he’s staying about the same place in the polls.”
Continue reading “Propagandists Pull Out All Stops in Attempting to Derail Ron Paul Campaign”

As soon as December 13, the President will sign NDAA Section 1031 into law, permitting citizen imprisonment without evidence or trial. The bill that passed Congress absolutely DOES NOT exempt citizens. The text of Section 1031 reads, “A covered person under this section” includes “any person who has committed a belligerent act”. We only have to be ACCUSED, because we don’t get a trial.

– Confusingly, Obama threatened a veto for 1032, but NOT 1031. 1032 is UNRELATED to imprisoning citizens without a trial. He has never suggested using a veto to stop Section 1031 citizen imprisonment — in fact, it was requested by the Obama administration. Watch the video for proof.
Continue reading “Proof Obama will sign NDAA 1031 Citizen Imprisonment Law – Sign the Petition”

Attorney General Eric Holder, testifying before Congress last week, still refused to disclose what he knew and when he knew it in reference to Fast and Furious, skirting the questioning like the attorney he is.  And now of course the DEA has been brought into the picture.  Apparently while Eric Holder and company were running guns into Mexico and drugs into the United States, the DEA was laundering the money.  Of course, like the ATF gunrunning, the illegal money laundering was just a part of yet another investigation.

How would the average citizen fare if he or she was busted for running guns and drugs and money laundering and then put forth the excuse that the activities were being perpetrated for the purpose of ascertaining who is at the top in the crime families, so that this average citizen could turn these names over to the proper authorities for prosecution?  The assertion would be laughed at.
Continue reading “Eric Holder Laughs At Congress as 12 Foreign Worker Visa Legislations Move through Committee”

Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich has stated that if elected president, his stance on Israel will be essentially this:  Palestine never existed and the Palestinian people are a manufactured race.

Palestine was a part of the Ottoman Empire but the Palestinian people in Palestine were there before the birth of Jesus Christ.  Anyone who would accept Gingrich’s Zionist statements need only look at a map of the Middle East prior to 1948.  You will see a country there with absolute borders and a population of people there known as Palestinians.  We have covered the ongoing invasion of Palestine which has resulted in the virtual capture of that entire country by the occupying force known as Israel.
Continue reading “Newt Gingrich Displays His Loyalty to Zionism”

Those of us who watched the ABC Iowa Debate on Saturday night know without a doubt that Ron Paul dominated the forum, and of course when Sunday morning rolled around the mainstream propaganda machine went right to work trying to minimize Dr. Paul’s success.

Ron Paul appeared on NBC’s Meet the Press with David Gregory.  Gregory went straight to work in his effort to try to get Ron Paul to speak on behalf of Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich in lieu of himself, asking Dr. Paul questions, like the poll questions frequently used, in a form of multiple choice, wherein the only answers available were either Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich.
Continue reading “Ron Paul Wins Iowa Debate – The Cream is Rising”

There was a protest march in New York City Saturday in opposition to the requirement in 31 states that voters present proof that they are lawful citizens before they vote.  The soviet socialist insurgents are pulling out all stops in trying to put an end to the voter ID laws.  And the super socialist, Al Sharpton, is leading the way in trying to make this an issue of race, as in black against white in comparing the voter ID requirements to the Jim Crow laws, which were segregation in reality.

To say that the requirement to identify oneself is in some way a segregation issue is bullshit.  Here is the truth.  We all know the propagandists lie about numbers routinely.  It is said that there are 11 million illegal aliens presently in the United States.  Again, bullshit.  There are 30 million and the soviet socialists fully intend for as many illegals as possible to cast votes for Barack Obama in 2012.  And as the American people of the American race are united in their opposition to foreign nationals unlawfully and illegally voting in our elections, the soviet socialists are now trying to divide us on this issue, black against white against brown, American against American.
Continue reading “Al Sharpton Supports Illegal Aliens Voting in US Elections”

Apparently many Democrats are breaking free of the false left-right paradigm and registering as Independents and non-partisan.  Of course the mainstream propagandists are trying to twist the meaning of this event, saying that it was a good thing for President Obama because these newly awakened individuals will surely abstain from voting rather than voting against him, because when it comes down to it, the choice that is going to be offered to we the people will so disgust us that we just will not vote.

Wrong, wrong, and wrong.  This is the brush fire of the Ron Paul Revolution turning into the wildfire that is going to sweep this nation in 2012.  Every citizen with a half a brain has decided that the elite are not going to dictate who will be our next president.  The elite are indeed finding their money impotent when put up against our numbers.  They are also finding out that their lies in the propaganda machine cannot compete with the truth being put forth on the internet.
Continue reading “The Ron Paul Revolution – United We Stand”

381,000 new jobless claims for this week.  Really?  Can any of you reading this remember last week when we were told there were only a measly 390,000 new jobless claims?  Well that number has been revised to 404,000.  If that number would have been reported correctly last week, the propagandists would have had to admit that during the Christmas hiring season 404,000 more people lost their jobs.

In short, the report last week of 390,000 jobs, which is an outrageous travesty in itself, was a lie just like we told you it was.  And this new number of 381,000 is another lie.  You see, the propagandists have taken to holding back the numbers from week to week in an effort to sell us on the ridiculous notion that there is some kind of recovery going on.
Continue reading “American People of the American Race – These are Desperate Times Prepare Yourself to take Desperate Measures”

Two people have been killed on the grounds of Virginia Tech.  A gunman apparently killed a police officer and one other person and then went on his way.  The reporting is kind of scary because the propagandists are playing sad music in their clips, which might have seemed suitable if you were talking about Virginia Tech in 2007.

Where did the gunman come from and what were his motives?  Maybe one of the CIA’s MK-Ultra subjects got loose.  Or maybe he was allowed to escape….with a gun.  Not that I am saying this is what happened, just a thought.  After all today’s news media has to be considered speculative, as really all I see them do is speculate.
Continue reading “Virginia Tech Under Lockdown – What are they up to now?”

Speaking in an interview with Wolf Blitzer, presidential candidate Rick Perry stated that he would support the moving of the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.  This is of course disputed territory and no US president since the founding of Israel has recognized any exclusive Jewish claim to this Palestinian City.  This must absolutely be considered “Kiss a Jewish Ass Week” for the Republican candidates for president.

24% of the US working population is currently unemployed and to date have received little more than lip service from the traitors in the Zionist controlled US government.  Why is the Jewish vote in America so important?  I mean we are only talking about 1.7% of our population.
Continue reading “Israel Says We the People Cannot Have Ron Paul as our President”

As the reality of Ron Paul’s domination in the Republican Primaries becomes more absolute, the mainstream propagandists have decided on a new direction.  Their attempts to manipulate the minds of the politically astute have failed completely, leaving them but one avenue yet to try.

Ron Paul has become very popular with the younger generation as they have come to realize that the international elite intend to enslave them, so now the propaganda will target our youth.  Also to be targeted are the middle class adults who live their lives vicariously through their favorite characters on their favorite reality shows.
Continue reading “Donald Trump Announces New Reality Series Co-Starring Kelly Osbourne”

20 million citizens of the United States are now considered deeply impoverished.  1.6 million are homeless, 500,000 of which are little children.  28 million workers are unemployed.  Food and energy prices are rising.  There are 5 wars in the Middle East.  And it is cold outside.  Many citizens of the United States are living in miserable conditions not seen since the Great Depression and what is our all loving and caring government doing about this situation?

Well I think we can all feel a little warmer in knowing that our illustrious leader, the Peace President Barack Hussein Obama, and his wife and children will be leaving on a 17 day, all expense paid, luxury Christmas vacation in Hawaii.  If this is not proof positive that it is up to we the people to end this Obamanation that this insurgent government represents, I do not know what is.
Continue reading “Occupy Protests – The American Uprising”

As we close in on the 2012 election there is a mad scramble to put the mechanisms for mass voter fraud into place.  The left wing commies are up in arms in opposition to voter identification laws which are being enacted in many of the individual states, saying that the requirement will exclude minorities and the poor from participating in the polls.

I believe if you cannot show proof that you are a lawful citizen of the United States and the state you live in you not only should not vote, but should be arrested and detained until your citizenship can be ascertained.  After which, if you are a citizen you could use the decree from the court that released you from custody to obtain legal ID.  Then you could vote.
Continue reading “Prepare for Voter Fraud in the 2012 Presidential Election”

Saturday night Mike Huckabee hosted a presidential forum wherein the GOP presidential candidates, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann, Ron Paul, and Mitt Romney, (Jon Huntsman declined to participate), were questioned by three State Attorneys General, Pam Bondi, Ken Cuccinelli, and Scott Pruitt.

Let us take a look at this production and those who sponsored it.  Mike Huckabee portrays himself as a Southern Baptist preacher, a man of God.  Mike Huckabee, who makes frequent trips to Israel, has become a spokesperson for the Zionists who control that country.  Mike Huckabee, this so called man of God, supports Israeli aggression.
Continue reading “Ron Paul Fares Well in Huckabee’s Zionist Forum”

We all remember back in December of 2010 when the Lame Duck Congress was considering extensions of the Bush era tax cuts for the top 1%, the millionaire and billionaire individuals and trillion dollar hedge funds.  The argument was put forth that the tax cuts were not funded, to which the neo-cons responded saying the tax cuts did not need to be funded because they represented a tax increase if they were not allowed to continue.  This is a classic example of double speak wherein down is up, unless they need it to be down for their advantage.

Today it is being debated as to whether tax cuts for the middle class and working poor should be continued, and in this instance the neo-cons are purporting that furthering the tax breaks is unfunded and hence expenditure we cannot afford.
Continue reading “The Arrogance of the Corporate Elite Knows No Bounds”

The alternative media can mark a success in bringing out the truth that the mainstream propagandists are, and have been, using the long term unemployed, who have exhausted their benefits, to create the fraudulent unemployment number that they are and have been putting forth as a fact.  315,000 long term unemployed were deducted from the backside of the unemployment rate last month bringing it to 8.6%.

We must remember that when the mainstream manipulators were reporting a 9.6% unemployment rate they actually put it on the screen that the “real” number was 15%, which was still a lie because the real number is closer to 30%.  Now if they have dropped the unemployment rate by cutting numbers off of the back end, then those numbers have to be added to the true number.
Continue reading “Lies and Deceit Cannot Defeat the Ron Paul Revolution”

The unemployment rate drastically dropped to 8.6% as a result of revised calculations.  It is said 120,000 jobs were created last month and after revising/changing the job growth numbers for the past 2 months, and of course taking 315,000 99ers from the number on the back end, the lie is perpetuated.

Admittedly 225,000 new jobs a month have to be added in order to just keep up with the flow of new employees coming into the system.  This being said, how can the unemployment rate drop in the face of an average of 400,000 new jobless claim filings per week and only 120,000 new jobs being added in a month?
Continue reading “Drop of Unemployment Rate to 8.6% – Pure Fraud”