Russia and China are conducting six days of joint naval exercises in the Yellow Sea off China’s eastern coast as the US and Philippines do the same in the South China Sea.  These exercises are being billed as a measure to strengthen regional security.  Does anyone believe this?

The UN Security Council just voted to increase the number of observers in Syria to 300.  It would appear that as the Zionists within the US government cannot push us into another war in the Middle East through the politicians they control, they will now attempt to do so through the US Zionist United Nations.  Don’t get me wrong, if this were not an election year the Zionist puppets that occupy our highest seats of power would have already invaded both Syria and Iran.
Continue reading “United Nation’s Back Door to Start War in Syria”

Will Mitt Romney name Marco Rubio as his running mate for 2012?  This is the big question in the mainstream media as half of this nation still has yet to vote on whether Mitt Romney will be the GOP candidate.  This is not a free election.  It is corporate dictate through the corporate owned Republican Party.

Marco Rubio is a Hispanic American who is a key agitator in the foreign insurgency.  It is being reported that the Hispanic voting bloc represents 50 million in the United States and these people put the interests of the countries from which they have come before those of the United States.  They are fully supported by the insurgency.  They are demanding immigration reform.
Continue reading “Will Marco Rubio Capture the Vice-Presidency for the Hispanic Invasion”

On May 1st/May Day the soviet labor unions in the United States will be making a nationwide attempt to hijack our patriotic revolution.  They have been working diligently in the shadows all winter long to organize protests across the country, consisting of soviet labor union agitators and foreign nationals, vying for their portion of our resources through international socialism.

In 1917 Leon Trotsky was in the United States attempting to foster a socialist revolution and his comrades were the labor unions, consisting mostly of new immigrants who had no understanding of our Constitution and Bill of Rights.  They just wanted their chunk of America and they cared not if they killed the goose in acquiring the golden egg.
Continue reading “Occupy Alert: Soviet Socialists will Attempt to Hijack the Occupy Movement on May Day”

On October 26, 2001, as a consequence of the 9/11 false flag event perpetrated by the US CIA and Israeli Mossad, the Patriot Act is signed into law, nullifying the 4th and 5th Amendments of the people’s Bill of Rights.

On February 2, 2011, guns tracked by Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives are found at the firefight scene that left a Border Patrol agent dead.  Shortly thereafter Operation Gunrunner is uncovered.  It is further discovered that the operation was originally put into place by George W. Bush under the name, Operation Gunwalker in 2005.  The whole debacle was immediately renamed Operation Fast and Furious in an attempt to cover up its true intent, which was to accumulate billions of dollars through gun and drug running to further finance the foreign insurgency into the United States, while using the fact that the guns in Mexico came from the United States to accommodate gun bans and confiscations here in the US.
Continue reading “Sound the Alarm: The Soviets are Coming for our Guns”

I had hoped the second American Revolution would happen yesterday, but as it did not, I decided to step back and take a look at the whole situation anew, divorcing myself from every preconception obtained over a lifetime.  I looked at the United States Constitution.  It begins “We the People.”  What does that statement mean?

Those who constructed the document were supposedly elected representatives from the various states.  Under what authority did these state representatives come together to form a union?  Well that would be the authority they had already established through the Articles of Confederation, which puts forth the notion that what we read in the Constitution is not the whole, there is another layer.
Continue reading “The Masonic States of America”

The Redcoats arrived at Lexington, Massachusetts in the early dawn of April 19, 1775.  Captain John Parker and his band of minutemen faced them on the village green.  “Don’t fire unless fired on,” Parker commanded, “but if they mean to have war, let it begin here.”  No one knows who fired the first shot but eight colonialists were killed and ten were wounded.  One British soldier was wounded.

After the clash at Lexington, the British continued on to Concord, six miles beyond, intent on destroying the armory there.  They were met at Concord Bridge by the militia. The militia was pushed back and the armory was destroyed. On the return trip to Boston, the British were confronted by hundreds of Americans who fired at the British from all sides.  The British, led by Lt. Colonel Francis Smith, in retreat, eventually made it back to Charles Town near Boston.  The British suffered 273 casualties and the Americans, 95.
Continue reading “Death before Slavery! – It’s Patriots’ Day”

Beginning with the initial meltdown at Fukushima Daiishi nuclear power plant on March 11, 2011, we at From the Trenches World Report were pointing out that the unrealistic information being put out by the Japanese government, TEPCO, and the mainstream media in the United States was purposeful in its intent.  Indeed, in reality most people around the world could not grasp the enormity of the event and its significance.

The Fukushima plant, for reasons unbeknown to any rational human being, was constructed adjacent to the Pacific Ocean.  When we pointed out the obvious in that the ocean waters were being contaminated, we were met with skepticism.
Continue reading “Fukushima – It’s Never Been Worse”

It is truly enjoyable to watch the mainstream propaganda machine smoking, clanking, and coming apart at the seams as one blitz after another fails miserably.  Right now the propagandists seem to be taking a breath and attempting to regroup as every TV screen was filled, yesterday morning, with the Space Shuttle Discovery riding on the back of a 747 on its final voyage to the Smithsonian Museum.

Yeah, that’s the ticket, a giant plane with a space shuttle on it, drifting through a pristine blue sky, accompanied by a patriotic dialogue.  Yeah, that should calm the masses.  And what could your critics on the internet possibly say in opposition to a good calming down before the next wave of propaganda?
Continue reading “Space Shuttle Discovery Arrives at Smithsonian – Who Cares?”

Michele Obama is the hippest first lady we’ve had since Jacky Kennedy.  The Beastie Boys have been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, as has Guns n Roses, however their former lead singer asked not to be included as he is still sore in reference to the issues that caused him to leave the band years ago…..and Nero fiddled as Rome burned.

The GSA scandal continues to grow out of proportion as a key figure involved says he will take the 5th Amendment when questioned by Congress.  The GSA apparently has a slush fund made up of revenues that the government receives for renting out government owned buildings.  So, we have a government agency partying out on monies from its secret slush fund.  Who’d a thunk it?
Continue reading “Propaganda Gone Wild”

Men and women, working hand in hand, conquered this country and established control over her resources.  This is a contention that can never be argued as it is our real history.  When we were taming this land, men and women worked side by side along with their children on the family farm.

As we moved into the future and government took more and more control over our lives, our traditional roles were redefined.  During the industrial age the man worked while the woman kept the house and raised the children.  This was the first incursion on the family as it all but removed the father from the lives of the children.  Remember, on the farm the family was together all day long.
Continue reading “Just Say No to the Gender War”

The Taliban in Afghanistan attacked US and British Embassies on Sunday and Geraldo Rivera was there.  This little propaganda push was blatant on its face.  The initial reports were of a Spring Offensive.  The footage released on FOX News however, portrayed nothing more than a few small explosions in the distance followed by a lockdown of the embassies.

The fact that this was nothing more than propaganda became evident Sunday morning when the number one representative in our government for the industrial war complex, John McCain, appeared on the Communist News Network to blame the attacks on the fact that we are pulling out of Afghanistan.  McCain went on to say that “We can win in Afghanistan; we just need to put in more troops.”
Continue reading “Afghanistan Spring Offensive, Geraldo Rivera, and John McCain”

The propaganda campaign to establish Mitt Romney as the GOP candidate for president in 2012 with only half of the country having been allowed to vote and become delegates is failing, just as the propaganda campaigns for gender divide, race divide, age divide, and religious divide are also failing.  The propagandists are in fact backtracking, saying that, though Mitt Romney is the presumptive candidate, he has in no way been elected as such yet.  This whole scenario indeed shows the pathetic state of the Republican establishment.

Mitt Romney as a conservative?  Now there is a laugh.  This so called conservative, as Governor of Massachusetts, signed an assault weapons ban that has remained in effect despite the fact that the federal ban has been lifted.  I do not know who is calling Romney a conservative but they obviously are blind to the fact that we the American people are purchasing guns literally faster than they can be produced.
Continue reading “Mitt Romney a Conservative?”

On April 2, 2012 the foreign insurgent Obama met with his fellow international conspirators, Canadian Prime Minister Steven Harper and Mexican President Felipe Calderón in Washington DC.  This get-together was billed as a conference on international trade but the discussion quickly turned to the necessity for new gun regulations and prohibitions in the United States for the security of Mexico, which I guess could be tied into international trade as Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder has been and is engaged in international gun running and drug trafficking for profit throughout North America.

Barack Obama AKA Barry Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat, the South Side of Chicago back-ally gangster, is attending the 6th Summit of the Americas in Colombia.  Again these meetings are being billed as trade conferences, but are they really?
Continue reading “Obama in Colombia Plotting US Gun Confiscation using Foreign Troops”

It seems everyone out here is ecstatic over the drive to impeach Obama, somehow believing this is all we need to do to save our Republic.  It is discomforting seeing so called patriot websites and broadcasts pushing this unrealistic theory.  Isn’t it a little late in the game for an impeachment?  And even if such a process were to go forward, could it be accomplished before the November election?

What if Obama is impeached right after being elected?  Would this mean President Joe Biden and Vice-President Hillary Clinton for the next four years?  Oh yeah, that would definitely stop the socialist invasion and reinstate the Republic.  I think we had all better remember that Premier Obama has put the mechanisms in place to clamp down with his police state if he feels threatened in any way.
Continue reading “Will the Republican Party Expel Ron Paul in an Attempt to Stop the Revolution?”

The propaganda machine is running in overdrive as the push to cover up the GOP election fraud has become so in-our-face as to be counterproductive to its cause.  Only the most ignorant of the ignorant cannot see the push to implement every form of propaganda developed over the last fifty years for the purpose of dividing we the people.

We are seeing a push for a race war, which is failing.  There is a war on women, which I guess is supposed to indicate men against women. There is a war on religion, which I guess is supposed to mean whatever they want it to mean from one minute to the next, including, but not limited to, abortion, birth control, Mitt Romney’s Mormanism, Paul Ryan’s Catholicism, and Obama’s Muslimism.  And of course there is the class war, which really makes the whole thing quite interesting, as, in many cases considering all the aforementioned wars, individuals are finding themselves at war with themselves.  Failing, failing, failing.
Continue reading “Propagandists are Failing to Divide the American People”

Update:  Well we got the authors back right, but the comments made last night on the posts put up before the shut down are gone.  If you would like you can post them again.  There is still work to be done on the site so please be patient.

We still need to make corrections to the site.  You may not be able to access all posts until the corrections are finished.  We apologize and should have it fixed within a few hours.


Friday morning From the Trenches World Report was shut down by the server, HostGator.  We immediately contacted the server to inquire as to what the problem was.  We were told that we were using too much bandwidth.

When Google removed From the Trenches World Report from Google News last July as a part of an effort to take the site from the web, we were at that time averaging about 3,000 hits a day and had seen days of over 10,000.  There was never an issue with bandwidth; and in fact the bandwidth we were consuming on Friday was far less.
Continue reading “Zionist Controlled HostGator Attacks From the Trenches World Report”

Arizona Boy Scouts are now being labeled racists because of the arm patch on their uniforms, which reads “Caution – Border Patrol – Troop 11”.  These Boy Scouts have been sporting the patch for some ten years, and now it has become an issue as a part of the multi-faceted media campaign to create racial division that is to lead to the different races shooting one another in our streets.  After which the insurgent US government intends to step up to disarm us for our own safety.

Three men and one woman were shot within a mile of each other in north Tulsa at around 1 a.m. on Friday morning. The body of a fifth victim, a man, was discovered outside a nearby funeral home in the predominantly black part of the city after 8 a.m. on Friday.  Three were killed and two were wounded in these attacks.  All the victims are black and the two suspects who have been arrested are white.
Continue reading “Bolsheviks take to US Streets”

The reality of the one world order and its determination to rule arbitrarily over the people of the United States becomes more undeniable every day.  Last week members of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood came to Washington DC and met with White House Officials, though for some strange reason it cannot be said whether the meetings actually took place in the White House or not.  These meetings were said to be an effort to ease US concerns over Egypt’s uncertain future.

Now hold on just a minute here.  The Muslim Brotherhood consists of hard core extremists who advocate for absolutism under Sharia Law.  They are Al Qaeda.  Everyone does remember Al Qaeda, right?  We should, as we have spent over a trillion dollars fighting Al Qaeda over the past ten plus years in the so called “War on Terrorism”.
Continue reading “Washington DC Zionists Welcome Al Qaeda with Open Arms”

As predicted the unemployment rate has been fraudulently dropped from 8.3% to 8.2%.  Only 120,000 jobs were created last month, less than half of what was expected, and just how many of those were in other countries cannot be ascertained, probably the lion’s share.  Even the mainstream propagandists are being forced to admit that the unemployment rate number being put forth is a lie.

Net, there were 31,000 fewer people working in March than in February.  164,000 more unemployed were dropped from the unemployment rolls because they had exhausted their benefits and of course it is automatically said that these people are no longer looking for work.
Continue reading “Obama’s Department of Labor Defies Math”