From the Trenches World Report is adding a live broadcast, featuring Henry Shivley as host.  The Word From the Trenches will be broadcast through Liberty Tree Radio, Live 365, UStream, shortwave, and various micro broadcasts.

This will be a live call in show and all our loyal readers are encouraged to join in the conversation.  The one hour broadcast will air Wednesday, October 5th, at 12 noon Pacific time, 3:00 pm Eastern time and every Wednesday thereafter at the aforementioned time.
Continue reading “The Word From the Trenches”

We’re seeing reports on Twitter that protesters from Occupy Wall Street have marched down to the Brooklyn Bridge, and hundreds of people have begun to stream into traffic lanes, completely stopping traffic on the bridge. According to NY Times reporter Brian Stelter on the scene, “Scratch that: a LARGE # of protesters are in lanes of traffic. Traffic out of Manhattan is now completely stopped.” [Watch live video stream below]

Gawker’s Adrian Chen, who is also down there, wrote, “Shit, they’re shutting down the brooklyn bridge,” and also tweeted a picture of the Brooklyn-bound lane completely blocked. We’ll update as we hear more about what’s going on by the bridge.
Continue reading “Breaking: Occupy Wall Street Protesters Blocking Off Brooklyn Bridge, Police Arresting Scores”

If you can’t dazzle with brilliance baffle them with bullshit.  This is what the mainstream propaganda machine has been reduced to.  Never has so much been said about so little in the history of the lie.  The propagandists are desperate for any diversion that will precipitate another week of the theft of our resources.  And the fact is we the people are becoming numb to catastrophe as it has become the rule rather than the exception.

I have to believe that every Middle Eastern CIA Al Qaeda asset breaks out in a cold sweat every time Obama’s approval number drops to 35%.  Has anyone noticed that there is automatically a drone strike on a CIA sponsored Al Qaeda leader every time that magical number is reached?  However as there are not a lot of prominent CIA Al Qaeda asset leaders to kill, we do tend to bump them off two, three, or four times before we take a body out into the middle of the ocean, dump it, and call it a day.
Continue reading “84 Days Until Christmas, 99ers Long Term Unemployed, Are You Loving It?”

The noted social communist, Michael Moore, made an appearance at the Occupy Wall Street protests in New York.  During the broadcast it was suggested that the cause there had no definable goal.  This is plain unmitigated bullshit and it is not going to be allowed to stand.

The majority of the protesters are long term unemployed, 99ers, who have been organizing on the internet for a couple of years now.  We have been removed from the mainstream media and sites like From the Trenches have been viciously attacked in an attempt to hide our numbers and our resolve.
Continue reading “The 99%, the 99ers, Labor Unions vs. Constitutionalists”

A wave of patriotism is sweeping across the United States like a tsunami.  In spite of the best efforts of the propagandists, the people are actually pushing their own agenda as we close in on 2012.  We have been shouting “No!” at the top of our lungs at the neo-cons and their push for another four years of transferring our country’s wealth from the poor and middle class to the top 1% as they lock their sites on our Social Security, retirement plans, and even the food stamps standing between millions of Americans and starvation.  We have been shouting “No!” to the social communists and their push to socialize and control every aspect of our lives and leave us as indentured slaves in a one world communist system.

We have been shouting “Yes!” to Ron Paul and a restitution of our Republic under our Constitution for freedom, liberty, and prosperity for all of the American people of the American race.  Some have questioned Ron Paul’s stance on the unconstitutionality of Social Security and welfare.  Yesterday Dr. Paul directly addressed those people.  He said, “It would be unthinkable to rip out the safety net when so many of us literally have no other way to survive.”
Continue reading “International Elitists Beware, The People are United”

Well its Thursday again, another 391,000 new unemployment filings and another 400,000 exhausting their benefits and becoming a part of the great invisible, uncounted, dispossessed, disenfranchised, remnants of what was once a robust middle class in the United States.  Meanwhile the stock market continues to go up and down as the wealth of our country is pumped into offshore accounts around the world.

Another week of unchallenged blatant theft of our natural resources, another week of our dollar devaluating, as the police are abusing our people in the streets of cities throughout our nation.  And the only response from the insurgents who have taken over our government is the same old bullshit.  “We can only fix this problem by ceasing to tax the filthy rich who have already stolen $30 trillion from us,” or, “We can only solve this problem through increased taxes on the middle class to finance socialism and a Central American Free Trade Agreement.”
Continue reading “Another Day, A Weaker Dollar”

Coca-Cola, Inc. released a statement indicating that they would prefer to do business in China in yet another bid to end taxation on corporate profits.  So who made Coke the multi-billion dollar international corporation that it is today?  Well that would be we the people of the United States.  I think Coke should move to China and the US should boycott their product here.

I heard a commentator on FOX News say that Lockheed Martin should tell we the people that if we do not acquiesce and support their union busting, that they might move their productions to China.  Again, don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.  And of course no more contracts paid for by US taxpayer money and we will be boycotting your products in our country.
Continue reading “Herman Cain, Donald Trump, and the Super Computer”

Well it seems we are facing yet another possible government shutdown, which in reality is nothing more than another smoke screen designed to perpetuate another week of theft and job transfers out of our country.  As previously stated in other articles, to think that the corporate elite are going to allow anything to change when they are making record profits, as more of our nation’s wealth is transferred from the middle class to the upper echelons of the filthy rich, is naïve.  And as also previously mentioned, our natural resources continue to flow to other countries unimpeded.

Last week we were told beef and dairy prices will raise 32% this year and this week we are finding out why.  In one instance California alfalfa hay is being shipped and sold to China at a cheaper rate than it is offered to our own ranchers and farmers.  The excuse is given that as we are importing so much from China there is a glut of cargo containers here that need to go back the other way.  So shipping the alfalfa from California has been made very cheap at $30 per ton, which creates a scenario wherein supply and demand has raised the price of the California alfalfa to a level that dictates that U.S. farmers and ranchers are going to have to raise their prices just to break even.
Continue reading “Subsidizing the U.S. Destruction”

Herman Cain wins the Florida Straw Poll.  I was wondering how the corporate elite would use their money to attempt to push Ron Paul from the top tier.  I guess they just cannot accept that when the 2012 election rolls around it is not going to matter whether Ron Paul becomes president as a Republican or an Independent.  Ron Paul is going to be our next president and no amount of fiat debt dollars can change that fact.  The elite’s bottom line is Ron Paul, the people, and the Constitution must be stopped at any cost.

Herman Cain is among the corporate elite.  He is a neo-con.  He is for the further transfer of wealth from the pockets of the middle class to the vaults of the rich.  If a filthy rich business man like Herman Cain presents a plan, any plan, you can bet it is 999 percent for the rich and the other one percent is to put billions of dollars into his own pocket as payment for services rendered to his corporate brethren and sisteren.
Continue reading “Cain Wins Straw Poll, Police Attack Occupy Wall Street Protesters, The Revolution is Heating Up”

It would seem the protests are continuing in New York and as the protesters push their rights the police are pushing back with tyranny.  The exact composition and actions of the crowds cannot be known as the mainstream propagandists are avoiding the event like the plague.

Meanwhile FOX News blatantly pulled their online poll when it showed Ron Paul with a commanding lead.  I have to believe the elitists are more than a little concerned and the hints in the news of a change in US policy toward Pakistan, coupled with Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejan’s speech at the UN and the Palestinian’s bid for recognition, indicates that it is possible that anything could happen.
Continue reading “The American People of the American Race Support Occupy Wall Street”

by Zen Gardner

“At mid-day on Friday, September 23, 2011, the popular alternative news blog,, was taken offline. Activist Post receives over one million views per month and has been hosted by Google’s Blogger since its founding in June 2010.

“We remain puzzled as to why Activist Post was erased completely by Google,” said chief editor and co-founder Michael Edwards. “When we tried to load our back-up file into our secondary Blogger account, that was blocked as well,” he added.
Continue reading “Activist Post Deleted! Google Erases Popular Alternative News Source”

We have witnessed yet another propaganda push for the two neo-con representatives running for president being billed as a GOP debate.  This so called debate was sponsored by FOX News and Google.  Now there are some people we can trust to bring us a fair and balanced debate, the corporate elitist FOX News Agency and the CIA’s own Google.

There was a very large audience at this so called debate consisting of those with enough wealth to either live in or retire in Florida who are unquestionably among the 20% of neo-cons making up the top 10% of money earners in this country.
Continue reading “Florida’s GOP Debate and Straw Poll”

Do you remember the 5th of November?  Apparently Occupy Wall Street protesters are being arrested for wearing Guy Fawkes masks, also they are not being allowed to protest on Wall Street as police have put up barricades to stop them.  I guess the people of New York are getting a crash course education on the United States police state.

The people of New York pay for the maintenance of Wall Street, police protection and fire protection, but in this land of unalienable rights these citizens are paying for the suspension of the Constitution on Wall Street and the police, whose salaries they are paying, equate to nothing more than private security for a group of international thieves who have stolen $30 trillion from the American people.
Continue reading “Remember the 5th of November and the Double Dip Depression”

Well another week has gone by without one damn job being created and weekly new jobless claims at 423,000.  How many months, hell years, is it going to take for it to become unquestionably clear that the traitors in our government have absolutely no intention of doing anything to change the status quo?  The corporations continue to make record profits and US jobs continue to be downsized or sent out of the country and time keeps rolling by.  Of course companies like Caterpillar, GM, Harley Davidson, and scores more continue to build more facilities in foreign countries where they intend to process more of our raw resources into products without we the American people receiving one thin dime.

Apparently a large portion of the construction of the new Bay Bridge in San Francisco was outsourced to China, more than $500 million worth.  The company granted the government contract said that the use of Chinese labor in constructing elements of the bridge was necessary to curtail costs and hasten the construction of the bridge.  Bull bull bull bull bullshit!
Continue reading “Another Week, Another 423,000 Jobs”

All business of the American people has come to a screeching halt as our issues have taken a back seat to the Israeli interests as dictated by their fifth column operating within our government.  I think the people of the United States are beginning to see that our phony government’s contention of neutrality in reference to the Palestinian question is nothing short of a bald face lie.  The Israeli government says “Jump” and the dual citizen Israeli-Americans dominating our government say “How high do you want us to make them jump?”

In trying to justify the fact that our president is displaying himself as an Israeli lapdog, CNN, the Communist News Network, ran a piece entitled, “How important is the Israeli vote?”, putting forth the contention that our candidates for president need to kiss the asses of the Israelis if they want to be elected.  Israeli-Americans make up 1.7% of the US population, yet this minute minority enjoys the highest standard of living our country has to offer plus grossly disproportional power in every aspect of our government.  Why?  Because the Kosher mafia makes up a substantial part of the international banking cartels.
Continue reading “The Jew-nited States of America”

Well we are back to class warfare again.  The rich are coming forth in the mainstream propaganda they own and baring their souls in conveying how being taxed might hurt them.  Don’t get me wrong, I am not for any more taxation, as what is needed is to recover our 30 trillion stolen dollars.  Really, that would be a plenty to fix everything.

Anyway, I saw one fellow on MSNBC; I believe he is a Republicrat Congressman though I did not catch his name.  He said his business is bringing in a measly $6 million per year and after he pays all his overhead and “feeds his family” all he has left over to do anything in the world he wants to with is a mere $400,000.
Continue reading “Class Warfare and the Poor Rich”

Ron Paul won the California Straw Poll with 44.9% of the vote.  And of course the event has been sparsely reported, if at all in the mainstream, as Rick Perry and Mitt Romney did not attend, giving the excuse that they are campaigning in South Carolina.  South Carolina has a population of 4,625,364 with 8 electoral votes.  California has a population of 37,253,956 with 55 electoral votes.  The fact is Perry and Romney did not attend the California GOP Straw Poll because Ron Paul’s win was a foregone conclusion.

No Republican has won the State of California since George H. W. Bush did in 1988.  This coupled with the fact that crowds of Ron Paul supporters, consisting of Americans of the American race in every age group, were out in the streets with signs and shouting “President Ron Paul”, would seem to logically indicate that the event should have been front and center in the headlines.  Instead the propagandists brought the level of campaign reporting down to a minute amount in an attempt to allow the event to pass by unnoticed.  In short they did not report on Ron Paul’s win because they weren’t reporting on the political race at all.
Continue reading “Ron Paul Takes California Like Grant Took Richmond”

Rick Perry’s Texas State Executive Order making the Gardasil shot mandatory for girls as young as ten years old has been front and center in the news.  It is interesting to listen to the various factions argue back and forth ad nauseum without ever touching on the nuclei of the question and that is the necessity of a mandate verses personal liberty.

I know the mainstream has talked all around this issue but in every debate concerning mandatory vaccination, the ultimate logical conclusion is always avoided like the plague, pun intended.  If your children are going to enter a public school (which I would not recommend for more reasons than I can count) theoretically you must have them vaccinated in order to stop the spread of contagious diseases.
Continue reading “Good Communists Inoculate Their Children When Commissar Rick Perry Dictates Gardasil Shot”

An Egyptian mob burned Israel’s embassy in Cairo, Israel’s ambassadors to both Egypt and Turkey have been forced to leave those countries, the Palestinians are petitioning for a vote in the UN for recognition of a Palestinian State, and a CIA predator drone was shot down near the Afghan/Pakistan border.   All this as Iran brings its first nuclear power plant online, bringing renewed assertions that they are building a nuclear bomb.  Things are pretty much shaping up exactly as predicted.  And of course the United States is coming out on the wrong side of every issue in joining with Israel to play both ends against the middle.

The call from the Israeli insurgents within our government is to block the Palestinian State with the UN and in fact deny Palestine recognition within that world body, while at the same time we have backed the recognition of Libyan Al Qaeda in the UN.  This is hypocrisy born of cold calculation as the world power elite push their World War III agenda forward.
Continue reading “Jewish Conquest in the Middle East through the US”