A recent MSNBC special depicted American children having their identification stolen, some literally from birth. One couple interviewed said nothing could be done about the problem, as they had been told by law enforcement that they did not have the time to find and punish the perpetrators. MSNBC went on to find the man who had stolen the couple’s daughter’s identification within two days. This man had run up a quarter to a half of million dollars in debt in the little girl’s name through making home loans.
So who are these people and how, or better yet why, are they getting away with this? Well it all became clear when MSNBC went to interview a couple of them. They spoke English so poorly that they could not be clearly understood. So MSNBC brought in an interpreter to speak to them in their native tongue, Spanish. Once one of the thieves got the gist of the inquiry, he went and got into his brand new pickup truck and drove away, saying in broken English that he was going to contact his lawyer.
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