Obama releases his birth certificate. The royal wedding entrances the world. Bin Laden is killed. All of these events have occurred in just one week. It gives the feeling that we have moved into a new era and it is not a good one. In the past week there has not been one mention of the Fukushima Power Plant. No updates in reference to radiation levels; in the land, air, or sea. They are not even telling us at what stage of meltdown the plant is currently in. I don’t know about you but these matters are far more important to me than Obama’s birth certificate, some royal getting wed in another country, or a terrorist getting killed.
One thing that did strike an interest with me in the mainstream propaganda was the report that said WikiLeaks documents show several communications wherein it is asserted that there are numerous dirty bombs in Europe and the United States that Muslim extremists have said would be detonated if Osama Bin Laden was killed. Continue reading “Japan’s Fukushima Power Plant and Dirty Bombs”