Year: 2011
The mainstream propaganda has become so lacking in content that it is nauseating to watch. You have a group of them who have implanted themselves in Rick Perry’s anus, I guess in an attempt to give him so much exposure that somebody out here might actually believe that he is in some way relevant to our current situation. Rick Perry is an elitist neo-con. If he ever had an original thought I promise you it was a lonely one. He is a corporate yes-man.
Perry says if he were elected president he will do for America what he has done for Texas. Well what exactly has he done for Texas? He tried to orchestrate a government seizure of the roadways owned by the people there so he could hand them over to Spain, who would charge the people of Texas to drive on the roads they built. So what do you think? Would you like Spanish toll roads across the United States?
Continue reading “Rick Perry, Bilderberg, and International Elitism”
Well earthquakes and hurricanes, the propagandists must have been praying to the gods of nature to give them something else to divert us with. The Al Qaeda rebels in Libya are asking for money for food and health care and our government is chomping at the bit to jump in and give it to them. It is never a question of money when it comes to other countries. Since we were told the lie of a no-fly-zone by the peace reaper Soetoro, we have spent enough money there to have given the long term unemployed an extension.
So tell me 99ers, what would you rather have had, Al Qaeda taking over Libya or an unemployment extension? Never mind, I know the answer. The point is the American people had no say in the matter as the dictator Obama went around our representation in providing an air force for the Al Qaeda in Libya, groups of which are made up of the same Al Qaeda that participated in killing our service people in Afghanistan. Al Qaeda has to be laughing at the people of the United States.
Continue reading “99ers – Foreign Wars or Food, You Decide”
There sure is a lot of talk about jobs, but then there has been a lot of talk about jobs for years now and this is the problem. It is nothing but talk, and as our so called representatives talk, hundreds of thousands more of our jobs are being sent overseas. Could they being trying to make us desperate for a job? And just how desperate would be have to be to accept further sovietization of our country?
Representative John Larson (D-CT), House Democratic Caucus Chair, speaking on the Dylan Ratigan Show Monday afternoon, suggested a Super Sub-Committee to deal with the jobs problem. Apparently the four Super Representatives who chose the members of the Super Committee would choose four more Super Representatives for the Super Sub-Committee on Jobs.
Continue reading “New Super Sub-Committee on Jobs”
I have a correction to make for a previous article. I reported that the Obama gang had purchased a Men-in Black bus to transport Barry’s personal body guards. I stand corrected. The fact is a fleet of busses were purchased, one for Prince Soetoro and several others for his entourage. I think we could have used that money more effectively in buying a fleet of busses to run 24 hours a day moving illegals back across our southern border. But that will never happen as Barry is counting on those illegal votes to propel him into another four years in destroying our country.
I’m going to let you guys in on a little secret that will soon become an obvious fact. The international corporate mafia has already decided on the structure of our government through 2016. If Rick Perry is elected president it will be through no reflection of the will of we the people. At the last Bilderberg meeting the elitists made their decision. Maybe this is why Obama is doing nothing and why, when his so called new jobs plan is introduced, we are going to see nothing but more of the same.
Continue reading “Ron Paul Must Make a Stand on Illegal Immigration”
Reports out of Libya are saying that the Al Qaeda insurgents are in Tripoli and that the Libyan government is on the verge of collapse. Well they had better be. We need to get this Libyan thing wound up so that we can get busy with Syria.
I used to think that the powers that be thought we the people to be stupid. Now I realize they do not care what we think. I think the propaganda the mainstream is putting out is more for the peoples of other countries around the world than for the purpose of deceiving the US citizens. I can safely say I know no one now who believes anything coming out of the mainstream media. However the rest of the world must be having a good laugh on us, thinking that we actually believe this pathetic attempt at propaganda.
Continue reading “Gaddafi’s Libya Going Down, Who is Next?”
The treasonous insurgent Obama has stuck another blow for his people, which should not be confused with our people, as these illegal aliens coming across our southern border are our enemies and are intent on our destruction. Think about it. Obama has so abused the people of the United States that he has openly committed treason in order to gain the favor of an invading army. And the rest of our government seems to be standing mute as our law enforcement is being ordered not to enforce our laws and hence not to enforce our rights.
The 4th Amendment to the United States Constitution says the people shall be secure in their property. The United States of America is the property of the citizens of the United States. Obama has made it clear that he hates our Constitution and is hell bent on its destruction. At what point do we the people just stand up and say, “No more”?
Continue reading “Obama Leads His Illegal Army in the Battle for the Republic”
Republican strategist Jack Burkman, appearing on FOX Business Freedom Watch, discussed the mainstream propagandists’ reasons for ignoring presidential candidate Ron Paul. He said that the mainstream media had become a part of the two party system and that they didn’t want anything to change because they have become insiders within the two parties, and that if Paul became president they would no longer have their comfortable position in reporting the phony party lines as a part of the team.
People this is the future of our country we are talking about and these mainstream propaganda traitors should be jailed. It is supposed to be an FCC requirement that all broadcasts serve the public good. How is manipulating the presidential campaign through lies and deceit to be considered as for the public good? Everyone at the FCC should be jailed.
Continue reading “Impeach and Arrest the Insurgent Barack Obama”