- Bachmann – 4823
- Paul – 4671
- Pawlenty – 2293
- Santorum – 1657
- Cain – 1456
- Romney – 567
- Gingrich – 385
- Huntsman – 69
- McCotter – 35
Year: 2011
As expected Ron Paul’s overwhelming win in the Iowa debate is being discredited in a hundred ways and Newt Gingrich is the man of the day, according to the mainstream propagandists. What a government. Back in 1996 Gingrich was charged with 84 ethics violations, which would be, in the world of the 99ers, 84 felonies, alleging tax evasion. Nothing a few hundred thousand dollars wouldn’t cure. And now here he is running for President. Why the hell not? Truth be known being a felon is probably a part of the criteria necessary in getting the backing of the international corporate mafia for any bid for President.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Unemployment Extension – Let’s Look at the Presidential Candidates”
In watching yesterday’s GOP debate there can be no question that Ron Paul is as feared on the phony right as he is on the phony left. It was plain to see that the entire structure of the debate was designed around minimizing Dr. Paul. And you know what? Once again it did not work. FOX News is self proclaimed as a conservative broadcast. Well they say “Fair and Balanced” but we all know that each and every one of them is a big-business person. One thing they are clearly getting across in their message is that conservative can now be equated with anti-constitutional.
Today I’m sure Mitt Romney will be declared the uncontested winner with the only other candidate they talk about being Michele Bachmann. But you know what? It doesn’t matter. No one cares. These propagandists have become so incredible that it is pathetic to watch them try to peddle their crap like an old west snake oil salesman. These are some of the goofiest people I think I have ever seen in my life and they sit before the camera and try to put themselves forth as statesmen and women.
Continue reading “99er HR 589 Unemployment Extension – Ron Paul Wins Iowa Debate, Hands Down”
Well the situation in our country seems to be completely out of control, sparking lawmakers to start naming the members of the new Supreme Soviet and calling for Congress to return as the situation has become an emergency. Historically emergencies are ideal times for insurgencies and coups, and this time it is no different.
Everything we are seeing in the mainstream propaganda is staged. This whole situation is no more an emergency today than it was last year this time. I believe the new Supreme Soviet is being convened as fast as possible because the people throughout this land see it for exactly what it is. And there is a growing defiance to its creation and proposed institution.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Unemployment Extension – Super Kommittee Being Formed”
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It is one hundred thirty-seven days until Christmas and there are more 99ers joining the ranks of the invisible every day. If you are a new 99er you may think you know how bad things can get. We who survived last Christmas as 99ers know what this winter is going to bring.
Two hundred and nineteen days since the 112th Congress convened and not one job has been created. Of course legislation to continue to pay the contractors has been passed….for jobs, in the sense that the tax monies have been used to ship our jobs and industry out of our country. And what do they tell us? They say they can’t come up with a plan and that they just don’t know what to do. Well here is a plan:
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Unemployment Extension Here’s the Plan to Fix our Economy”
Two American contractors blew the whistle on the U.S government in 2006, and were tortured by the American military while under their supervision in a military prison in Iraq. Donald Rumsfeld is being held personally responsible. A three judge panel of the 7th US Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago has upheld a lower court’s ruling. He now may appeal to the US Supreme Court.
It seems that Rumsfeld didn’t take kindly to the two contractors blowing the whistle on suspected payoffs to Iraqi officials to guarantee government contracts. They were caught complaining about it, and got thrown in isolation and were apparently tortured by not being allowed to sleep, amongst other things. Continue reading “Donald Rumsfeld Told Torture Lawsuit Against Him May Proceed”
We here at From the Trenches are recommending that all 99ers buy gold immediately. Take your money out of stocks and buy gold now. We 99ers have been laboring through the day biting our fingernails in ever increasing anxiety as the US credit rating has been lowered and stocks are plunging………not!
I wonder just how many realize that there are millions of us out here who cannot get excited about this economic news as the economics that are breathing down our backs are keeping a roof over our heads, paying the utility bills, and getting something to eat with no income or prospect of a job.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Unemployment Extension – The Wolf is at the Door”
Thirty one US military troops were killed on Saturday when the Chinook CH-47 helicopter they were being transported in was shot down over Afghanistan. There are so many things wrong with this incident. Of those killed were 22 Navy Seals, most of which were members of the elite Seal Team 6, which we all remember reportedly accomplished the raid into Pakistan that allegedly procured the death of Osama Bin Laden.
Elite forces like Team 6 consist of highly trained individuals for the purpose of lightening fast operations in extremely diverse situations, such as hostage situations, assassinations, and black op captures of foreign enemies. Reportedly this elite team was on its way to support a detachment of US forces that had fallen under enemy attack.
Continue reading “Helicopter Shot Down in Afghanistan – Witnesses to Bin Laden’s Death, or Lack thereof, Killed”
Riots broke out in the streets of London over the weekend in response to police killing Mark Duggan, a 29 year old black man, who was riding in a cab that police pulled over. Details of the shooting are not available. It is reported one of the officers was shot in the incident but was spared serious injury as the bullet struck his walkie-talkie. It is being reported that the shooting occurred in an area known for problems stemming from racial tensions.
What is interesting about this whole situation is the bullet finding itself in the officer’s walkie-talkie. You see guns are banned in England. This being said it would seem that if the man who was killed possessed a firearm that was used to shoot an officer’s walkie-talkie, it would have been the headline as it would have shown justification for the killing.
Continue reading “Riots in London – Police are no Better in U.S.”
A week ago the con men were telling us we had to raise the debt ceiling or else there would be a catastrophe. This week we are being told that we must follow the dictates of Standard and Poor’s or else there is going to be a catastrophe. The international elite have become like a spoiled child who can’t get what he or she wants. And what do they want? The Social Security Trust Fund.
There is only so many ways to mealy mouth around a subject and they are employing all of them to the point that they are now saying that the only money that can pay this debt is that in the Social Security Fund. You can’t cut defense spending because that is a different kind of money that cannot be used to pay debts. You can’t cut the budgets of Homeland Security, the FBI, the CIA, the EPA, the TSA, FEMA, or foreign aid because again that is a different kind of money that does not work for paying off debts.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Unemployment Extension – The International Corporate Mafia is Making its Move”
The international corporate mafia elite continue to wage their war of attrition upon the American poor and middle class. The very definition of a war of attrition is to hurt your opponent in many different ways, and those waging this war upon us are in no way new to this concept.
Grant waged a war of attrition upon the South during the Civil War, cutting off cities one at a time and starving populations into submission by blocking supply lines and tearing up railroad tracks. And indeed the original invasion of this continent to take it away from the native peoples was a protracted war of attrition.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Unemployment Extension – History is Repeating Itself”