CUBA-VENEZUELA-CHAVEZ-FILERINF Alternative News – by Stephen Lendman

He’s gone. His two-year cancer struggle ended. It claimed him. He’s sorely missed.

He was one of Latin America’s most notable leaders. His charisma was special. It was real. His spirit lives.

An era ended with his passing. He was the world’s leading anti-imperialist hero. He spoke truth to power. He did so courageously. He risked his life doing it. Continue reading “Chavez: A Personal Tribute – Stephen Lendman”

Information Clearinghouse – by Dr. Kevin Barrett

The Venezuelan president himself, before he died, wondered aloud whether the US government – or the banksters who own it – gave him, and its other leading Latin American enemies, cancer.

A little over a year ago, Chavez went on Venezuelan national radio and said: “I don’t know but… it is very odd that we have seen Lugo affected by cancer, Dilma when she was a candidate, me, going into an election year, not long ago Lula and now Cristina… It is very hard to explain, even with the law of probabilities, what has been happening to some leaders in Latin America. It’s at the very least strange, very strange.” Continue reading “Chavez: Another CIA Assassination Victim?”

If you have not heard of Rand Paul’s filibuster by now, you are surely living under a rock.  Oy, what a production.  I guess old Rand is now positioned as the ultimate pop-off valve should the American nationals break loose from their bonds and come after the communist infiltrators.

Attorney General Eric Holder, for the finale of the event, sent a document to Rand Paul stating that drones would not be used to kill non-combatant American citizens on American soil.  And of course we can believe Eric Holder as he is the shining example of integrity and adherence to the law.  Continue reading “Eric Holder, Chris Matthews, Diane Feinstein, and John McCain – US Communists United in a Lie”

Common Dreams – by Robert L. Borosage

For years, the Obama administration has been pummeled for failing to bring criminal charges against a single major Wall Street bank or a single leading Wall Street banker for what the FBI termed an “epidemic of fraud” that blew up the entire economy. Investigations revealed the banks committed routine fraud in peddling mortgage securities they knew were garbage, trampled basic property laws, laundered money from Iran, Libya and Mexican drug lords, conspired to game the basic measure of interest rates and more. Yet, time after time, the Justice Department and regulatory agencies settled for sweetheart deals, with no admission of guilt, no banker held accountable, and institutional fines that were the equivalent in earnings of a speeding ticket to the average family. Continue reading “It’s Official: Too Big to Fail Banks Are Too Big to Jail”

Hit me baby, one more timeBob Owens

When someone abuses you, you should leave them. It’s common sense, and something every psychologist and social worker recommends.

Apparently Remington Arms is in need of a shrink: Continue reading “Remington responds to NY SAFE… by investing $20 million more in New York facilities?”

Combat Studies Group

Communications Security is, and must be, a primary concern to any warfighter. When I was still in uniform, a great deal of our target packages were generated or acted on due to some schmuck out there turning on his cell phone and making a quick call – falsely believing his brevity would spare him any unpleasantries. The content of that call was not necessarily of import to us, but rather the fact that we knew who owned that particular phone (via ESN and IMEI) and had the ability to geo-locate it right away.  Now we knew that we had “High Value Target # whatever” at such & such grid and could hastily act on that fresh intel. Continue reading “COMSEC and Privacy”

betsy-ross-flag-steven-michaelThe Federal Observer – by Ron Ewart

As most of you know, we have been writing weekly articles about the issues that face America and Americans for almost 10 years, from the perspective of a conservative. Over that time period we have become acutely aware of just how divided America really is and how that very division stops us from fixing the serious and vexing problems we face. Americans seem to be hopelessly divided by race, age, gender, religion and rich and poor, while the government profits and gains more power from our divisions and manipulates us like puppets. Continue reading “Why the Government is Your Enemy”

PhotoNorthwest Ohio – by Amulya Raghuveer

PEMBERVILLE — Eastwood High School has been placed under lockdown after live ammunition was found inside the building Friday morning.

In a voicemail to members of the Eastwood School District, Superintendent Brent Welker has assured parents that all students are safe and the building will remain on lockdown until he is given the all clear. Continue reading “Eastwood High School on lockdown after live ammunition found inside”

Bill would allow police to search children without probable cause or parental consentExaminer – by Mikael Thalen

A Washington state bill, S.B. 5618, that would allow police officers, or “school resource officers,” to search students without probable cause or parental consent, passed the State Senate Monday, 30-19.

The legislation would allow police to search a student’s person, locker and possessions if they are believed to be violating the law or any school rule. Searches are already mandatory under state law if a student is suspected of possessing a firearm. Continue reading “Wash. state bill allows police to search students without parental consent”

Waitress handed own stolen I.D.KDVR News

LAKEWOOD, Colo. — A waitress in Lakewood didn’t have any trouble at all identifying trouble while serving a customer.

She says she was handed her own stolen I.D.

Brianna Priddy’s wallet was taken last month. Continue reading “Lakewood waitress handed own stolen I.D. while serving drinks”

Washington’s Blog

What Else Did He Lie About?

The New York Times’ Maureen Daud writes today:

In a documentary soon to appear on Showtime, “The World According to Dick Cheney,” [Cheney said]  “I got on the telephone with the president, who was in Florida, and told him not to be at one location where we could both be taken out.” Mr. Cheney kept W. flying aimlessly in the air on 9/11 while he and Lynn left on a helicopter for a secure undisclosed location, leaving Washington in a bleak, scared silence, with no one reassuring the nation in those first terrifying hours. Continue reading “Cheney Admits that He Lied about 9/11”

School Confiscates Cupcakes Decorated with Toy SoldiersFox News – by Todd Starnes

A Michigan elementary school is defending its decision to confiscate a third-graders batch of homemade cupcakes because the birthday treats were decorated with plastic green Army soldiers.

Casey Fountain told Fox News that the principal of his son’s elementary school called the cupcakes “insensitive” — in light of the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut. Continue reading “School Confiscates Cupcakes Decorated with Toy Soldiers”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

It’s an odd question, we know – especially ahead of today’s Stress Tests, but given today’s testimony on assessing the bank secrecy act, apparent trouble-maker Elizabeth Warren pokes and prods (correctly we would add) at the surreality that exists between the Department of Justice, The Treasury, and the financial system. David Cohen, Tom Curry, and Jerome Powell dodged bullets and blame, “does that mean essentially we have a prosecution-free zone for large banks in America?” But Warren wasn’t going to be fobbed off with useless banter as she pointed out, if you’re caught with an ounce of cocaine, the chances are good you’re going to go to jail… for the rest of your life. But evidently, if you launder nearly a billion dollars for drug cartels and violate our international sanctions, your company pays a fine and you go home and sleep in your own bed at night – I think that’s fundamentally wrong.” Indeed Ms. Warren. Continue reading “How Many Billions Of Drug-Laundered Money Does It Take To Shut Down A Bank?”

StarbucksReason – by Jacob Sullum

The New York Times notes that Michael Bloomberg’s big beverage ban, which takes effect on Tuesday, will have some confusing results for coffee sellers and drinkers.

While sugar-sweetened coffee in servings of 16 ounces or less will remain legal, the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene has imposed limits on the amount of sugar that can be added to larger servings before customers take possession of them. “If a customer orders a 20-ounce black coffee with sugar,” the health department says in a flyer titled “New Beverage Portion Rule for Food Service Establishments: What You Need to Know,” “the establishment can add as much as about three teaspoons of sugar to the drink.” Continue reading “Why Is Michael Bloomberg Screwing With New Yorkers’ Coffee Orders? Because He Can.”

Southern Poverty Law Center

The last decade has seen major changes in the American radical right. What was once a world largely dominated by a few relatively well-organized groups has become a scene populated by large numbers of smaller, weaker groups, with only a handful led by the kind of charismatic chieftains that characterized the 1990s.

At the same time, there has been explosive growth in several sectors of the radical right, especially in the last few years, much of it driven by anger over the diminishing white majority (the Census Bureau has predicted that non-Hispanic whites will fall to less than 50% of the population by 2050) and the severe dislocations caused by a still-ailing economy. Continue reading “30 New Activists Heading Up the Radical Right”

Lew Rockwell – by William Grigg

It took a 13-hour filibuster from Senator Rand Paul to wring this terse statement from Attorney General Eric Holder:

“It has come to my attention that you have now asked an additional question: `Does the President have the authority to use a weaponized drone to kill an American not engaged in combat on American soil?’ The answer to that question is no.” Continue reading “What Holder Really Said”