Man-taken-into-custody-after-trying-toPatriot Net Daily – by David Badash

A man who poured gasoline over himself and lit himself on fire Friday around 4:00 PM ET on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., died hours later. Reports state another person was present and had set up a tripod, presumably with a camera to film the act. There are no reports the the man, who has yet to be identified, said or did anything that would indicate his motive.   Continue reading “In Two Cities, Two Men Tried To Light Themselves On Fire”

Virtue Online – by NICK CONSTABLE and MARTIN BECKFORD , Daily Mail

Defendants and witnesses in British courts will no longer swear on the Bible to tell the truth under controversial plans being considered by a powerful body of judges.

The traditional religious oath could be scrapped amid concerns that many giving evidence in criminal cases no longer take it seriously.   Continue reading “UK: Judges bid to banish the Bible from court over fears witnesses and defendants no longer take the oath seriously”

Reflections in a Petri Dish – by Visible

Dog Poet Transmitting…….

May your noses always be cold and wet.

The surface confusions of the moment are spectacular. The unconnected events, all of them crazy and devoid of common sense, are seven steps past strange. Some things seem to be purely malice driven, without any rhyme or reason whatsoever. This evicting of people on private lands located next to Federal lands is going on across the nation. It’s the next step up from the robot mortgage assault on the private homeowner. The other day, zombie killers from the government murdered an unarmed woman and no collection of absurd evidence concerning the event matches up with any other evidence. Continue reading “The Collapsing Empire of the Zio-Ogre”

B’Man’s Revolt

This is only a beginning. I know how tough it is to disbelieve this lie which has been brainwashed into our heads. But when I finally looked at the evidence (explained here pretty well), I realized that the only thing that supports the lie is “witness accounts” (forensics and physical evidence do not). And as time goes by, many of those accounts have been proved to be myths, distortions, vain imaginations, camp hoaxes, or outright lies , some lies by friends and associates of presidents and leaders of the world.

Couple that with the fact that every Jew I have  ever had any contact with has shown themselves to be liars, thieves and supremacist assholes, then I have no reason to believe that witness accounts of Jews are trustworthy. Further, if you look into confession accounts, you realize that these were elicited by torture and testicle crushing techniques and hardly trustworthy.     Continue reading “A Few Reasons I Came To Disbelieve The Holocaust Storyline”

Syrian President Bashar Assad during an interview with an Italian TV-channelRIA Novosti

MOSCOW, October 6 (RIA Novosti) – In an interview with a German magazine, Syrian President Bashar Assad has accused the West of lies about the use of chemical weapons in Syria and said Russia understands the reality of the conflict in his country “much better,” than the United States.

“We did not use chemical weapons,” Assad said in an advance version of an interview with Der Spiegel to be published on Monday. “This is a misstatement. So is the picture you paint of me as a man who kills his own people.”   Continue reading “Assad Says ‘West Is More Confident in Al-Qaida than Me’”

Pro Libertate

“The wicked flee where none gives pursuit,” the Book of Proverbs instructs us. In similar fashion, an imperial elite that cultivates hostility on a global scale lives under the perpetual and well-deserved expectation of retaliation – which is why it perceives everybody as a potential threat. This is why a confused young mother who makes a traffic error in Washington, D.C. faces summary execution – and the killers will be lauded for their supposed “heroism.”   Continue reading ““Escalation of Force”: We’re All Iraqis Now”

21st Century Wire

The drama being orchestrated by the US, Europe and Israel –  is mostly Punch ‘n Judy as far as the rhetoric goes, but the subterfuge going on behind the scenes is very real indeed…

This latest plot to destabilise Iran’s civilian nuclear power industry comes on the heals of a recent foreign intelligence operation to eliminate Iranian nuclear scientists. Three Iranian nuclear scientists have been killed in a mysterious explosions over the past three years, and a fourth survived additional assassination attempt.   Continue reading “Israeli subterfuge, Intelligence Op.? Iran Arrests Four Men Plotting ‘Nuclear Facilities Sabotage’”

RogueMoneyNortheast Intelligence Network

Americans are being treated to political theater at its finest. It’s not a theater of entertainment, however, but a coliseum of enslavement where in the world of deception, perception becomes reality. This theater requires audience participation, where we, the theater-goers, become part of the play. We are a truly captive audience, entranced into mindlessly choosing sides at the frenzied urging of the corporate media and partisan cheerleaders firmly seated behind the microphones and television cameras of the nationally syndicated media.   Continue reading “Forget the government shutdown – it’s about shutting YOU down”


Remember when the media rushed to talk about transparency in the Barack Obama “Hope and Change” era? Good times, good times.  Leonard Downie, who once worked as the executive editor of the Washington Post and wrote a novel about Washington corruption and the Iraq War, finds a bigger and non-fictional problem in the successor to George W. Bush.  Downie gives the Post a preview of his report from the Committee to Protect Journalists which outlines the Obama war on reporters and their sources:   Continue reading “NYT reporter: Obama admin “most closed, control-freak administration I’ve ever covered””

chickenNatural News – by Mike Adams

The Health Ranger’s forensic food investigation of Chicken McNuggets two months ago is making new waves across the industry. A new study published in the American Journal of Medicine appears to have been inspired by the Natural News publishing of photos revealing “strange fibers” in Chicken McNuggets, and it is now exploding across the mainstream media.   Continue reading “Health Ranger’s original forensic investigation of chicken nuggets replicated by scientists who get published in science journal”

Border_PatrolTea Party Headlines – by Todd Cefaratti

Upon his inauguration, the president takes an oath. This oath of office is a bond with the American people, a responsibility the president assumes to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, our rule of law. The president places his hand on the Bible and is, so long as he remains in office, honor-bound to support the rule of law for the American people.   Continue reading “Putting America at Risk: Border Patrol Told to ‘Stand Down’ Amidst Government Shutdown”

NBC News – by Kiko Itasaka

KABUL, Afghanistan – Armed with cash, just about anyone can buy guns, body bags, fake ID cards and genuine American and Afghan military uniforms in Kabul’s markets – all for “a very good price,” according to the sellers.

The legendary Bush Market, named after the 43rd U.S. president, is the largest and best-known of the black market centers in Kabul. A maze of some 500 makeshift stalls, the bazaar offers the usual food and clothing staples.   Continue reading “In Afghanistan, insider attacks begin with a trip to the market”

To be honest, I have never been interested in zombie movies.  Until “World War Z,” I had only seen three such movies in my life.  And, I’ve managed to get through the last decade without seeing even one of the zombie movies that Hollywood has flooded the theaters with.

Even before I knew anything about how “they,” the ruling elite, convey their messages through the movies, television, books, etc., via ‘predictive programming,’ I became curiously concerned at the amount of zombie movies in the last decade alone, and when the zombies invaded prime time television, my concern, as well as my curiosity, was piqued.   Continue reading “The Esoteric Message of “World War Z” the Movie”

President Barack Obama during his Friday interview with the Associated Press. (Charles Dharapak/AP)Sports Illustrated

President Barack Obama is the latest to weigh in on the subject of the Washington Redskins’ name. In an interview with the Associated Press on Friday, the President said that if he owned the team, a change in nickname would be considered.

“I don’t know whether our attachment to a particular name should override the real legitimate concerns that people have about these things,” Obama said, adding that team names like “Redskins” offend “a sizeable group of people.”   Continue reading “Obama suggests Redskins name change; team’s lawyer responds defiantly”