Ben Swann – by Evan Mulch

Many are starting to question the extremely hard push from many so-called self-proclaimed conservative talk show hosts regarding Mark Levin’s push for a Constitutional Convention. To many of us, it seems that the only time these talk show hosts (Limbaugh, Hannity, etc.) join together in this manner is when there is a time to bring Americans into another unconstitutional war or when it’s time to persuade Americans that  they should support another self-proclaimed “conservative” candidate that believes that the U.S. Constitution is a living document that can be altered without regard to the laws of the Constitution.   Continue reading “Mark Levin wants to Play Russian Roulette with the Constitution”

FILE - In this March 16, 2011 file photo, inmate housing on New York's Rikers Island correctional facility can be seen on the other side of a fence topped with razor wire. The Independent Budget Office found it cost $167,731 in 2012 to house one of 12,287 daily New York City inmates, which is about $460-per-inmate-per-day. (AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews, File)Mint Press News – by Jo Erickson

The private prison industry has become an increasingly lucrative business, as the companies running them seek to increase profits by cutting inmates’ food provisions while pressuring state governors to guarantee prisons remain 90 percent full at all times.

In recent years, for-profit prisons have grown in popularity. The number of private prisons has increased from five in 1998 to 100 by 2008. The biggest private prison owner in the U.S. is the Corrections Corporation of America. It has seen its profits increase by more than 500 percent in the past 20 years – and it’s not stopping there.   Continue reading “Private Prisons Pushing To Increase Profits”

Government Corruption ExposedMilitia News by Jim R. Schwiesow

In the U.S. a political system – formerly ruled by the people directly through elected representatives – rapidly gives way to a tinpot dictatorship and a banana republic system of governance.

Anyone of even moderate intelligence must realize that the United States throughout the last half century, and more, has by virtue of its technology, integrity, fiscal potential, and tremendous military strength – all of which comprised an unstoppable power – kept worldwide stability on a fairly even keel. During that time some pretty wise and judicious political leadership kept the elements of this power and prepared intensity reasonably intact.   Continue reading “The Other Side Of Corrupt Leadership Lies Desolation.”

Video Rebel’s Blog

Several sources have come forward to name 2014 as the year of the Global Currency Reset. 2014 could be the year wages and pensions are cut 50%. Some have worried about World War III. I have not. My greatest concern is that when, not if, the dollar collapses, that every man’s hand will be against his neighbor. If food disappears from the store shelves or men have no money to buy it, civilization will cease on the third day.

There are two conflicting plans for the Global Currency Reset. One is from what we could call the Bilderberg set. Bilderberg is an annual meeting of men and women in the West who decide what will happen over the next year. They select Presidents and Prime Ministers. They have been meeting since 1954. Continue reading “2014: China Vs. Bilderberg. Should We Care Who Wins?”

The Ugly Truth

ed note–I post this not in the interests of starting a debate about abortion, but rather because there are several items in this story underscoring the nature of what we are up against.

First and foremost is the mindset of a people who are so greedy for gain that they will actually BRING SUIT for having NOT BEEN MURDERED in the womb. This in itself is pure madness and is the same kind of mindset that would be so audacious as to try and make a profit off of free air.   Continue reading “Increasing number of disabled Israeli children sue for not being aborted”

Before It’s News

“Whether spinning from the inside out, or from the outside in, Geithner is proof the Washington-to-Wall-Street revolving door serves bankers, not the public interests. We need to weld that door shut.”

Writing in The New Yorker magazine, Andrew Huszar says we need not be surprised that the former treasury chief is cashing in on his insider knowledge and contacts. Huszar worked at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York when Geithner became president of that powerful supervisor of Wall Street firms.   Continue reading “Geithner Flips Through Own Revolving Door, Lands on a Thick Cushion of Wall Street Money”

2012 The Awakening

From Karen Hudes Facebook page:

Barack Obama is truly not the President of the United States. He is not a powerful person at all. Rather, he is a front man for more powerful entities that hide in the shadows.

The real power in the world is not the United States, Russia, or even China. It is Rome. The Roman Catholic Church (Vatican) is the single most powerful force in the world.   Continue reading “The Real Powers Behind President Barack Obama by Karen Hudes”

Happy New Year: Get Set for These New Laws to Take Effect in 201440,000 new infringements.

The Blaze – by Becket Adams

As 2013 comes to a close, we turn our attention to 2014 and the nearly 40,000 new laws written by state legislatures set to take effect in the United States next year.

From regulations involving “lemon pets” to take-home placentas, 2014 looks like it will be an interesting year for new laws, several of which are poised to take effect on Jan. 1, as rounded up by the Daily Mail    Continue reading “Just Try and Guess How Many Laws Take Effect in 2014”

The News

TOKYO: A shallow 5.1-magnitude earthquake hit eastern Japan Tuesday, the US Geological Survey said, but there were no local reports of any damage.

The quake hit at 10:03 am (0103 GMT) in Ibaraki prefecture, 146 kilometres (91 miles) northeast of Tokyo, the agency said.   Continue reading “A 5.1-magnitude quake hits eastern Japan: USGS”

Drudge Report

It may have been a difficult political year for President Barack Obama, but he continues to reign as the nation’s Most Admired Man, according to the Gallup Poll. Sitting U.S. presidents have been won the most admired poll for 33 straight years now.

The Most Admired Woman, Gallup reports, is former Secretary of State and (perhaps) future presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton. It’s the 18th time the former first lady has won the honor. Clinton, who took 15% in the current poll, finished ahead of television personality Oprah Winfrey (6%), current first lady Michelle Obama (5%), and former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin (5%). Obama, at 16%, won the man’s poll ahead of both predecessor George W. Bush and Pope Francis, each of whom had 4%.   Continue reading “Obama, Hillary Top Most Admired Poll”


Like a slow-motion train wreck, the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster is still causing damage long after the world’s media has left the news story behind.

On March 11, 2011, the most powerful earthquake ever to hit Japan triggered a tsunami with waves that reached as high as 144 feet. These waves swamped the Fukushima nuclear power-plant complex, causing a resulting shutdown leading to the world’s worst nuclear incident since the 1986 Chernobyl disaster.   Continue reading “Japan Radiation Poisoning America?”

The bombing of Lybia by our CIA using Blackwater mercinaries and suspected drone strike, the second report.

Joyce Reilly has a show on Genisis Communication Network called the Power Hour.  She is presently on vacation at present for the holidays but this was so important she is doing the first hour live on two major news stories.

Tomorrow she is planning to cover three hours on this news as it is vital that this information get out.   Continue reading “Power Hour report on Fukishima meltdown and the danger it holds.”

CNN – by Catherine E. Shoichet and Caleb Hellerman

They thought the tonsil surgery would help her. She feared she’d never wake up.

Now, a 13-year-old girl once known for smiling, giggling and dropping off her sister every day at kindergarten lies motionless in a California hospital bed, hooked up to machines that doctors say are the only thing keeping her heart beating.

There have been days of prayers and protests for Jahi McMath. There was a fierce court battle as a devastated family fought to keep her on life support and doctors argued she had already died. The case drew national attention and fueled debate.   Continue reading “Court blocks hospital from disconnecting Jahi McMath from life support”

(Remember, these were written in 1958)

1. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.

2. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.

3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.

4. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.   Continue reading “List of Communist Goals Contained in “The Naked Communist””

janet-vrotsos-croppedAllen B. West

Just when you think the Left can stoop no lower, they continue to astonish us all.

Such is the story of electrical union member Janet Vrostos and the vile, sickening Facebook post she sent to a wounded veteran. As reported by conservative news site Pat Dollard via BizPac Review, Air Force Sr. Airman Brian Kolfage Jr., a triple amputee and Iraq war veteran, said he received a vile message on his Facebook page from Vrotsos, saying:   Continue reading “Anti-social media: union member sends vile post to disabled veteran”

Activist Post

As the National Defense Authorization Act 2014 heads to Obama’s desk as an even more draconian piece of legislation than it was previously, states have taken notice and are beginning to intensify their efforts to nullify it.

Michigan was the latest to opt for full nullification after Governor Rick Snyder (R) signed bill SB0094 into law.

New Hampshire has now taken a critical step toward nullification with the introduction of their bill HB1279, scheduled to be formally presented on January 8th, 2014.   Continue reading “New Hampshire Moves Toward Nullifying NDAA”

Activist Post – by Digby Jones

In this latest piece of propaganda hogwash from the Department of “Defense” (Offense), Soldiers from the 2nd Cavalry Regiment are teaching Afghan Senior NCOs the skills needed to be an “effective leader” on the battlefield. This of course amounts to nothing more than augmenting their ability to take the lives of other human beings, while cheating their own death as much as possible.   Continue reading ““Building Afghan Leaders” (By Teaching Them To Kill)”