The Lonely Conservative

You’ve probably heard about Alec Baldwin’s latest rant – he hates MSNBC, blames Breitbart for his problems, whines that New York City has changed, blah, blah, blah. He said he wants to move back to LA where he can live behind a gate. New York City cops responded by telling him not to let the door hit him as he leaves.

NYPD cops won’t shed any tears if Alec Baldwin makes good on his wish to move to a gated community in Los Angeles, police sources told The Post on Monday.   Continue reading “NYPD To Alec Baldwin: Good Riddance”

greg abbot loves ted nugentRackjite

Neither Lt Governor Greg Abbott – good old white boy who will soon replace good old white boy Governor Rick Perry – nor anyone in his campaign had any idea of anything Ted Nugent has said or done. Abbott and his political machine live in Austin Ted Nugent lives in Crawford 93 miles away, all very active in the NRA which Ted Nugent is a board member of.

So with that said, Lt Governor Greg Abbott is a liar along with everyone in his campaign.

Again let me remind you that much like child pornography, Ted Nugent has no redeeming social value whatsoever. Well other than being a good Christian Republican and representative of the NRA and the Tea Party.   Continue reading “Texas Greg Abbott had no idea Ted Nugent was a scumbag, Ben Sargent cartoon”

Reuters/Lucy NicholsonRT News

A new report published by the United States Department of Agriculture demonstrates that the vast majority of corn and soybean crops grown in America are genetically-engineered variants made to withstand certain conditions and chemicals.

But while GMO seeds have been sowed on US soil for 15 years now, the latest USDA report reveals that Americans still have concerns about consuming custom-made, laboratory-created products, albeit nowhere near as much as in Europe.   Continue reading “GMO crops may cause major environmental risks, USDA admits”


KIEV, Ukraine (AP) – The Ukrainian parliament on Tuesday delayed the formation of a new government, reflecting political tensions and economic challenges after the Russia-backed president went into hiding.

Parliament speaker Oleksandr Turchinov, who was named Ukraine’s interim leader after President Viktor Yanukovych fled the capital, said that a new government should be in place by Thursday, instead of Tuesday, as he had earlier indicated.   Continue reading “Spokesman: Former Yanukovych aide shot”

The Daily Caller – by Brendan Bordelon

Democratic Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel went to bat for his former boss Monday, claiming he supports President Obama’s strategy of bypassing Congress “one thousand percent” and comparing Obama’s executive orders on healthcare to the Emancipation Proclamation.

Emanuel — the former White House chief of staff in Washington DC on Monday to receive federal money for a new “manufacturing hub” in Chicago — spoke with CNN’s Jim Acosta. The reporter asked if he thought Obama’s plan to use executive actions to ignore an unwilling Congress is the right approach.   Continue reading “‘The Emancipation Proclamation was an executive action’: Rahm Emanuel backs Obama’s executive overreach ‘one thousand percent’”

smoking.jpegHenry Makow – by Nathan Wiedmann

As if smoking doesn’t take up enough time at work, some co-workers and I were discussing the effects of smoking and nicotine addiction.

Someone remarked that his doctor had said it could be harder to get off of nicotine than heroin. As a smoker, one could believe this.

However, after being nicotine free for three months now, I no longer agree. Nicotine withdrawal does not induce seizures or vomiting. In fact, in my experience, nicotine withdrawal is barely noticeable, and is easily neutralized.    Continue reading “The Myth of Nicotine Addiction”

Spencer Platt/Getty Images/AFPRT News

Lawmakers in a number of US states are pushing legislation that aims to force officials to begin testing tens of thousands of rape kits that contain evidence against sexual predators who committed their crimes years ago, and in one case three decades.

Countless victims across the US have spent years pleading with local law enforcement and regional representatives to begin examining the backlog of rape kits, which could contain the DNA of a rape suspect still at large.   Continue reading “Potential sexual predators walk free as thousands of rape kits remain untested”

_73194753_73194748The Daily Sheeple – by Chris Carrington

The Ex-Navy Seals found dead in their cabin aboard the ship made famous in the movie Captain Phillips died of respiratory failure after suffering heart attacks.

Mark Daniel Kennedy(43), and Jeffrey Keith Reynolds (44), were found dead on February 18th as the ship was berthed in Port Victoria, the capital of the Indian Ocean island nation of Seychelles.   Continue reading “BOTH Ex-Navy Seals Found Dead on the Maersk Alabama Died of Respiratory Failure After Suffering Heart Attacks…Really?”

Satellite dishes are seen at GCHQ's outpost at Bude, close to where trans-Atlantic fibre-optic cables come ashore in Cornwall, southwest England (Reuters/Kieran Doherty)RT News

Secret units within the ‘Five Eyes” global spying network engage in covert online operations that aim to invade, deceive, and control online communities and individuals through the spread of false information and use of ingenious social-science tactics.

Such teams of highly trained professionals have several main objectives, such as “to inject all sorts of false material onto the internet” and “to use social sciences and other techniques to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate outcomes it considers desirable,”The Intercept’s Glenn Greenwald reported based on intelligence documents leaked by former NSA contractor Edward SnowdenContinue reading “Western spy agencies build ‘cyber magicians’ to manipulate online discourse”

Kolin Burges,

TOKYO (AP) — A major bitcoin exchange has gone bust after secretly racking up catastrophic losses, other virtual currency companies said Tuesday — a potentially fatal blow for the exotic new form of money.

The website of Tokyo-based Mt. Gox was returning a blank page Tuesday. The disappearance of the site follows the resignation Sunday of Mt. Gox CEO Mark Karpeles from the board of the Bitcoin Foundation, a group seeking legitimacy for the currency, and a withdrawal ban imposed at the exchange earlier this month.   Continue reading “Major bitcoin exchange is insolvent”

For Cherie Lash Rhoades, an appeals hearing was her last chance to keep her small house on a tiny American Indian reservation in the high desert of northeastern California. During the eviction meeting at tribal headquarters, the former Cedarville Rancheria chairwoman is accused of killing four people, including three relatives.

Court documents allege she opened fire with a 9 mm semi-automatic pistol at the building in Alturas, Calif., on Thursday, killing four and wounding two. She was arrested as she stabbed one of the wounded, whom she had chased into the parking lot with a kitchen knife, the documents say. She stopped when a man tackled her and the undersheriff of Modoc County handcuffed her, authorities said.   Continue reading “Ex-tribal chair accused of killings faces hearing”

Christianity Today – by Ruth Moon

Seven Egyptian Christians have been shot execution-style on a beach outside Benghazi, security officials in Libya announced Monday.

The bodies were found with gunshots to the head in an area where kidnappings and assassinations are common and Islamist militants are active, Reuters reports.   Continue reading “Seven Egyptian Christians Executed on Benghazi Beach”

The seal of the Department of Veterans Affairs is seen in an auditorium on Feb. 5, 2013 at the Department of Veterans Affairs in Washington. (MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images)The Daily Caller – by Patrick Howley

Employees of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) destroyed veterans’ medical files in a systematic attempt to eliminate backlogged veteran medical exam requests, a former VA employee told The Daily Caller.

Audio of an internal VA meeting obtained by TheDC confirms that VA officials in Los Angeles intentionally canceled backlogged patient exam requests.   Continue reading “Department of Veterans Affairs employees destroyed veterans’ medical records to cancel backlogged exam requests”

Common Dreams – by Abby Zimet

In the wake of last week’s release of 27,000 damning pages of emails from former aides and allies under investigation for being, as many suspected, liars, cheaters, grifters, hacks, political opportunists and out-and-out bigots – with scorching comments on Jews, blacks, gays, undocumented immigrants and “crazy people” – Scott Walker has stuck to the old “nothing to see” approach every time he’s asked about his own involvement in the Walkergate scandal.   Continue reading “Scott Walker Dodges, Slips, Falls Into Own Slime, On Fox News Yet”

Common Dreams – by Juan Cole

Researchers on online behavior have shown that internet trolls (people who use insincere techniques to disrupt conversations) really are psychopaths, marked by narcisssism, sadism, Machiavellianism. Professors Eric Buckels, Paul Trapnell, and Delroy Paulhus administered surveys to students and found that about 6 percent of them enjoyed messing with other people’s heads on the internet, or trolling. This same group scored high on the four most vicious personality traits, known as the dark tetrad. They agreed when asked questions like this:   Continue reading “4 Darknesses: Internet being Manipulated, Deceived by Western Intel Trolls”

Positive Money and the Chicago PlanReal Currencies – by Anthony Migchels

Positive Money is undoubtedly one of the leading monetary reform organizations in the world. Their analysis of our monetary problems and proposed solutions is basically the Chicago plan. But the Chicago Plan does not address Usury.

Positive Money, headed by Ben Dyson, is based in the UK and is a spin off of the New Economy Foundation. It’s a not-for-profit corporation and is financed by a number of social justice foundations and grassroots supporters. Total income last year was 135,000 pounds.   Continue reading “Positive Money and the Chicago Plan”

Smell the Truth – by David Downs

Hundreds of thousands of Americans are using medical marijuana to treat symptoms of depression each day, but the search for the right strain is often a very personal one.

Cell and animal studies, as well as limited human studies and countless anecdotal reports, show the molecules in cannabis can interact with the human nervous system to cause feelings of well-being.   Continue reading “The Best Marijuana Strains for Depression”

Before It’s News – by Josey Wales

Since Obama was re-elected there seems to be a string of disasters unlike anything ever seen in this nations history. From the engineered gulf oil spill to the chemical spill in West Virginia and everything in between. Order out of Chaos continues.

New Mexico officials investigating a leak from the federal government’s only underground nuclear waste dump tried to reassure skeptical southeastern New Mexico residents Monday night that their health is safe.   Continue reading “Warning: New Mexico Nuclear Power Plant Leaking Radiation”