Is Detroit now America’s safest city?

It’s a thought.

In the last week, three different Detroit residents have used their guns to fire at home invaders. The toll after seven days: Two dead, one wounded, three arrested and a whole lot of people rethinking the idea that Detroit homeowners are soft targets for hardened criminals.   Continue reading “Unload: Homeowners Open Fire On Invaders”

Hazem el-BeblawiThe Guardian – by Patrick Kingsley

Egypt is braced for its sixth government since the start of the 2011 uprising, after the prime minister announced the early resignation of the entire interim cabinet on Monday afternoon.

Hazem al-Beblawy, appointed in the days following the removal of Mohamed Morsi last July, was meant to head Egypt’s government until the election of a new president, but resigned on Monday after weeks of mounting criticism.   Continue reading “Egypt’s prime minister and cabinet resign”

pesticides machine study hazard 263x164 Pesticide Use Soars: 100 Million to 400 Million Pounds Annually in Less than a DecadeNatural Society – by Christina Sarich

If pesticides and herbicides worked so well, we should be able to use less of them, not more, right? It just isn’t the case, though. On American farms and gardens, we have gone from using around 100 million pounds annually to over 404 million pounds of pesticides each year. That’s a whole lot of toxic junk on our foods and in our ecosystem.   Continue reading “Pesticide Use Soars: 100 Million to 400 Million Pounds Annually in Less than a Decade”

obama-putin-faceoffSHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

A couple of weeks ago President Barack Obama joined Bob Costas in an interview during the opening ceremonies of the Winter Olympic games being held in Sochi, Russia. The President, who didn’t attend the ceremony or games with other world leaders, chalked off his absence to his busy schedule. Obama sent a delegation in his stead that consisted of various gay and lesbian members, which was an obvious political move intended to highlight America’s outrage over Russia’s recent anti-gay legislation.   Continue reading “It’s On: Putin Deploys Troop Battalion: Russians Raise Flag Over Ukranian Republic of Crimea”

The Lonely Conservative

Americans for Prosperity created the ad below that’s been airing in Michigan featuring a woman named Julie Boonstra. Boonstra was diagnosed with leukemia five years ago and given only a 20% chance of survival. She says in the ad that she found a wonderful doctor and a great health care plan and has been fighting the disease and doing well. Recently she received a letter that her insurance was cancelled because of Obamacare, and now her out of pocket costs are unaffordable. She says she feels that she was lied to, and tells Congressman (Gary) Peters his decision to vote for Obamacare jeopardized her health.   Continue reading “Democrat Threatens TV Stations That Air Anti-Obamacare Ad”

Rep. John Dingell, D-Mich. is celebrated by friends and colleagues on Capitol Hill in Washington, Friday, June 7, 2013, as he becomes the longest-serving member of Congress in history with his 20,997th day as a representative. A former chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee, Dingell, now 86, says he has no plans to retire as the representative of Michigan's 12th District that includes Dearborn and Ypsilanti. Rep. Dingell recalled wisdom passed on by his late father, Congressman John D. Dingell Sr., Washington Post – by JAIME FULLER

Today, Michigan Rep. John Dingell announced that he was retiring from Congress after serving 29 terms and nearly 60 years. That’s a long time. Let’s look at how much things have changed since 1955, when 29-year-old Dingell won a special election to replace his father, who had died in September 1955.   Continue reading “What’s changed in Washington since John Dingell got elected in 1955? A lot.”

Video Rebel’s Blog 

Let’s compare what China’s leadership has actually done to what America’s elite dreams it can get away with. Alasdair Macleod of Gold Money said China has cornered the gold market. Macleod said the total Money Supply of the 50 largest nations is $67 trillion. Outside the public banking system is the Shadow Banking System which academics recently estimated to be $100 trillion. The Shadow Banking System includes Hedge Funds, Special Investment Vehicles, Money Market funds and others.  That is $167 trillion in paper promises used to construct a House of Cards.    Continue reading “China Corners The Gold Market. US Pokes The Bear.”

US fire saleNeil Keenan

The Globalists’ New World Order train has long-tried to leave the station, but The People of the United States just stubbornly refuse to get on board.  And now the Globalists are preparing to punish the People of The United States through the fire sale and liquidation of her territories, assets, property and rights, as well as the significant and imminent devaluation of the US dollar, hatched at the February G20 meeting in Australia of corporate criminals masquerading as heads of state.   Continue reading “States Are Getting Tough, Globalists Are Getting Even – Cease & Desist Demanded”

Washington’s Blog

Congress Wasn’t Even Informed About It

Constitutional law expert Bruce Fein and well-known author and NSA expert James Bamford point out that the NSA is the only Federal agency which was created without Congressional authorization or debate.

Indeed, the NSA was created by President Truman in 1952 through a secret memo, and Congress was kept in the dark:   Continue reading “NSA Is the ONLY Federal Agency Created By Secret Presidential Memo, Rather than Congressional Legislation”

Israeli F-15I fighter jet (file image)BCC News

Israeli jets have carried out air strikes in eastern Lebanon near the border with Syria, Lebanon’s state news agency says.

Israel’s military has not commented although an Israeli security source quoted by Reuters said there had been “air force activity in the north”.

Lebanon’s national news agency said the air raids took place near the village of Nabi Sheet in the Bekaa Valley.   Continue reading “Israeli warplanes ‘strike eastern Lebanon’”

Q: Where can single men over the age of 60 find younger women who are interested in them?

A: Try a bookstore, under Fiction.

Q: What can a man do while his wife is going through menopause?

A: Keep busy. If you’re handy with tools, you can finish the basement. When you’re done, you will have a place to live.  Continue reading “Over 60”

Huffington Post

A week after his father died from a rattlesnake bite after refusing medical attention, reality star Cody Coots reportedly danced with and held the very snake that killed his dad, vowing to follow in the older man’s footsteps to not seek treatment even if he gets bitten.

According to TMZ, the rattlesnake that killed Coots’ father, Jamie Coots, “made an encore appearance Saturday night” at the Full Gospel Tabernacle in Jesus Name church in Middlesboro, Ky., where the elder Coots served as pastor until his sudden death.   Continue reading “Pastor Cody Coots Handles Snake That Killed His Dad, Vows To Deny Treatment If Bitten: Reports”

Tomato Bubble

See if you can spot the pattern!


Following the alleged poisoning death of colorful Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez, the new President, Nicolas Maduro, continues to defy the Washington crime gang by doing heavy business with Russia, China and Iran.   Continue reading “CIA’s ‘Guy Fawkes’ Strikes Again”

Before It’s News – by Josey Wales

Remember the day “A deadly US drone strike on a December 2013 wedding procession in Yemen”,  well a new 28 page report  is out, this report raises serious concerns about US forces’ and President Barack Obama’s targeted killing policy, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today.   Continue reading “New 28 Page Drone Report: “Wedding That Became a Funeral”, Obama Violates His Own Policy”

NJ2AS Twitter ArmyAmmoLand

New Jersey –-(Ammoland.com)- Our good friend, Synnove Bakke (@JerzyLuv2A) from the SaveJersey.com blog recently published another fine article about 2nd Amendment Rights in NJ and the constant battle we wage in order to protect them.

I am honored she asked me to collaborate with her again on this article.   Continue reading “#2A Support Rooted in Facts, Not Fear”