I challenge ANYONE, ANYONE AT ALL, to come up with a printed book from the 1990’s that has the six legged T4 (proven Israeli Nanobot) bacteriophage in it, as pictured to the left. The web can be faked with ease. You cannot fake print. Let’s see it ON PAPER, in unchangeable print from the 1990’s. PRINT OR THIS THING CAME FROM AN ISRAELI LAB IN 2007, as I state and present compelling evidence for in the T4 nanobot report below.
Month: August 2014
If I were the paranoid sort I may surmise that the United States is now under full-scale assault by the inbred Annunaki Satanist Rothschild-led Illuminati bankers.
First came the traitorous Tea Party/Koch Brothers attempt to drive our government over the debt default cliff without so much as mentioning canceling Federal Reserve-held debt or a single banker arrest or hanging.
The Tea Party should change its name to East India Company, which its namesakes attacked because this Rothschild tool’s taxes were to be CUT by the Crown.
As Veterans Today editor Gordon Duff reported recently, Continue reading “Illuminati Takedown of America Has Begun”
The Organic Prepper – by Daisy Luther
Do you ever read something that defies logic to such a vast extent that you have to read it twice to make certain you understood it correctly? Or you have to look it up because you think (hope) it’s satire, because it’s just so ridiculous it couldn’t be serious?
How about this?
If faced with a person open-carrying a legal firearm, you should STEAL to express your disapproval.
That is precisely what philosophy professor Jack Russell Weinstein of the University of North Dakota is recommending. For real. Continue reading “Philosopher Solves “Problem” of Open-Carry: Terrified Patrons Should Dine and Dash Because “lives could be on the line””
On Friday, Los Angeles City Council members asked federal lawmakers to oppose changing an existing law which would make it easier to deport illegal immigrants.
Federal lawmakers are considering a change in a 2008 law that would grant authorities the right to deport illegal immigrants within 48 hours of being detained. According to the Los Angeles Times, the law as it now stands guarantees that young immigrants from Central American countries receive a hearing before an immigration judge and guarantees due process.
Councilman Gil Cedillo said in a news conference at MacArthur park, a gathering place for Central American immigrants, that Los Angeles needs “to distinguish our city… from other cities, like Murrieta.” The councilman is referring to the July protestation of hundreds of Murrieta residents who rejected the busloads of illegal immigrants sent by federal authorities to relocate in their rural Riverside County community. Continue reading “L.A. Lawmakers Aim to Block Illegal Alien Deportation”
On Friday evening, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) charged at Rep. Tom Marino (R-PA) on the House floor and interrupted his floor speech after Marino accused her of ignoring the border crisis. She then chased after him again when he finished his speech.
Pelosi was seen multiple times on the C-SPAN cameras pointing her finger at Merino, who actually addressed her after the first interruption. According to Merino, Pelosi even called him an “insignificant person.”
After Marino said the country does not have “law and order” and his “colleagues on the other side don’t want to do anything about it,” he blasted House Democrats, like Pelosi, who failed to address the crisis while they were in power. Continue reading “Nancy Pelosi Chases Down GOP Rep On House Floor During Immigration Debate”
Fear of infection with the Ebola virus is becoming as contagious as the virus itself, with mainstream media outlets like CNN reporting, ‘Ebola outbreak could have ‘catastrophic’ consequences.’
Given the prevailing mortality statistics, perhaps the fear is, at least partially, justified, with the most virulent form of the virus – the Zaire Ebola virus – observed to have a fatality rate of about 83%,[1] and with no officially recognized conventional or natural therapy found capable of mitigating morbidity and mortality associated with infection from it. Continue reading “Natural Treatments for Ebola Virus Exist, Research Suggests”
Activist Post – by Jon Rappoport
This is a call for an immediate, thorough, and independent investigation of Tulane University researchers and their Fort Detrick associates in the US biowarfare research community, who have been operating in West Africa during the past several years.
What exactly have they been doing?
Exactly what diagnostic tests have they been performing on citizens of Sierra Leone?
Why do we have reports that the government of Sierra Leone has recently told Tulane researchers to stop this testing? Continue reading “What are US biowar researchers doing in the Ebola zone?”
Water at a Toledo, Ohio, treatment plant has tested positive for a toxin, and nearly 500,000 Ohio residents have been told not drink the tap water, leading the governor to declare a state of emergency Saturday in three counties, state officials told the Los Angeles Times.
Ohio Gov. John Kasich declared a state of emergency for residents of Lucas, Wood and Fulton counties early Saturday after two water samples from a Toledo water treatment plant tested positive for microcystin, a toxin possibly caused by an algae bloom in Lake Erie.
Continue reading “Toxic Ohio tap water tested as 500,000 residents wait”
PITTSBURGH (NewsRadio 1020 KDKA) – Border Patrol Agents are the men on the front lines having to deal with the children coming across our southern border.
One of their biggest concerns is the diseases that kids could bring with them. The agents have to check the immigrants for diseases, and if they have them, they could potentially get sick and bring the illness home to their families.
According to Shawn Moran, the vice president and spokesman for the National Border Patrol Council, scabies and lice are the two main infestations that his agents come across. He adds that chicken pox, measles, H1N1 and tuberculosis are also pretty common. Really, he says they see a whole gamete of diseases and that’s what his men are most concerned with. Continue reading “National Border Patrol Council VP: Border Agents Need More Staffing To Help With Crisis”
11.4 million Americans age 16 and over have left the workforce since President Obama took office in January 2009, according to data released today from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
In July 2014, there were 92,001,000 Americans, 16 and over, who were classified as “not in the labor force,” meaning they not only did not have a job, but they didn’t actively seek one in the last four weeks.
This number has increased by 11,472,000 since January 2009, when the number of Americans not in the labor force was 80,529,000.
Continue reading “11,472,000 Americans Have Left Workforce Since Obama Took Office”
A North Canterbury school’s plan to fit students with microchip bracelets to track their behaviour has prompted concern among parents.
Swannanoa School wants to use silicon bracelets as part of a scheme to reward good behaviour, minutes from a Parent Teacher Association meeting show.
Teachers would use portable scanners to add points to a student’s online good behaviour chart with a reward when a certain amount of points was accumulated.
The school says the scheme would cost $7000 to set up. The proposal has been opposed by some parents. Continue reading “School Plans Microchip Bracelets To Track Behavior”
Alert Net – by Lynn Stuart Parramore
A new study by the Urban Institute says that over 35 percent of Americans have debts and unpaid bills that have been reported to collection agencies. This means the bill is so overdue (generally at least 180 days) that the account has been closed and placed in collections.
That comes to 77 million souls who face the sleepless nights and anxiety that comes from an inability to meet debt obligations. These citizens owe an average of $5,178 each (median $1,349).
It’s happening to us in all walks of life. Continue reading “Debtor Nation: 35 Percent of Americans Owe Bills to Collection Agencies”
The Daily Caller – by Joseph Miller
The report is in, and the review of the president’s foreign policy is clear: If there is not an immediate course-reversal, the United States is in serious danger.
In 2013, the United States Institute for Peace, “a congressionally-created, independent, nonpartisan institution whose mission is to prevent, mitigate, and resolve violent conflicts around the world,” was asked to assist the National Defense Panel with reviewing the Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR). The National Defense Panel is a congressional-mandated bipartisan commission that’s co-chairs were appointed by Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel. Continue reading “Pentagon Official: The Facts Are In, And Obama’s Policy Is A Direct Danger To The United States”