Activist Post – by Heather Callaghan

If you’re in Michigan, you might want to see this film before you vote if possible. Because the entire story of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources’ full fledged war on food and farm freedom is one that touches everyone’s right to unadulterated foods and the right to have a small family farm free from threats of armed raids, imprisonment and excessive fines.

Mark Baker of Baker’s Green Acres always said “No!” when it came to state orders to eradicate his 70 heritage hogs. They weren’t from CAFOs and were declared an invasive species even though they were on his farm. The state dragged him through years of court, threatened prison and imposed $700,000 in fines for harboring “ferals.” He also went through a painful embargo period – an attempt to dry up his farm and put him out of business. Over 2,000 businesses were affected by the arbitrary actions of the DNR (no lawmaking abilities) and an administration out the door.   Continue reading “Watch Hogwash: The American Pig Tale, Free for a Limited Time”

AmericaNatural News – by Mike Adams

Regardless of the outcome of today’s U.S. mid-term elections, there are some things that won’t change one iota. While most of America has finally come to realize what a disaster Obama’s presidency has really been in real-world terms, there are at least five other disasters looming in America’s near future. And neither Republicans nor Democrats have any real plan to deal with these issues… especially when it’s so much easier to get elected by slandering your opponent rather than proposing practical solutions.   Continue reading “No matter who wins, today’s election outcome can’t stop America’s head-on course toward self-destruction”

Charleston Voice

It’s an even bet that the NPR’s Julia Simon is on the beam when she states below. “In fact, the appropriated funds never make their way directly to Egypt. “It goes to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, then to a trust fund at the Treasury and, finally, out to U.S. military contractors that make the tanks and fighter jets that ultimately get sent to Egypt,” wrote Julia Simon of National Public Radio (NPR).” – – Indeed, that ‘trust fund’ is the ESF! Continue reading “The Federal Reserve is the Secret Conduit to Funnel Your Money to Foreign Govts & US Corporations”

don't voteThe simple act of showing up at the polls to cast your vote makes several public statements. You’re telling everyone present that you believe you’ll be represented in our government, and that you have some degree of trust in the election process. We already know both assumptions are ridiculous. As we’ve already seen, we have absolutely no say in who the candidates are, and a mountain of evidence of vote fraud is uncovered before, during, and after each and every election.

The criminal bankers who have usurped our government are well aware of these facts, but they continue onward, perpetuating the myth of representative government, just as they support and uphold the many other lies that have become a fictitious reality that’s propped up by the Zionist media. The lying, treasonous, Zionist puppets that are put before us as candidates are only competing to get their hand in the cookie jar of theft and corruption that our government has become, and they have no intention of representing your will anywhere. All they ever do is steal, and conjure up new ways to lie to you about it. When you show up to vote for one of these whores, you’re helping to perpetuate the myth too. By showing up at the polls to vote, you’re endorsing the entire criminal process.   Continue reading “Boycott the lie. Don’t vote.”

Reuters/Mike SegarRT

Police in northern California are looking into who gave a plastic bag of methamphetamine to a trick-or-treating 8-year-old girl on Halloween.

Her father found the small zip-style bag filled with powder-like substance among the kid’s Halloween candy and called the police at around 8.30 am local time Monday.

Police found that the bag contained one-tenth of a gram of crystal methamphetamine, AP reported.   Continue reading “Trick-not-treat: 8yo California girl given crystal meth with Halloween candy”

Reuters/Youssef BoudlalRT

Islamic State has set fixed prices to sell Yazidi and Christian women who have been abducted by members of the militant group, Iraqi media have reported. The barbaric tariffs range from around $40 for older women to $170 for children.

The group, also known as ISIS or ISIL, says they will execute anyone who violates the controls, which have been implemented. $43 is the price for a Yazidi or Christian women who is aged between 40 and 50. For those aged between 20 and 30, the price is $86. The sickening trend continues, with girls falling into the 10 to 20 age group being sold for $129 and children up to the age of nine, commanding the highest prices of $172 or 200,000 dinars.   Continue reading “ISIS introduces ‘price scheme’ for selling enslaved women and girls”

BANGKOK (AP) — One of the founders of popular file-sharing website The Pirate Bay has been arrested under an Interpol warrant as he was crossing into Thailand from Laos, police said Tuesday.

Hans Fredrik Lennart Neij, who uses the alias TiAMO, was detained Monday by Thai immigration police at a checkpoint in Thailand’s Nong Khai province, about 500 kilometers (310 miles) northeast of Bangkok.   Continue reading “Pirate Bay co-founder arrested at Thai-Lao border”

b257e0b85fa16a2b640f6a7067003b34.jpgFox News

Adding to signs of distress in the nuclear force, the Air Force fired two commanders and disciplined a third in response to internal investigations of leadership lapses and misbehavior at two of its three intercontinental ballistic missile bases.

The most senior officer to be relieved was Col. Carl Jones, the No. 2 commander of the 90th Missile Wing at F.E. Warren Air Force Base, Wyoming, in charge of 150 of the Air Force’s 450 Minuteman 3 nuclear ICBMs. He was dismissed “for a loss of trust and confidence in his leadership abilities,” and has been reassigned as a special assistant to the wing commander.   Continue reading “Air Force fires 2 more nuclear missile corps commanders, disciplines another”

635506536478110703-meteor-1103a11 Alive Atlanta – by Michael King

ATLANTA (WXIA) – Dozens of reports of a fireball crossing the sky emerged Monday evening across 12 eastern states, from as far north as the Great Lakes states and extending as far south as Georgia.

As of 11:00 Monday night, the American Meteor Society said they had received nearly 200 reportsof one or more meteors crossing the skies at about 6:20 p.m. Monday.   Continue reading “Meteor streaks over eastern US Monday night”

Breitbart – by Kristin Tate

HOUSTON, Texas — A Fort Bliss soldier was charged in the death of El Paso County Constable Robert White, following a fight on Halloween night.

White was providing security at a haunted house in Canutillo on Friday night, the Associated Press (AP) reported. At some point during the night, White was punched in the face; he fell to the ground, “bleeding profusely” and was unresponsive, according to the El Paso Times.    Continue reading “Fort Bliss Soldier Charged With Murder After Constable Dies in Fist Fight”

Breitbart – by ILDEFONSO ORTIZ

Suspected cartel hitmen gunned down the top federal law enforcement official in charge of the northern part of the Mexican border state of Tamaulipas.

More than 100 shots were fired by gunmen killing General Ricardo Cesar Nino and his girlfriend near the town of Valecillo, said Nuevo Leon Attorney General Adrian de la Garza Santos in a prepared statement. Nuevo Leon authorities found Nino’s body and that of his girlfriend along the highway connecting Valecillo and Nuevo Laredo on board of a Nissan sedan.    Continue reading “Federal Police Leader Killed by Gunmen in Mexico”

Breitbart – by Bob Price

HOUSTON, Texas — The special prosecutor who filed criminal charges against Texas Governor Rick Perry now claims the Governor is threatening Grand Jury witnesses by requesting a transcript of Grand Jury Testimony.  Perry’s lawyers have accused the special prosecutor of attempting to criminalize the political process.

Perry’s lawyers, who are attempting to prepare a defense for the Governor, have filed a motion with the court to release the transcripts of Grand Jury testimony. Perry was indicted for exercising his Constitutional power of veto when he threatened to veto funding of the Travis County special anti-corruption unit of the Travis County District Attorney’s office after District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg was arrested and convicted of drunk driving.   Continue reading “Special Prosecutor Accuses Perry of Threatening Grand Jury Witnesses”

Activist Post – by Heather Callaghan

Today, starts the first day of one of the largest, most viral student-led lunchtime boycotts. Farmington High School of Farmington, Connecticut organized the Facebook event to boycott the school lunches for November 3-7th. The peaceful consumer demonstration protests not only the incredibly dismal quality of the food, but also the harsh credit system that denies lunches when accounts are slightly overdrawn. Over 500 people have signed up to attend.

If there weren’t some photos to back up the complaints, the quality problem would sound outrageous enough for Charles Dickens to reject as fiction. Students have found mold, uncooked chicken, expired food, unidentifiable blobs, dead bugs and human hairs. They have described portion sizes for $3.50 lunches that amount to a couple of gulps. Continue reading “Largest School Lunch Boycott Starts Today in Connecticut”

A family home under quarantine in the Port Loko district of Sierra Leone, where the Ebola outbreak is widespread.The Guardian

A fresh outbreak of Ebola in a part of Sierra Leone where the virus was thought to have been contained has raised fears of a new, uncontrolled infection chain that could send the death toll soaring.

A Red Cross ambulance team was sent to the remote district of Koinadugu, which had prided itself on being the only area to have kept Ebola at bay, on Tuesday to urgently collect 30 corpses for medical burial.   Continue reading “Fresh Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone raises fears of new infection chain”

Yahoo News

BERLIN (AP) — German Chancellor Angela Merkel underlined her displeasure over Russia’s role in eastern Ukraine on Tuesday and said there is no reason yet to lift European Union sanctions.

Russia supported rebel-organized elections in eastern Ukraine that the West says undermine a much-violated cease-fire deal signed in Minsk in September.

Merkel said her aim remains a diplomatic solution, but the weekend’s events show “how difficult it is even to maintain agreements that have been made, if we look at the illegal elections.”   Continue reading “Merkel underlines displeasure over Russian role”

ensure-slide-completeHealth Wealth Happiness

We recently had the unfortunate experience of having a lady whom we know well, go to hospital for a heart operation. Since she survived the operation, we wanted to make sure the hospital food did not kill her.

We visited this lady for two weeks after the operation, bringing her healthy food every day, because hospital food is more than awful tasting – it’s toxic.  While I knew it was bad, until I saw what was fed to her each day, I had no idea how bad it was.   Continue reading “Hospital Food – How it Can Kill You”