Tamir Rice video still (2)Sent to us by Scott C. who said: They never gave the kid a chance.

Cleveland.com – by Brandon Blackwell

CLEVELAND, Ohio – A Cleveland police officer fatally shot Tamir Rice immediately after leaving his moving patrol car while his partner stayed at the wheel, surveillance video shows.

The video showed Wednesday by police captures the Saturday afternoon shooting at a West Side recreation center in which 12-year-old Rice was shot.   Continue reading “Cleveland police officer shot Tamir Rice immediately after leaving moving patrol car”

Press TV

US police forces are trained by Israeli military forces to ‘occupy’ the communities they are in charge of across America, a commentator tells Press TV.

“There is a problem in US police departments being trained very largely by the Israeli defense forces… which is an ‘occupation force’, so people are being trained in which to occupy the community,” Graylan Hagler, a justice advocate from Washington, said in an interview with Press TV on Monday.   Continue reading “US police trained to occupy communities: Analyst”

deepwater horizonBusiness Insider – by JAMES URTON, MONGABAY

Images from the 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster endure, from the collapsing platform to oil-fouled coastline. But beneath the surface is a story photographers cannot as easily capture.

Two days after the April 20, 2010 explosion that killed 11 and injured 16, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig sank.

During the five months it took to seal the Macondo well 1,500 meters below the surface, nearly 5 million barrels of oil gushed into the ocean.

In a paper published online on Oct. 27 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), researchers reported the first solid evidence that some of this oil settled on the seafloor.    Continue reading “Here’s Where All The Oil From The Deepwater Horizon Spill Went”

The Daily Caller – by Neil Munro

The only Americans who can legitimately object to immigration are native Indian-Americans, President Barack Obama told his Chicago audience Nov. 24, as he made an impassioned ideological plea for endless immigration, cultural diversity and a big government to manage the resulting multicultural society.

“There have been periods where the folks who were already here suddenly say, ‘Well, I don’t want those folks,’ even though the only people who have the right to say that are some Native Americans,” Obama said, rhetorically dismissing the right of 300 million actual Americans to decide who can live in their homeland.   Continue reading “Obama: Americans Have No Right To Resist Immigration”

Was Murdered Ferguson Man a Grand Jury Witness? New York Daily News – by Nina Golgowski

Police are investigating the death of a man found inside of a parked car, a couple blocks from where Missouri teen Michael Brown was killed in August, as a homicide, according to a local report.

The body of 20-year-old DeAndre Joshua, who was identified by his family to USA Today, was found near Ferguson’s Canfield Green Apartments around 9 a.m. Tuesday.   Continue reading “Body found amid violent Ferguson protests investigated as homicide: police”

Gun Watch – by Dean Weingarten

Park City, Utah, officials were the latest in a series of local governments that have been forced to respect the Constitution by the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF).   SAF has run up an impressive number of legal wins to protect second amendment rights.   It has become the ACLU of the gun culture.

In the Park City case, the city had adopted local laws in direct violation of the second amendment and Utah state preemption law.    Continue reading “UT: City Officials Forced to Obey the Constitution on guns”

White House

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, President Barack Obama announced his intent to appoint the following individuals to key Administration posts:

  • John P. Bilbrey –Member, Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations
  • Brian Greenspun– Member, Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad
  • Andrés W. López – General Trustee, Board of Trustees of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
  • Emma Sepulveda – Member, J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board

Continue reading “President Obama Announces More Key Administration Posts”

The temperatures in Igarka were 52C below zero (Screenshot from youtube.com)RT

Freezing temperatures didn’t stop intrepid passengers from “helping out” a Russian plane that couldn’t move, because its wheels were frozen to the ground. The “selfie” won the day in a remote Siberian town beyond the Arctic Circle.

74 passengers, who were on board, offered the seven-member crew and technical staff to help move the frozen Tupolev Tu-134 plane to the takeoff runway on Tuesday, a spokeswoman for the UTair company told TASS.   Continue reading “–52C in Siberia: Over 70 passengers ‘push’ frozen plane to runway”

This undated hand out photograph released November 24, 2014 by the office of St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCullough shows police officer Darren Wilson (AFP Photo / St. Louis County Prosecutor's Office)RT

The court testimonies of those involved in the Michael Brown shooting lifted the lid on some of the most intriguing aspects of this incident. RT looks at 10 pointers from the investigation, which has left a nation divided.

In a rare occurrence, transcripts, heard by the jury in the case of Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson who shot and killed Brown, have been made public. Normally, when no indictment is made, grand jury proceedings are kept secret. It also became public knowledge that when he killed Brown, it was the first time Wilson had used a firearm.   Continue reading “What the jury heard as Darren Wilson defended the killing of Michael Brown”

635524649544741583-noahpicWTSP 10 News – by Noah Pransky

TAMPA BAY, Florida — A controversial procedure that allows Florida law enforcement to seize cars, cash, and other personal property during an arrest is under increasing scrutiny as some agencies are relying on it more and more to create revenue.

Civil forfeiture was designed to take tools such as guns and drug money away from serious criminals. Anything seized during a felony arrest can become the property of the arresting agency if the property owner doesn’t challenge it. But officers routinely seize property as their agency’s own even though warrants are seldom filed, and often, charges are never even filed against the property owner.   Continue reading “Policing for Profit: How your property can be seized”

Dutch Foreign Minister Bert KoendersJDL Support

Holland’s new Foreign Minister Bert Koenders declared last week that for now the Netherlands will not recognize a “Palestinian” state. According to Koenders, recognition is not conducive to advancing stalled peace talks, JTA reports, citing a recently released transcript of the speech.

“We believe this is not an advisable measure,” Koenders told a Dutch Parliament session last Wednesday during the annual debate on his office’s budget and policy.   Continue reading “Holland Says No to ‘Palestine’”

SONY DSCThe Organic Prepper

Many families are having a tough time economically this year.  For those who have suffered a job loss, a foreclosure, or have exorbitant looming bills, the holidays can be a time for stress instead of enjoyment. But contrary to what you may think, you don’t have to spend an entire month’s grocery budget to put together a memorable and delicious Thanksgiving dinner. You can make a lot of it right from your pantry!

If you’ve been building a stockpile, then the food in your pantry contains all sorts of basics for scratch cooking, purchased at the lowest prices available. Because of this, you can focus on purchasing only a few special items, like a turkey or a must-have goodie that is a tradition in your family, while you enjoy delicious yet thrifty treats for the rest of your Thanksgiving dinner.   Continue reading “Recipes for a Frugal Thanksgiving from the Pantry”

Breitbart TV

Tuesday on CNN, retired lieutenant general and the commander of Joint Task Force Katrina Gen. Russel L. Honoré  said if the riots in Missouri cant be controlled the next step is “the Insurrection Act.”

Partial transcript as follows:

It takes a lot of patience he on the police part to understand that civil disobedience by it self is to force the police to take actions. So the people stand in the street, and if it can be done in a safe way, sometimes it’s best to observe that as long as it doesn’t go violent. Continue reading “Gen Honore: If Riots Not Stopped St Louis May Have to Invoke The Insurrection Act”


The United States is in the midst of renewing its 35-year-old commitment to supply Israel with oil in emergency situations after the pact expired on Tuesday, a U.S. State Department official said.

The United States “is in close contact with the government of Israel on extending the longstanding memorandum of understanding” between the two countries on emergency oil supplies, a State Department official said on the condition of anonymity.   Continue reading “U.S. government working to renew oil agreement with Israel”