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Month: March 2015
Economic Collapse – by Michael Snyder
The move to a cashless society won’t happen overnight. Instead, it is being implemented very slowly and systematically in a series of incremental steps. All over the planet, governments are starting to place restrictions on the use of cash for security reasons. As citizens, we are being told that this is being done to thwart criminals, terrorists, drug runners, money launderers and tax evaders. Other forms of payment are much easier for governments to track, and so they very much prefer them. But we are rapidly getting to the point where the use of cash is considered to be a “suspicious activity” all by itself. These days, if you pay a hotel bill with cash or if you pay for several hundred dollars worth of goods at a store with cash you are probably going to get looked at funny. You see, the truth is that we have already been trained to regard the use of large amounts of cash to be unusual. The next step will be to formally ban large cash transactions like France and other countries in Europe are already doing. Continue reading “They Are Slowly Making Cash Illegal”
All News Pipeline – by Stefan Stanford
With Jade Helm 15 having gone viral across the internet, US Army Special Operations Command is having to push back against ‘alarmists claims’ that we’re actually witnessing ‘martial law-style’ drills according to Stars and Stripes while 2 more states, Florida and Mississippi, have added exercises to their states that will include ‘surgical strikes’ and ‘extractions’ according to a news conference addressing Jade Helm 15 included in the 1st video below for you to hear for yourself. Interestingly enough, the US military is unable to view websites reporting on Jade Helm 15 due to their sophisticated firewall which prevents them from accessing ‘truth’ websites. From the Stars and Stripes story: Continue reading “Two More States Added To Jade Helm 15 Exercises – Will Include ‘Surgical Strikes’ And ‘Extractions’”
Less than two weeks ago we warned that based on the current oil production trend, the US may run out of storage for crude as soon as June. Continue reading “The Perfect Storm For Oil Hits In Two Months: US Crude Production To Soar Just As Storage Runs Out”
In a news story that was totally ignored by the major news outlets, and even most minor media outfits, 25 men and women who were protesting President Barack Obama’s executive action “immigration program” took to the streets of the Californian city of San Bernardino. The group of demonstrators, many of whom were affiliated with groups such as the Minuteman Project, targeted San Bernardino’s Mexican consulate which is located across the street from City Hall.
While demonstrating in opposition to Obama’s executive immigration program, the angry protesters entered the Mexican Consulate to deliver a complaint letter to the Mexican consul assigned to that Californian facility. Quite simply, the protesters voiced their demand that the Mexican government give these American citizens the same benefits bonanza from Mexico that are provided to Mexicans who are illegally residing in the U.S. Continue reading “American protesters storm Mexican consulate demanding bonanza of goodies”
TheBlaze – by Pete Kasperowicz
The number two official at the Department of Homeland Security on Tuesday was accused of creating an appearance of “favoritism and special access” in decisions on whether to grant visas to certain foreigners — including in one case pushed by Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and his staff — according to a report released by the DHS Office of Inspector General.
The OIG report said Deputy DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas took extraordinary steps in three cases to help these non-citizens win green cards, under a program that gives people access to these cards if they invest $500,000 in the United States. That program hands out so-called EB-5 visas, but it has been under scrutiny for the last several months for possible abuse. Continue reading “Harry Reid, Senior DHS Official Implicated in Scheme to Approve Visas for Non-Qualified Foreigners”
I’ve received many remarkable nature photographs over the years, but this photo of a nesting Falcon is perhaps the most remarkable nature shot that I’ve ever seen. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Nature is truly breath-taking! I’ve sent this to most of my older friends — the younger ones probably have never seen a falcon and wouldn’t recognize it.
Sent to us by the author.
Outpost of Freedom – by Gary Hunt
There is no doubt among Americans that there were thirteen colonies engaged in the struggle with Great Britain just over two hundred years ago. Most will recognize names such as the Green Mountain Boys, Ethan Allen and the Battle of Bennington. Few, however, recognize the role played by this isolated area in our quest for independence.
Vermont, geographically nestled between New York and New Hampshire, was, without a doubt, part of the number that cast off British control of the colonies. Both geographically and evidenced by their full participation, they were as much a colony, that arose from the conflict as, any of other thirteen colonies. Continue reading “Vermont – The Fourteenth Colony”
A Pennsylvania police officer was charged Tuesday with criminal homicide after investigators concluded she shot an unarmed motorist in the back as he lay facedown after a traffic stop over an expired inspection sticker.
Authorities accused Hummelstown police Officer Lisa J. Mearkle of shooting 59-year-old David Kassick twice Feb. 2 without legal justification. She was released on $250,000 bail, her lawyer said. He planned a news conference later in the day. Continue reading “Officer Charged With Killing Unarmed Driver Laying Facedown”
MOSCOW, March 24 (UPI) — Russia increased tension over NATO nuclear missiles Tuesday with a demand that the United States remove all non-strategic nuclear weapons from Europe.
Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich referred to comments by Jen Psaki, his counterpart at the U.S. State Department, that U.S. missiles are under constant U.S. control, as distorted. He added that deployment of U.S. missiles in European NATO countries is a violation of the 1968 Treaty on Nuclear Weapons Non-Proliferation. Continue reading “Moscow demands removal of U.S. nuclear missiles”
The subject of a 24-hour manhunt in Racine County is dead, after police say he fatally shot himself after being cornered in an area of pine trees in Mount Pleasant Monday afternoon.
Officers had been searching for 24-year-old Stantavious Sillas since Sunday, after he allegedly kidnapped a female employee from a rural hospital and rehab facility near Rochester. He later shot at a deputy who spotted him at a grocery store parking lot in Union Grove, hitting a squad car. Sillas then released the woman and fled on foot, triggering a search that involved multiple law enforcement agencies. Continue reading “Manhunt in Racine County ends with suspect shooting himself”
“In case you’ve been under a rock lately, it is becoming quite clear that police in the US can and will kill people, even unarmed people, even on video, and do so with impunity.
The tallying methods, or rather lack thereof, used by both the FBI and individual police departments to count the amount of people killed by police, have been shown to be staggeringly inaccurate.
However, this inability of the government to count the number of people it kills, has been met with multiple alternative means of calculating just how deadly the state actually is. Continue reading “Land of the free”
Sent to us by a reader.
The Free Thought Project – by John Vibes
Caddo Parish, Louisiana – After decades of working to fill up prisons, a lead prosecutor is coming forward to apologize for his participation in the growing police state.
This week, prosecutor Marty Stroud wrote an open letter to a man who he helped put in prison, apologizing for his part in the man’s incarceration. The open letter was addressed to Glenn Ford, a man who spent 30 years on death row for a murder that he did not commit. Continue reading ““I Was Not Interested In Justice” Prosecutor Writes Revealing Confession About The “Justice” System”
For years, Winston Churchill’s famous quote, “It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried,” has served as Americans’ last word in any political discussion which requires validation of the US government, no matter how corrupt or flawed in its behavior, as the best in the planet, comparatively or by default. Never mind the meaning that Mr. Churchill had intended back in 1947, or how the international political panorama has changed during the past seven decades. Continue reading “Regime Change: America’s Failing Weapon Of International Deception”