Courthouse News – by Kevin Lessmiller

(CN) – A TV news cameraman was assaulted by police officers while covering a story about how the Long Island Rail Road was running late because of snow, he claims in court.

Marvin Hoffman, a cameraman for Channel 7 News in New York City, says he was working with a reporter on the morning of January 13, 2015. They were covering a story about the railroad’s snow-related delay when Hoffman was “forcibly grabbed” by Metropolitan Transit Authority police officers, including a Sgt. Moe, according to the cameraman.   Continue reading “Cameraman Says He Was Arrested for No Reason”

Fox 40 – by Rina Nakono

OLIVEHURST– A 12-year-old honor student at Yuba Gardens Intermediate school received a dress code violation, but many are wondering if the school overreacted.

This back-to-school season, Lori Carpenter bought a simple, patriotic T-shirt from Kohl’s for her son, Dustin Cole. She said she bought it because she liked the American flag design and the blue color.   Continue reading “American Flag Shirt ‘Gang Related,’ School District Says”

Guns America – by S.H. Blannelberry

A trio of teen thugs thought they had hit it big after they robbed a 23-year-old Detroit man Sunday night at a bus stop. But little did they know that their victim, the recent recipient of a concealed carry permit, was also armed and prepared to defend himself.

And that’s exactly what he did. After they took $220 from the man’s pocket, the crooks celebrated the score and dropped their guard and that’s when the victim took action, drawing his handgun and opening fire on the suspects.   Continue reading “Revenge Done Right? Braggadocious Teen Robbers Shot By Victim With CCW”

The Daily Sheeple – by Melissa Dykes

Used to be, stats on how much television the average person watches in a given day were pretty horrifying. Hours of people’s lives, gobbled up in front of the never ending stream of propaganda on the “boob tube”…

But these days we have computers! And tablets! And smart phones! (Oh my…)   Continue reading “The Real Zombie Apocalypse? Study Finds Average People Check Their Smart Phones 85 TIMES A DAY”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Just under a year ago in the aftermath of the “OPEC Thanksgiving Massacre” of 2014 which sent oil crashing when Saudi Arabia effectively ended the oil cartel, we predicted that Venezuela (with its CDS trading at 2300 bps back then) would become the first casualty of the “crude carnage.” Since then not only has Venezuela, which relies on crude oil for 95% of its export revenue, suffered a dramatic episode of hyperinflation (which is only accelerating) coupled with total economic collapse, but its CDS has, as expected, blown out to reflect a default of probability at 96% over the next five years as shown below.   Continue reading “Venezuela Sells Billions In Gold To Repay Its Debt”

Ron Paul Institute – by Daniel McAdams

At the State Department’s daily briefing today, Spokesman John Kirby conceded that the Syrian government led by President Assad may have a role to play in a “political transition” of the country.

The apparent shift was in response to a reporter who pointed out that Assad is not opposed by the entire population of Syria:   Continue reading “Washington: Assad Still Must Go”


Two police officers were shot on Thursday evening in a firefight with a home intruder in the western Tennessee city of Hohenwald, broadcasters WSMV and WKRN reported.

NBC-affiliate WSMV cited Hohenwald’s police chief as saying three officers responded to an aggravated robbery at a home when a suspect opened fire and was killed during the exchange.   Continue reading “Two police officers shot in Tennessee firefight: broadcasters”

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Savannah River Armory presents the first webisode in their series “Uncertain Tomorrow.”

This video depicts how a family could survive a global catastrophe resulting in civil unrest, assuming they are prepared.   Continue reading “If the world collapsed tomorrow, families of survivors would look like this”

NBC News – by Jon Schuppe

The hacker collective known as Anonymous is threatening to strip anonymity from the Ku Klux Klan.

The vow to post KKK members’ names online marks an escalation in a year-old battle between the two groups, which began during civil unrest in Ferguson, Missouri.   Continue reading “Anonymous Hackers Threaten to Release Names of Ku Klux Klan Members”

Steve Lendman

BDS activism has had remarkable successes since its July 2005 founding – coincidentally around the same time I began writing in retirement at age 70.

I’m a proud cultural BDS member. I urge everyone to get involved for justice. Its global boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign is the most effective form of civil resistance against longstanding Israeli occupation harshness, colonialism, and apartheid – continuing without letup until Palestinian liberation is finally achieved.   Continue reading “Boycott Israel: Resistance Works”

Epoch Times – by Jack Philips

Several huge blasts were reported in Ukraine’s Lugansk, sometimes spelled as Luhansk, region on Thursday night, according to media reports. At least one person was killed.

Video footage of one of the explosions was recorded and uploaded to YouTube.   Continue reading “Huge Explosion in Ukraine’s Lugansk as Ammunition Warehouses Catch Fire”

CBS News – by Vinita Nair

ST. LOUIS— Thousands of gallons of tainted water spilled last night at the Bridgeton landfill near St. Louis where an underground fire has been burning next to an old nuclear waste dump.

Mothers from North Saint Louis County are convinced their local landfill is on the brink of a nuclear emergency putting their families at risk.   Continue reading “St. Louis moms up in arms over nuclear waste fears”

Rense by Wolfgang Halbig

From: Wolfgang Halbig <>
Subject: Please explain to this 70 year old man how the FBI on their own Washington DC website show that the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting Massacre took place on Dec 13, 2012. Then read the Chapter 1 I have attached of all the lies before the First Shot was even fired.   Continue reading “FBI, Sandy Hook – An Explanation & Truth Long Overdue”

Off the Grid News – by Daniel Jennings

Starting next fall it will be illegal to install wood-burning heaters and stoves in new homes in at least one major American city: San Francisco.

Even wood stoves certified as low emission by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will be banned.   Continue reading “A Ban On Heating Your Home With Wood? It’s Happening”

Anti -Media- by Claire Bernish

First, Iceland jailed its crooked bankers for their direct involvement in the financial crisis of 2008. Now, every Icelander will receive a payout for the sale of one of its three largest banks, Íslandsbanki.

If Finance Minister Bjarni Benediktsson has his way — and he likely will — Icelanders will be paid kr 30,000 after the government takes over ownership of the bank. Íslandsbanki would be second of the three largest banks under State proprietorship.   Continue reading “First They Jailed The Bankers, Now Every Icelander To Get Paid In Bank Sale”

ABC News

A somber Albuquerque police chief stood surrounded by dozens of law enforcement officials Thursday as he described a well-liked, highly decorated officer who was gunned down outside a pharmacy last week.

Officer Daniel Webster died early Thursday at University of New Mexico Hospital, a little more than a week after he was shot by an ex-convict, Chief Gorden Eden said. Webster’s death followed an especially violent week in New Mexico’s largest city in which police say another gunman shot and killed a 4-year-old girl amid a road rage dispute.   Continue reading “New Mexico Police Officer Dies After Being Shot on Duty”