
Las Vegas police are investigating the killing of a wanted man who was shot dead earlier this week by two officers who mistook his cellphone for a gun, authorities said on Saturday.

Keith Childress Jr., 23, died from multiple gunshot wounds and his death was ruled a homicide, the Clark County Coroner’s Office said.   Continue reading “Las Vegas police say suspect killed as phone mistaken for gun”

The Guardian

Residents of southern states along the Mississippi river are braced for the flooding that has swamped communities in Illinois and Missouri over the last week, causing thousands of evacuations and killing at least 29 people.   Continue reading “Southern US states braced for floods as Mississippi nears record crest”

The Wealth Watchman

As we head into 2016, the global financial system continues to teeter all around us. Years of virtually zero-percent interest rates in the US, along with stagnant rates the world over(accompanied by chronic unemployment), have made many do a complete rethink of what money and currency is, what it should be, and how it should be created.

These questions must be considered by any populace longing to be free, and who wish to determine their own destiny. For too long, the oligarchs in our world have called the shots, and determined those things for us, without ever asking us if that’s what we wanted. That’s why when I recently read this headline about how a European country is attempting some very serious banking & monetary reforms, I was very encouraged.   Continue reading “Will The New Swiss Referendum Reign in the Banking Beast, or Create a New Monster?”

Yahoo News

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts urged trial judges on Thursday to manage cases more efficiently and advised lawyers to avoid “antagonistic tactics,” as he focused his annual year-end report on federal rules intended to speed up litigation.

In an otherwise dry recounting of new pre-trial procedures, Roberts cited the country’s history of settling disputes with dueling pistols, including Alexander Hamilton’s 1804 death at the hand of Aaron Burr.   Continue reading “U.S. chief justice urges judges, lawyers to cooperate for speedier litigation”

Patch – by Sherri Lonon

SPRING HILL, FL — The Pasco County Sheriff’s Office is warning people about a man who has scammed at least one victim in the Spring Hill area.

According to the agency, a man pulled over a victim around 8 p.m. on Tuesday on U.S. 41 at Bowman Road. The suspect was driving a midsize sedan with flashing red and blue lights. Once out of the vehicle, the suspect approached the victim and told him he was being stopped for speeding. The suspect identified himself as a Homeland Security officer and then asked for the man’s driver’s license and registration.   Continue reading “Fake Homeland Security Officer Raising Concerns”

Global Research – by Anthony Bellchambers

The power-brokers who influenced congress to support nuclear Israel’s illegal settlements in 2015 and war with non-nuclear Iran in 2016

In 1933, a baby was born into a low-income family and grew up in the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts. His family was of Ukrainian Jewish ancestry whose father drove a taxi, and his mother ran a knitting shop. Currently he is the owner of an Israeli daily newspaper as well as being boss of an LA gambling casino group and is the major founder of the Republican Party.   Continue reading “Money is the Driving Force: Politicians in America are Not Elected on the Basis of Acumen, Education or Intelligence…”

WSWS – by Berry Grey

International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde offered a bleak economic forecast for 2016 and beyond in a guest column published Wednesday in the German financial newspaper Handelsblatt .

The IMF head wrote that global economic growth next year would be “disappointing” and the outlook for the medium term had also deteriorated. Lagarde pointed to the continuing slowdown in China and the prospect of rising interest rates in the US as major factors leading to a continued slowdown in world growth rates and the potential for financial shocks.   Continue reading “IMF head warns of slow growth and economic “shocks” in 2016”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

It would appear the people of Switzerland have been listening to their military leaders. Having recently been warned by the Swiss army chief of growing social unrest, SwissInfo reports applications for gun permits in Switzerland increased by 20% between 2014 and 2015, according to a survey conducted in 12 cantons. But while the army proposes “arm yourselves,” Swiss crime prevention officials warn against the false sense of security that guns bring.   Continue reading “Gun Sales Surge In Switzerland As Army Chief Warns “Arm Yourselves””

Strange Sounds

A series of mysterious hole punch clouds appeared in the sky of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama on December 29, 2015.

As if these fallstreak clouds punched gaping holes in the skies across the South.

These weird clouds form when water vapor is suspended in subfreezing air, but the vapor has not frozen because there is a lack of particles for it to freeze around.   Continue reading “Mysterious hole punch clouds appear in the sky of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama”

Yahoo News

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — The father and son of a prominent Oregon ranching family plan to surrender at a California prison next week after a judge ruled they served too little time for setting fires that spread to government lands they leased to graze cattle.

Dwight Hammond, 73, and Steven Hammond, 46, said they lit the fires in 2001 and 2006 to reduce the growth of invasive plants and protect their property from wildfires.    Continue reading “Oregon ranching case sparks anti-government sentiment”

Yahoo News

JERUSALEM (AP) — A gunman opened fire outside a popular bar in the coastal Israeli city of Tel Aviv on Friday afternoon, killing two people and wounding at least three others before fleeing the scene, police said.

The motive for the shooting spree, which took place on a busy main street, was not immediately clear, police said. Media reported the assailant was a member of Israel’s Arab minority and called it a nationalistically motivated attack but police refused to comment, saying it was still investigating.   Continue reading “Gunman kills 2 at bar in Tel Aviv; manhunt underway”

The Technocratic Tyranny – by Vicky

A lot of people are asking, What’s going on in Harney County that has drawn the attention of what Oregon Live writer Les Zaitz calls “self-styled patriots”.  It’s not clear what he means by that unless he considers himself the Grand Poobah in charge of defining who is and who is not a patriot.  In typical mainstream media fashion, he wrote a story that “bleeds”.   The feature picture is of a man in camo with a scary looking gun using a tree as cover in military style.  Zaitz begins his story, “The strangers carrying the whisper of danger in the vast territory of the Harney Basin just before the holidays”.    Oh! The drama of it all.  He must have learned his trade in Hollywood because his story reads more like a script for a Rambo sequel than a news story.  In truth, there isn’t much difference between fiction and what passes for journalism in the mainstream media these days so he’s right in step with his peers.   Continue reading “The People of Harney County vs The Administrative State”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

In all of 2011, British police killed 2 people. In 2012, 1 person. In 2013, a total of 3 bullets left the barrels of British police guns, and no one was killed. In the last two years, a total of 4 people have lost their lives because of British cops, bringing the total number of citizens killed in the UK to 7 in the last 5 years.

Since Christmas, police in America have killed 14 people. In 1 week, American cops have killed twice as many people as the British police have killed since 2011!   Continue reading “Since Christmas, US Cops Have Killed Twice as Many People as UK Cops Have In the Last 5 Years”

Information Liberation – by Christopher Menahan

The Tennessee Highway Patrol is out for blood this New Year, they’re setting up multiple “no refusal” checkpoints throughout the state whereby they can forcibly strap you down to a table and take your blood without your consent.    Continue reading “Tennessee Vampire Cops Set Up ‘No Refusal’ DUI Checkpoints With Mandatory Blood Draws”

Free Thought Project – by Andrew Emett

Houston, TX — Caught on video illegally selling assault rifles and sensitive information to undercover informants, a former officer of the year has also been accused of secretly working for Los Zetas cartel in a drug trafficking conspiracy in operation since 2006. Although the cop allegedly provided the cartel with firearms, bulletproof vests, luxury vehicles, police scanners, and database access, recently filed court documents revealed at least two convicted cocaine traffickers are cooperating with the government against the disgraced cop.   Continue reading “New Documents Expose Texas ‘Cop of the Year’ as Member of Mexico’s ‘Most Dangerous’ Cartel”