Continue reading “Burns Oregon–Confirmation of Judge Gary Darby!”
Month: February 2016
Bullion Bulls Canada – by Jeff Nielson
Few areas of knowledge have been more heavily mythologized than “American History”. Much of what Americans (and people outside the U.S.) think they know has been heavily fictionalized such as the Battle of the Alamo. Or, it has even been completely falsified, such as the Japanese “attack” on Pearl Harbor, which allowed the U.S. to enter World War II.
Documenting falsified American “history” (as well as the falsified history of other nations) begs an obvious question. Who has both the means and the motive to transform actual historical events into a mixture of tall tales and propaganda, to the degree that this false “history” is written in our text books, and taught in our classrooms? Continue reading “Smedley Butler: Forgotten Hero, Forgotten Warning”
In a breaking development that has been completely ignored by mainstream news sources, the leaking natural gas well near Los Angeles, California is now reportedly spewing lethal levels of radioactive material, according to a report from Steve Quayle and a group with expertise in nuclear material. Continue reading “Radiation Alert: L.A. Gas Well Spewing LETHAL LEVELS Of Breathable Nuclear Material: “Fukushima Class Disaster””
EDIT: Some seem confused about why we sought permission to post this original work by Wayne Madsen. This is not about Marco Rubio being a very active gay in his youth and perhaps still today, this about Marco Rubio’s duplicity in relation to Christian evangelicals – we support gay candidates for office, we do not support people who lie about their secret lives and are therefore subject to blackmail or control as part of the price they pay for lying. Continue reading “Wayne Madsen: Marco Rubio Gay Homosexual Duplicity Update”
Zika virus (ATCC® VR-84™)
ATCC® Number: VR-84™
Classification: Flaviviridae, Flavivirus
Product Format: freeze-dried Continue reading “You can purchase your own Zika Virus”
The Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist
Billings, MT — In January of 2015, two former Yellowstone County Sheriff’s deputies Jason Robinson and Christopher Rudolph opened fire on Loren Simpson and killed him as he attempted to flee their stop.
According to the police, Simpson matched the description of a suspect in an “allegedly stolen vehicle,” and had pursued him down a dead end road. During the officers’ attempt to block him in, Simpson veered to his left to avoid the deputies. However, Robinson, with an AR-15, and Rudolph, with a Shotgun, both opened fire, dumping 54 rounds within 5 seconds into the SUV and Simpson. Continue reading “Gruesome Dashcam Shows Slowly Driving Away From Cops is Punishable by Death by Firing Squad”
Israel has threatened to annul press credentials of journalists and editors who use ‘contrary to reality’ headlines for their articles. The move comes in response to a publication from US broadcaster CBS after a terror attack in Jerusalem on Wednesday.
CBS reacted to the terrorist attack which claimed the life of a 19-year-old female officer with a post titled “3 Palestinians killed as daily violence grinds on,” triggering outrage among Israeli officials. Continue reading “Israel aims to annul press credentials for ‘contrary to reality’ headlines”
The Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist
Jim Murray has been a student of Nikola Tesla’s work for decades and his inventions based this work have been nothing short of paradigm shifting.
In a recent interview with the Free Thought Project, Murray explained that he was fascinated by Tesla’s incredible claims concerning power generation and transmission, and he vowed to rediscover the great scientist’s undisclosed secrets. Jim’s efforts eventually led him to individuals like Otis T. Carr, who claimed to have known Tesla personally. They also gave him a greater understanding of several lost Tesla secrets. Continue reading “The Secrets They Don’t Want You to Know About Nikola Tesla”
A new excuse for more law enforcement spending.
Off the Grid News – by Steve Nubie
Before the invention of the sawmill, cutting logs into flat boards was a tedious, time-consuming and physically intensive process involving the use of wedges, mallets, axes and a tool called an adze, plus draw shaves and hand planers. It could take a day just to make a few boards, and the surfaces were rough and the boards were often twisted and warped.
Circular Sawmills
All of that changed with the invention of large circular saws. Some were driven by water power and later by steam power. The logs were set on a large table and slowly moved toward the saw blade to cut boards. The result was a cleaner cut and the ability to saw more timber in a single day. Continue reading “The Poor Man’s Off-Grid Sawmill You Can Definitely Make At Home”
This is not parody. This is not a polemical attack. This is what the leftist cretins who are destroying this nation actually think.
DEFYING most polls and predictions, a Latino won the Republican Iowa caucuses, and another Latino came in third. Together, they won more than half the vote.
Continue reading “New York Times Says Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio Are Not Latino”
WASHINGTON — Congressman Earl Blumenauer (D-Portland) on Wednesday introduced a bill that would prevent taxpayers from paying the high cost of the month-long Oregon refuge occupation and place the burden on the armed group of protesters.
The occupation has cost state and local law enforcement an estimated $100,000 per week, said Blumenauer’s spokeswoman in a news release. Continue reading “Blumenauer introduces bill that would force occupiers to pay cost of Oregon standoff”
Tech Dirt – by Mike Masnick, Feb 3, 2016
About an hour ago, representatives from 12 different nations officially signed the Trans Pacific Partnership (TTP) agreement in Auckland, New Zealand. The date, February 4th (New Zealand time) is noteworthy, because it’s 90 days after the official text was released. There was a 90 day clock that was required between releasing the text and before the US could actually sign onto the agreement. The stated purpose of this 90 day clock was in order to allow “debate” about the agreement. Remember, the entire agreement was negotiated in secret, with US officials treating the text of the document as if it were a national security secret (unless you were an industry lobbyist, of course). So as a nod to pretend “transparency” there was a promise that nothing would be signed for 90 days after the text was actually released. Continue reading “Countries Sign The TPP… Whatever Happened To The ‘Debate’ We Were Promised Before Signing?”
Washington Examiner – by Paul Bedard
In a shocking reversal of policy, U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents are being told to release illegal immigrants and no longer order them to appear at deportation hearings, essentially a license to stay in the United States, a key agent testified Thursday.
What’s more, the stand down order includes a requirement that the whereabouts of illegals released are not to be tracked. Continue reading “Border agent: ‘We might as well abolish our immigration laws altogether’”