Huffington Post

AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) – A Texas former trooper who arrested a black woman motorist later found hanged in her jail cell pleaded not guilty on Tuesday on a misdemeanor charge of lying on the arrest report he made of the July 2015 incident, a court official said.

Brian Encinia, who arrested 28-year-old Sandra Bland in Waller County, was fired this month for his conduct that escalated tension in the arrest, which led to her apparent suicide.   Continue reading “Former Texas Trooper Pleads Not Guilty In Arrest Of Sandra Bland”

Life Daily

The Clintons are no strangers to media attention, and certainly no strangers to scandal. During his tenure as President, Bill Clinton implicated himself, and his wife, in several controversial ‘affairs’…

However, with the spotlight now on Hillary and her presidential campaign, pundits and opponents have rebuked the former First Lady for her proven track record of scandalous dealings, both past and present. She may just have a knack for being in the wrong place, at the wrong time; or maybe there’s more to Hillary’s past…   Continue reading “16 Most Notorious Hillary Clinton Scandals”


A federal appeals court on Tuesday ordered a lower court judge to dismiss a lawsuit challenging gun control laws approved by Colorado in the wake of a movie theater massacre in a Denver suburb, saying the plaintiffs lacked standing to bring the case.

The measures, which passed the Colorado legislature and were signed into law by Governor John Hickenlooper, a Democrat, in 2013 were considered a victory by gun-control activists in a state where gun ownership is treasured.   Continue reading “U.S. court rejects challenge to Colorado gun control laws”

Nunez Report

NEXT month, the Temple of Baal will come to Times Square. Reproductions of the 50-foot arch that formed the temple’s entrance are to be installed in New York and in London, a tribute to the 2,000-year-old structure that the Islamic State destroyed last year in the Syrian town of Palmyra. The group’s rampage through Palmyra, a city that reached its peak in the second and third century A.D., enraged the world, spurring scholars and conservationists into action. Numerous nongovernmental organizations are now cataloging and mapping damaged cultural heritage sites in the region.   Continue reading “The Temple of Baal will come to Times Square.”

Global Research – by Prof Michel Chossudovsky

Brussels News media Dernière Heure at as well as La Libre reported on the terror attacks by providing a CC Camera Airport Surveillance Video of the terror attacks. 

The published video footage was fake as documented by a blog posting on Media Part

The video pertains to a terror attack at Moscow’s Domodedovo airport on 24 January 2011 (posted on youtube in November 2013).   Continue reading “Fake Video Used in News Coverage of Brussels Terror Attacks”

The Free Beacon – by Alana Goodman

If yarmulke sales are any indication of voter attitudes, Donald Trump was the clear winner at AIPAC on Monday night.

Marc Daniels, a vendor selling campaign logo kippas outside the American Israel Public Affairs Committee conference in Washington, D.C. on Monday evening, said the “Donald Trump 2016” cap was his most popular item by far.   Continue reading “Trump Yarmulkes Are Biggest Seller at AIPAC Conference”

Real Farmacy – by Paul Fassa

Dr. Judy Mikovits, Ph.D. is a Biochemist, cellular and molecular biologist with over 30 years of scientific expertise. Mikovits has long believed that the vaccine movement is dangerous. The government has consistently attempted to silence her, including framing her for “stealing” research documents.

That was in Nevada in 2011. The whole setup was arranged with corrupt local officials. She was arrested and jailed for several days while her lab and her dwelling were ransacked without search warrants.   Continue reading “Scientist Harassed After Warning of Plague Potential from Man-Made Retrovirus”

BATR – by James Hall

The UK media is out in force to scare Brits from voting to leave the European Union. Thursday June 23: Date of the in/out referendum is set for the vote. Just the notion that an actual plebiscite will take place on such an important issue, is encouraging. Proponents of exiting the EU are natural allies in the struggle to promote national populism. The long and distinguished history of England has an opportunity to show the world that the voice of the people can register a resounding repudiation against the technocrats of an unelected European Union.  Continue reading “Brexit Defiance of the EU”

Return to Now

In 2000, Daniel Suelo gave away all his worldly possessions, left his last $30 in a phone booth and wandered into the wilderness of the American Southwest. This, he says, is when his life began.

The author of his biography, Mark Sundeen, had known Suelo for 20 years before he walked away from money and civilization. At first, he thought Suelo had lost his mind.   Continue reading “The Man Without Money”

Free Thought Project – by John Vibes

Edmond, OK – Two teenagers were arrested for the murder of their best friend – not because they pulled the trigger, but because they witnessed the murder, and happened to be involved in a different, less serious ‘crime’ at the same time, which had nothing to do with the violence that occurred.

The young men, Jessey Gonzalez, and Nicolas Gedela, along with the victim Carlos Santos, were attempting to sell a quarter pound of marijuana to three strangers. The strangers ambushed the young men and shot and killed Santos while his two friends managed to escape.   Continue reading “Teens Arrested for Murder Because Their Friend Was Executed in Front of them During a Pot Deal”


Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said on Tuesday that the United States should use waterboarding and other harsh interrogation techniques when questioning terror suspects, and renewed his call for tougher U.S. border security after the attacks in Brussels.

The billionaire businessman, in an interview on NBC’s “Today” program, said authorities “should be able to do whatever they have to do” to gain information in an effort to thwart future attacks.   Continue reading “Trump urges waterboarding and more after Brussels attacks”

The Blaze – by Billy Hallowell

A coalition of more than 80 gay rights groups are expressing profound frustration after unsuccessfully demanding that the National Collegiate Athletic Association divest from “religious-based campuses” that have “requested discriminatory Title IX waivers toward LGBTQ youth.”

“The NCAA through its member institutions sends a message about their core values of integrity, inclusive culture and sportsmanship,” read a March 9 letter from Campus Pride, an pro-LGBTQ rights organization, to the NCAA sports authority. “Fifty-nine religious-based colleges and universities have requested a Title IX waiver for the right to discriminate against LGBTQ youth.”   Continue reading “Gay Rights Activists Target ‘Religious Colleges’ With Letter Asking the NCAA to ‘Divest.’ How the Sports Authority Responded Isn’t Going Over Too Well.”

The Hill – by Rafael Bernal

A group of elected officials from the Texas-Mexico border is criticizing Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump‘s call to “close up” borders following Tuesday’s terrorist attacks in Brussels.

“Closing our land border with Mexico would be a ridiculous staging of security theater: the practice of false efforts intended to provide the feeling of improved security while doing little or nothing to actually achieve it,” the Texas Border Coalition (TBC) said Tuesday in a release.    Continue reading “Border mayors: Closing border would be ‘security theater’”

WCAX – by Tyler Dumont

BURLINGTON, Vt. – A 76-year-old man is dead– shot by police after a standoff in a Burlington apartment. Police were called to the downtown building at about 5 p.m. Monday for a welfare check, after complaints of what they described as threatening behavior.

Police say Ralph “Phil” Grenon met officers at his door armed with knives and then went back inside. After several hours of negotiations, authorities say Grenon advanced toward officers, so one decided to pull the trigger.   Continue reading “‘Mentally ill’ Burlington man killed in standoff with police”


A new two-shot, double-barreled handgun can be neatly folded into the shape of a box resembling a smartphone – and its release is making police nervous.

The concept handgun, patent pending, would be manufactured by Ideal Conceal, a Minnesota startup. The .380 caliber pistol is small enough to be folded into a palm-sized square that can be easily slipped into a back pocket. Because it looks similar to a smartphone, it could be left out in plain view on a shop counter without arousing suspicions.   Continue reading “‘Ready to fire’ cellphone-shaped double-barrel handgun could be released”

MOSCOW (AP) — A Russian court on Tuesday sentenced a Ukrainian pilot to 22 years in prison after convicting her for complicity to murder in the 2014 deaths of two Russian journalists in eastern Ukraine, opening a door to a possible prisoner swap between the two countries.

Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko quickly offered to exchange two Russians held in his country for the return of the pilot, 34-year old Nadezhda Savchenko. Moscow has refused to consider a swap until the legal proceedings were finished.   Continue reading “Court finds Ukrainian pilot guilty of complicity to murder”