USA Today – by Charles Kennedy

Royal Dutch Shell and Saudi Aramco appear to be getting a divorce, breaking up their joint venture in U.S.-based refining assets.

The two companies joined together to create Motiva Enterprises LLC in 1998, a 50-50 joint venture that operated three refineries on the U.S. Gulf Coast. But Shell and Saudi Aramco have seen their interests head in different directions. “It is now time for the partners to pursue their independent downstream goals,” said Abdulrahman Al-Wuhaib, a senior vice president of Saudi Aramco’s downstream unit.   Continue reading “Largest U.S. refinery now belongs to Saudi Arabia”

NBC Chicago

A woman is outraged after she says her daughter was handcuffed while at school.

Marlena Wordlaw said her 6-year-old daughter Madisyn Moore was pulled out of class at Fernwood Elementary for taking candy off of a teacher’s desk. Wordlaw said her daughter was then handcuffed under some stairs at school to teach her a lesson.   Continue reading “‘They Hurted’: Mom Says Daughter Put in Handcuffs at School”

The Hill – by David McCabe

Businesses representatives are poised to release draft privacy guidelines for the use of facial recognition technology, a plan completed after privacy advocates walked out of the negotiations in protest.

The draft rules, which are expected to be presented on March 29 and will likely go through further revisions, would govern when companies need to tell customers that their faces are being analyzed by the technology.   Continue reading “Business eyes facial recognition guidelines”

The Intercept – by Alex Emmons

Government lawyers on Thursday continued their fight to bury the Senate Torture Report, arguing before the D.C. District Court of Appeals that the 6,700-page text could not be released on procedural grounds.

When the 500-page executive summary of the report was released more than a year ago, it prompted international outcry and renewed calls for prosecution. The summary describes not only the CIA’s rape and torture of detainees, but also how the agency consistently misrepresented the brutality and effectiveness of the torture program.   Continue reading “The U.S. Government Is Still Fighting to Bury the Senate Torture Report”

Ars Technica – by David Kravets

Denver police officers performed searches on state and federal criminal justice databases that were not work-related and instead were made to help officers’ in the romance department and to assist friends, according to an independent department monitor. The report said that punishment, usually a written reprimand instead of being charged criminally, is not enough to deter future abuse of the National Crime information Center (NCIC) and the Colorado Crime Information Center (CCIC) databases.   Continue reading “Fearing no punishment, Denver cops abuse crime databases for personal gain”

New Paradigm – by Paul A. Philips

There’s no better example of the deceptive world we live in than the manufacture of a fake disease. Epidemic or pandemic, whether it’s the zika virus or others such as ebola, swine flu, bird flu, SARS, HIV/AIDS… all these diseases share a number of common repetitive patterns throughout their deceptive histories.

-So, here are 10 common repetitive patterns making up the anatomy of a false flag disease.
Continue reading “10 Things Making Up the Anatomy of a False Flag Disease”


One sheriff’s deputy died and another was wounded in an Indiana shootout while serving a warrant for drug-related offenses on Sunday, police said.

An unidentified suspect also died in the gunfire, they added.   Continue reading “Sheriff’s deputy serving warrant dies in Indiana shootout: police”

676741This is our daughter, ‘Wez Wez’.

I gave her this nickname when she was little she had a speech impairment and talked real quietly.  She was at the library one day asking for a book and the librarian couldn’t hear or understand her.  I said you remind me of that toy in Toy Story 2 that his squeaker was broken, therefore giving her the nickname Wez Wez.   Continue reading “Frost Jack’s Daughter ‘Wez Wez’”

Breitbart – by Aaron Klein

Smartmatic Group, an electronic voting firm whose worldwide headquarters is located in the United Kingdom, will be running the online balloting process in the Utah Republican Open Caucuses on Tuesday.

The chairman of Smartmatic’s board, Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, currently serves on the board of George Soros’s Open Society Foundation and has close ties to the billionaire.   Continue reading “Soros Board Member Chairs Firm Running Online Voting for Tuesday’s Utah Caucuses”

Video Rebel’s Blog

Does anyone believe that the people destroying America would give up their power peacefully?  Quote from a pro-Trump video.

Wall Street has been planning to use multiple  Race Wars to take down America at least since World War II when America was flooded with Jewish refugees. In the 1960s after Israel had assassinated President Kennedy, the Bracero program allowing temporary agricultural workers was ended. This forced Mexican immigrants to move to America illegally. And then the immigration law limiting immigrants from Third World countries was changed so that the racial character could be permanently changed.   Continue reading “George Soros, Race Wars And The End Game”

Evil News – by Tara Paras

The extreme desire to eat pure, uncontaminated, healthy food has now been diagnosed as a mental disorder known as orthorexia nervosa, as per a new medical labeling trend.

According to The Guardian: “Orthorexics commonly have rigid rules around eating. Refusing to touch sugar, salt, caffeine, alcohol, wheat, gluten, yeast, soy, corn and dairy foods is just the start of their diet restrictions. Any foods that have come into contact with pesticides, herbicides or contain artificial additives are also out.”   Continue reading “Mental health experts: People who eat healthy are mentally ill”

The Lid – by Tony Elliot

The official number of illegal aliens in the state of California is nearly 3 million. We can estimate the number to be more than double this amount in reality.

Over half of all drivers license issued in California were given to individuals who are here illegally and the state automatically registers those with a driver’s license to vote.   Continue reading “California Allows Illegal Aliens to Vote: So Each POTUS Ballot Should Be Disqualified”

Natural News – by Mike Adams

Hemp oil extracts containing CBDs (cannibidiols) are such a threat to the pharmaceutical industry that the FDA is now invoking totally insane justifications for outlawing them.

CBDs are non-psychoactive compounds found naturally in hemp plants. They work so well as powerful natural medicine that people everywhere are realizing CBDs work better than pharmaceuticals for treating epilepsy, seizures, neurological disorders and other serious health conditions (including HIV infections).   Continue reading “The FDA just outlawed CBDs and hemp oil extracts by claiming all plant molecules now belong exclusively to Big Pharma”

Henry Makow

Fact # One-  He is a member of the illuminati – i.e. a satanic cult dedicated to pedophilia and ritual murder.     Fiona Barnett writes:

“I was trafficked to the USA, to Bohemian Grove where I was drugged & raped by the Rev BILLY GRAHAM – Richard Nixon’s pal, in a pink bubble room. I was also made to dress up like a teddy bear and play hide, seek & rape. I also witnessed the ritual murder of a person by politicians dressed up in robes. I was taken via Sydney airport, in a crate like an animal. On the way home I was drugged, raped and beaten at an exclusive, after hours, pedo gathering at Disneyworld. Yes, Walt Disney was a pedo. Why do you think the Mickey Mousketeers go nuts and shave their heads? Why did pedo ‘Whacko Jacko’ build a Neverland based on Disneyland?” (Background here)   Continue reading “Trump Belongs to the “Club””

Liberty Fight

Syrian Archbishop Jacques Behnan Hindo, the head of the Syriac Catholic archieparchy in north-eatsren Syria, had strong words in response to Secretary of State John Kerry yesterday.

Archbishop Hindo, referring to Kerry’s remarks, stated “the proclamation of genocide is accomplished by pointing the spotlight on Daesh and censoring all the complicity and historical and political processes that led to the creation of the jihadist monster, since the war waged in Afghanistan against the Soviets by supporting armed Islamist groups. One wants to erase all the strange factors that led to the sudden and abnormal emergence of Daesh. While only until recently, there was even Turkish and Saudi pressure – US allied Countries – so that jihadists of al-Nusra Front would take their distance from al Qaida network, in order to be classified and maybe even helped by the West as ‘moderate rebels …’ ”   Continue reading “Syrian Catholic Archbishop To Kerry: U.S. is “censoring all the complicity that led to the creation of the jihadist monster””

Sent to us by the author, John Trowbridge.

Supreme Court Case

The Lufkin Judge on March 3, 2016, entered a memorandum order and final judgment (both hyperlinked below), denying Petitioner’s September 30, 2015, motion to dismiss with prejudice and grantingUnited States’ Motion for Summary Judgment, April 24, 2015, motion for summary judgement (11.5 MB).   Continue reading “Lufkin Judge awards judgment to United States; Petitioner files for temporary restraining order in District of Columbia”

Construction. Cf. Former laws; Original jurisdiction; Original intent;

Practice. It is defined by Mr. Powell to be “the drawing in inference by the act of reason, as to the intent of an instrument, from given circumstances, upon principles deduced from men’s general motives, conduct and action.” This definition may, perhaps, not be sufficiently complete, inasmuch as the term instrument generally implies something reduced into writing whereas construction is equally necessary to ascertain the meaning of engagements merely verbal. In other respects it appears to be perfectly accurate. Continue reading “Rules of Construction”

National Center for Scientific Education – by Ellery Schempp

[Textbook disclaimers are down, but not out. This satirical look at “only a theory” disclaimers imagines what might happen if advocates applied the same logic to the theory of gravitation that they do to the theory of evolution.]

All physics textbook should include this warning label:   Continue reading “Gravity: It’s Only a Theory”