Progressives Today

“Whiteness & Feminism” was the title of the event, one of the many sessions that were part of Portland Community College’s “whiteness history month”. This particular event featured Portland State University instructors Roberta Hunteand Sally Eck.

The “whiteness” presentations are considered public events, take place in public college rooms, and are open to the public, often times joined by classes. In this instance, a “women’s studies” class taught by Kathy Casto was taking part in this event.   Continue reading “Angry Feminists GO NUTS Over Cameraman At “Whiteness” Event”

Truth Seeker

Eustice Mullins — The CDL Report, Issue 69 (Nov-Dec 1984)

In December of 1984, it will be forty years since one of America’s greatest heroes, General George S. Patton, was executed by his Communist foes. General Patton was struck down the day before he was scheduled to make a triumphant return to the United States. He had just been removed from his command of the Third Army, which was in charge of governing the American sector of Germany. Because he not only opposed the dismemberment of Germany, but also because he favored military action against the Communists. As the most popular hero of the Second World War, Patton would have been unbeatable in a Presidential race. This was the reason his skulking enemies ordered his execution before he could leave Germany.   Continue reading “Why General Patton Was Murdered”

Fox News

For the first time, researchers have witnessed the exact moment conception occurs— and have recorded the ensuing explosion of sparks that form when sperm meets an egg. The Telegraph reported that scientists had previously captured the moment in animals, but this is the first time it’s been recorded in humans.

“It was remarkable,” senior co-author Teresa Woodruff, director of the Women’s Health Research Institute and chief of the Division of Obstetrics and Gynecology-Fertility Preservation at Northwestern University, told the Telegraph. “We discovered the zinc spark just five years ago in the mouse, and to see the zinc radiate out in a burst from each human egg was breathtaking.”   Continue reading “Scientists witness ‘flash of light’ during conception, say discovery could aid IVF”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Neenah, WI — In December of last year, Michael Funk and two other individuals were taken hostage by Brian T. Flatoff. After an hours-long standoff, Funk managed to escape, only to be murdered in cold blood by Neenah Police officers.

After they killed him, police lied and said Funk refused to obey their orders to drop his gun, so they were forced to open fire on the innocent man. They also lied and said that he was given immediate medical attention and treated at a hospital before he succumbed to his wounds. However, the video shows police leave him lying in a pool of his own blood for a half hour.   Continue reading “Graphic Video Refutes Police Lies — Shows Cops Murder Hostage After He Escaped his Captor”

Freedom Outpost – by Erik Rush

With regard to its designs for our nation, debasement has been the name of the game for the political left for a long time. While volumes could be written on the moral debasement alone catalyzed by the left, America’s standing in the world, our economy, our educational system, our worldview and collective self-image, among many other things, have been targets for incremental debasement by the left.

When liberals began targeting the sexual attitudes of our population through mass media and junk science such as Alfred Kinsey’s perverted sex studies, suddenly the worst thing one could be was a prude, and the accusation was thrown around almost as liberally (no pun intended) as “homophobe” has been in recent years. In retrospect, we can see that both were part of the same stratagem of shaming ideological opponents into acquiescence.   Continue reading “Pedophiles: The Next Protected Minority Group”


Captain Kristen Griest became the U.S. Army’s first female infantry officer this week, the Army said, in a milestone for the U.S. military as it opens up combat roles for women.

Griest was one of two women who made history last year after becoming one of the first female soldiers to pass the Army’s grueling course to qualify for the elite Rangers unit.   Continue reading “U.S. Army names first female infantry officer”

Natural Blaze – by Brianna Acuesta

Tiny hemp homes are being made in Washington as a way to promote more sustainable building materials.

Though she has never built a home before, Pam Bosch claims that “Anybody can do this. Grandma can do this. Grandma’s doing it.”

She’s referring to building tiny homes made of hemp, the plant that grows cannabis, which is a Schedule I drug and considered a felony to possess or grow.   Continue reading “Washington Woman Built A Tiny Sustainable Home Made Of Hemp”

Eagle Rising – by Onan Coca

Sex crimes revolving around men in women’s facilities are becoming commonplace as liberals continue to push their anti-traditional values campaign onto the rest of us, but this fact doesn’t seem to be slowing the liberal march towards cultural insanity.

In the wake of a federal appeals courts ruling that a school must allow a girl to use the boys’ bathroom, LGBT advocacy groups are now demanding that the Obama administration federally mandate the same for all K-12 public schools across the nation.   Continue reading “LGBT Group Calls for Federal Ban of Single-Sex Bathrooms in ALL Public Schools”

The Telegraph – by Matthew Holehouse

The entire population of Belgium is to be issued with a ration of iodine tablets, months after warnings about the threat of Isil building a dirty bomb.

Iodine pills, which help reduce radiation build-up in the thyroid gland, had previously only been issued to people living within 20km (14 miles) of the Tihange and Doel nuclear plants.   Continue reading “All Belgian residents issued with iodine tablets to protect against radiation”

Truth Farmer

Monsanto, arguably one of the ten most hated corporations in the world, is going to release a more deadly genetically modified strain for everyone to get sick and or die from. Sometimes I become speechless. The loathing and disgust I feel over altering things that are food and turning them into tertiary or quaternary things that can be swallowed is causing me to feel a little speechless right at the moment. Does their logo have a plant in a coffin?   Continue reading “Monsanto Announces New Poison For Your Consumption”

Tech Dirt – by Tim Cushing

The FBI recently spent more than $1 million for assistance in decrypting a device’s contents. It may have overpaid. Alternatives exist, whether it’s a $5 wrench or indefinite imprisonment for not helping the government with its prosecution efforts.

A Philadelphia man suspected of possessing child pornography has been in jail for seven months and counting after being found in contempt of a court order demanding that he decrypt two password-protected hard drives.
Continue reading “So Much For The Fifth Amendment: Man Jailed For Seven Months For Not Turning Over Password”

Patriot or Traitor

Captain Daniel Dusek, the former deputy director of operations for the Navy’s 7th Fleet has been sentenced to nearly four years in prison for his treasonous involvement in a bribery scandal.

Dusek pleaded guilty last year (2015) to conspiracy to commit bribery, admitting he traded classified information for luxury gifts and access to prostitutes. He was sentenced to 46 months on Friday.   Continue reading “Daniel Dusek is a traitor”

Judicial Watch

A government official warned employees deploying for the influx of illegal immigrant minors about health and safety risks because the new arrivals would have tuberculosis and some were young adults—not children—like the Obama administration proclaimed, according to records obtained by Judicial Watch. “We might as well plan on many of the kids having TB,” states a June 26, 2014 guidance e-mail from a Centers for Disease Control (CDC) environmental health scientist, Alaric C. Denton, as the agency prepared to handle the crisis. “Most of these kids are not immunized, so we need to make sure all our staff are immunized.” Denton, who is stationed at the CDC headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, predicts in the directive that the agency will be overwhelmed pretty quickly and that screening requirements will be hard to keep up with.   Continue reading “CDC Official Warned Staff of Health, Safety Risks During Influx of Illegal Alien Minors: “Plan on Many of the Kids Having TB,” “Be Wary of Personal Safety.””

Conservative Review – by Tori Richards

A vermin infestation has overrun the kitchen of a suburban Chicago Veterans Affairs hospital and is reportedly so severe that cockroaches routinely crawl across countertops as cooks prepare meals. The insects have even found their way into patients’ food, employees say.

The bug invasion has attracted the attention of a U.S. senator who is demanding to know how the VA is fixing the problem. It’s just the latest scandal at an agency rocked by allegations of abuse, incompetence and the needless deaths of veterans who wait years for medical appointments.   Continue reading “Whistleblower: Cockroaches Served for Dinner at Chicago-Area VA Hospital”

ABC News

Police in Baltimore evacuated a local TV news station today after it received a bomb threat, according to authorities.

A law enforcement source said the suspect exited the building and did not obey commands as he made an exit, and the suspect was then shot by law enforcement.   Continue reading “Suspect Shot After Bomb Threat Prompts Evacuation of Baltimore TV News Station”

Free Thought Project – by Andrew Emett

Philadelphia, PA – Police apologized on Wednesday after raiding an innocent family’s home and traumatizing a disabled woman who nearly fell down the stairs. Touted as “innovative” and “state-of-the-art,” the Real Time Crime Center mistakenly directed officers to the wrong house and another botched raid.

Around 2:30 a.m. on Wednesday, cops suddenly broke down the Jardine family’s door and raided their home while holding them at gunpoint. Despite the fact that the family had committed no crime, officers ordered them out of their rooms and placed them in handcuffs during the middle of the night.   Continue reading “SWAT Raids Family, Terrorizes Disabled Woman & Arrests Family Members — Whoops, Wrong House”

The Daily Sheeple – by Lily Dane

In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.

– Unknown, commonly misattributed to Franklin D. Roosevelt

According to a Reuters/Ipsos poll, about half of American voters believe that the system U.S. political parties use to pick their candidates for the White House is “rigged” and more than two-thirds want to see the process changed.   Continue reading “Only Half Of Americans Realize Election System Is Rigged”