Next time you use a public bathroom, you may want to take a closer look around.

Authorities in Florida were notified recently after several “hidden cameras” were spotted in public facilities disguised as coat hooks.

The innocent-looking household items were found in three different locations in the Florida Keys, mounted to the walls in locations facing the toilet areas.   Continue reading “Cops find creepy ‘coat hook’ hidden cameras in public bathrooms”

Fox News

The wife of the Orlando nightclub attacker knew of his deadly plans, but did nothing to stop him, Fox News confirmed.

Noor Salman, a 30-year-old of Palestinian heritage, was interviewed and given a polygraph test by the FBI in the days since her husband, Omar Mateen, murdered 49 people at the Pulse nightclub.    Continue reading “Judge Nap: Wife of Orlando Terrorist Could Face the Death Penalty”

The Organic Prepper

If disaster was a human named SHTF, it would be that person who takes delight in dropping by unannounced and seeing you at your worst: still in your PJs, out of coffee, and taken utterly by surprise. The kind of person who takes advantage of your unpreparedness to ask to borrow the keys to your new car while you’re still in shock at his arrival. The kind of person who acts surprised that you’re surprised and makes you feel like 12 kinds of an idiot for being surprised. The kind of person you must always plan for like an unpleasant in-law, whether you want them to come by or not.   Continue reading “25 Prepping Excuses That the SHTF Won’t Care About”


The worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history has prompted the American Medical Association to call gun violence a “public health crisis” and urge that Congress fund research into the problem.

The AMA, which lobbies on behalf of doctors, said on Tuesday it will press Congress to overturn 20-year-old legislation that blocks the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from conducting research on gun violence.   Continue reading “U.S. doctors call gun violence a ‘public health crisis’”

Orlando Sentinel – by Christal Hayes and Stephanie Allen

A 2-year-old boy who was attacked and dragged into the water by an alligator on the shores of Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort & Spa Tuesday night was still missing early Wednesday morning.

Deputies are in the water and air, calling it a search-and-rescue operation.   Continue reading “Deputies: Child dragged into water by gator near Disney’s Grand Floridian”


Last month, ‘Public Intelligence‘ released a Financial Crimes Enforcement Network documentrevealing how banks are spying on our everyday transactions for DHS.

Your bank transactions are being reported to DHS

The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) is issuing this advisory to provide financial institutions with information on identifying and reporting transactions possibly associated with Foreign Terrorist Fighters (FTFs) who support the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), al-Qa’ida, and their affiliates in Iraq and the Lev ant region. Financial institutions may use this information to enhance their Anti-Money Laundering (AML) risk-based strategies and monitoring systems.   Continue reading “Banks are secretly ‘red flagging’ our everday transactions for DHS”

CBS News- by Rebecca Shabad

Just days after the massacre in an Orlando nightclub left 49 people dead and 53 wounded, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson on Tuesday said that gun control is now a critical element of protecting the U.S. homeland and keeping Americans safe.

“We have to face the fact that meaningful gun control has to be a part of homeland security,” Johnson said in an interview on “CBS This Morning.” “We need to do something to minimize the opportunity for terrorists to get a gun in this country.”   Continue reading “Jeh Johnson: Gun control is now a matter of homeland security”

Rolling Stone – by David S Cohen

I teach the Constitution for a living. I revere the document when it is used to further social justice and make our country a more inclusive one. I admire the Founders for establishing a representative democracy that has survived for over two centuries.

But sometimes we just have to acknowledge that the Founders and the Constitution are wrong. This is one of those times. We need to say loud and clear: The Second Amendment must be repealed.   Continue reading “Why It’s Time to Repeal the Second Amendment”

Redoubt News – by Shari Dovale

A planned outing to claims along Bedrock Gulch and Eagle Creek by the Northwest Gold Prospectors Association (NWGPA) turned ugly last weekend. Their trails had been maliciously blocked by hundreds of downed trees and cement barricades.

The NWGPA is a club with over 200 members. The members pull their resources and buy legal claims to share throughout the year. Their first outing of the year was planned for last weekend. They intended to tour their claims, showing new members where they can access, and the rules to abide by.   Continue reading “Forest Service Demolishes Access to Private Property”


A Chicago police officer has been relieved of his duties after a video posted online showed him stomping on a man’s head during an attempted arrest, officials said on Tuesday.

The officer will be relieved of duties while the Independent Police Review Authority investigates the incident, police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said in an emailed statement to Reuters.   Continue reading “Chicago cop relieved of duties after head-stomping caught on video”

Tech Dirt – by Mike Maskick

The script for what to do following a tragedy like the one in Orlando over the weekend is now quite clear: politicians want to appear “serious” about the issue, and thus they say stuff to appease people, even if what they say makes no sense. There was a lot of senseless rhetoric going around, of course, and we’ll leave the usual debates about issues we don’t cover on Techdirt to lots of other sites. But an issue we do cover is surveillance and bogus ideas like “watch lists” where a mere accusation leads to basic rights being taken away. And, unfortunately, it appears that both major Presidential candidates are advocating for greater surveillance and denial of civil liberties as a response to someone shooting up a nightclub and killing dozens of people.    Continue reading “Both Trump And Clinton Suggest Expanding Mass Surveillance, Bogus Watch Lists After Attack In Orlando”

EAG News – by Steve Gunn

MADISON, Wis. – Is the University of Wisconsin-Madison running the risk of having minority students viewed as being coddled and overprotected from “seemingly minor or unintentional” slights?

Is it creating an environment where the slightest statement or action could provoke a finger-pointing witch hunt for students who are accused of insensitivity?   Continue reading “University of Wisconsin students to undergo mandatory ‘cultural competency training’”

Red State – by Streiff

For two days now we’ve been scolded by the left on why NO ONE needs an AR-15 (no one needs a car since we seem hellbent on other people telling you what you need or want). For instance (provided by the indefatigable Bob Owens at our sister blog Bearing Arms):


Judd Legume of Think Progress squeaked, “The NRA’s Love Affair With The AR-15, Weapon Of Choice For Mass Murderers, In 22 Tweets.”
Continue reading “Orlando Shooter Did Not Use An AR-15, But Who Cares. A Narrative Is Building”

ABC News

In the aftermath of the Orlando terrorist attack, President Barack Obama today called on Congress to reinstate the assault weapons ban as well as pass legislation to make it harder for suspected terrorists to obtain firearms.

The president said there are a number of “common sense” gun control measures that Congress should take to reduce gun violence without violating the Second Amendment, and for the first time since the deadly shooting Sunday, he enumerated several steps he wants Congress to take.   Continue reading “Obama Calls for Assault Weapons Ban, New ‘No Fly, No Buy’ Law”

Russia Insider – by Moses Birch

The war you don’t hear about: numerous American military aircraft (albeit of the unmanned variety, though with the possibility of being armed and dangerous) have apparently been violating Russian airspace, leading to the Russians shooting – yes, shooting – them down following the refusal of the Americans to acknowledge Russian diplomatic notes of protest.

The military violation of the territory, including the airspace, of a sovereign state is ordinarily taken to be a casus belli – an act of war.   Continue reading “The Russians Have Already Shot Down Numerous US Drones Violating Crimean Airspace”

Gawker – by Alex Pareene

An argument between a driver and bike messengers in Manhattan yesterday almost became deadly when the driver pulled out a gun. Reports of a gunman spread, and a local elementary school was even put on lockdown, but thankfully police and firefighters arrived before anyone was shot.

Then an unarmed bicyclist was arrested, and not the angry man with the gun, because the angry man with a gun was also an off-duty cop.   Continue reading “Crazed Greenwich Village Gunman Also Off-Duty NYPD Officer”