White House, July 1, 2016

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, I hereby direct as follows:

Section 1. Purpose. United States policy on civilian casualties resulting from U.S. operations involving the use of force in armed conflict or in the exercise of the Nation’s inherent right of self-defense is based on our national interests, our values, and our legal obligations. As a Nation, we are steadfastly committed to complying with our obligations under the law of armed conflict, including those that address the protection of civilians, such as the fundamental principles of necessity, humanity, distinction, and proportionality.   Continue reading “Executive Order — United States Policy on Pre- and Post-Strike Measures to Address Civilian Casualties in U.S. Operations Involving the Use of Force”

Pokomon Go appears to be a mere Cell Phone Game that also takes-over a Users Cell Phone Camera as they take pictures of various different Real Properties, Public or Private, as it directs other Players to physically go to that location to look for Pokomon or to find supplies needed for their search.

Thus, those who play this game are easily, and perhaps unwitting, sent to TRESPASS upon the real property of innocent Third-parties and hence under the guise, pretense, pretext or ruse of playing a Game massive numbers of people can be sent to a particular location to snoop and spy on the Property of others with their ‘Cameras running’ which gather first-hand images and information that are being sent back to the Owners / Creators of the game for their own personal, political, ideological or economic interest and use!   Continue reading “WARNING — Pokomon Go”


At a local shooting range, the 23-year-old president of the Salt Lake City chapter of Pink Pistols, a national lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender gun club, helps a tattooed member improve his marksmanship.

An openly gay professional bodypiercer, Matt Schlentz said members of the LGBT community feel more at risk of being a victim of a hate crime or violent assault. The mass murder at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, last month, confirmed their concerns.   Continue reading “U.S. gay gun group’s membership surges after Orlando killings”

News Target – by Vicki Batts

The mainstream media and conventional medicine have done everything in their power to convince the world that vaccines don’t cause autism. But if that’s really true, then why are the very same vaccines that are given to people causing autism in primates? A recent study conducted by researchers from the University of Pennsylvania found that some of the most commonly administered vaccines caused autism in monkeys. The monkeys were given standard doses that simulated the same doses given to children — the researchers naturally adjusted the vaccine doses based on the monkeys’ weights to keep everything on an even keel.   Continue reading “Baby monkeys given standard doses of popular vaccines develop symptoms of autism”

Mountain Guerrilla

I’ve held my tongue publicly, for a couple days, in the interest of not treading on the dead. As I’ve watched know-nothing news commentators, and politician police officials make statements that are demonstrably wrong on the nature of the attacks, however, I’ve decided to vent a little bit, in the interest of helping increase the survivability of my readers…Fair forewarning however, while I’m going to try and keep my language clean for this article—because I believe the message is important enough that I don’t want to run off those milquetoasts who are scared to read harsh language—those afraid to read the truth will probably still not want to read this. If you don’t like it, stop reading when your feelings get hurt…or man up and read what needs to be said.   Continue reading “Skull-Stomping Sacred Cows: Sun Tzu on Dallas, Cowardice, and Training”


Washington, DC – Police have locked down the nation’s Capitol building while they investigate the “sound of gunfire” in the garage of the Rayburn Building.

The garage is underground and adjacent to House of Representatives buildings. The entire complex has been placed on lockdown, with witnesses giving testimony to a House committee being interrupted in mid-sentence by the announcement. Reports from the Senate buildings, however, say that nothing unusual is going on and business is still continuing.   Continue reading “Washington: Capitol building locked down after possible shots fired”


As someone who likes to be in control of their own health, I don’t necessarily run to the doctor for every little ache, pain, or minor cold.

Instead, I much prefer to stay on top of my health by giving my body exactly what it needs — whether that’s preparing a nutritional meal or going for a walk in nature.   Continue reading “Lemon Water: 12 amazing and unexpected health benefits”

Town Hall – by Katie Pavlich

Testifying in front of the House Judiciary Committee Tuesday, Attorney General Loretta Lynch refused to answer questions surrounding the FBI’s recommendation not to prosecute presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton for using multiple private email servers to host and transmit top secret, classified information during her time as Secretary of State.

“As you are aware, last week I met with [FBI] Director Comey and career prosecutors and agents who conducted that investigation. I received and accepted their unanimous recommendation that the thorough, year long investigation be closed and no charges be brought against any individuals within the scope of the investigation,” Lynch said in her opening statement.    Continue reading “Lynch Refuses to Answer Questions About FBI’s Failure to Bring Charges Against Hillary Clinton”


President Barack Obama visits Dallas on Tuesday to address a memorial service for five police officers killed at a protest against police violence, as he seeks to mend divisions inflamed by the deadliest day for U.S. law enforcement in almost 15 years.

Former U.S. Army Reserve soldier Micah Johnson, 25, gunned down the officers in an ambush on Thursday after expressing anger over recent police killings of black people. Johnson then was killed by an explosive-laden robot sent in by police.   Continue reading “Obama to speak at Dallas memorial for police slain in ambush”


Rabbi Colonel Eyal Karim, a former special forces commander who once landed in hot water over a “mistinterpreted” statement implying that Israeli soldiers could commit rape in wartime “for the sake of joint success,” is set to become IDF’s new chief rabbi.

Answering a question from one reader who asked whether IDF soldiers were permitted “to rape girls during a fight, or is such a thing forbidden?” according to +972 web magazine, Rabbi Karim responded, “Since, essentially, a war is not an individual matter, but rather nations wage war as a whole, there are cases in which the personality of the individual is ‘erased’ for the benefit of the whole. And vice versa: sometimes you risk a large unit for the saving of an individual, when it is essential for purposes of morale. One of the important and critical values during war is maintaining the army’s fighting ability […]   Continue reading “Colonel dogged by allegations of justifying rape in wartime to become IDF’s new chief rabbi”

Political Insider – by Kosar

A top staffer at the Democratic National Committee (DNC) was fatally shot in Washington, D.C. on Sunday. Seth Conrad Rich was shot several times a block from his home in D.C.’s neighborhood of Bloomingdale.

It happened at 4:20 a.m. on a residential street near a convenience store. He died a few hours later at the local hospital. He was 27 years old:   Continue reading “Top Democrat Official SHOT TO DEATH In Washington, D.C.”

The Hill – by Christina Marcos

The House failed to pass legislation on Monday to enhance a provision of the Patriot Act that encourages banks to tip off federal authorities to suspected cases of terrorist financing.

Many libertarians warned of potential privacy violations if the measure went into effect, which helped prevent it from reaching the necessary two-thirds majority to pass through the fast-track process under which it was considered.   Continue reading “House uprising thwarts change to Patriot Act”


WASHINGTON (AP) — Hillary Clinton is struggling to make inroads among young Americans who overwhelmingly supported Bernie Sanders during the Democratic presidential primary, a worrisome sign as she tries to reassemble the coalition that twice propelled Barack Obama into the White House.

Opinions of Clinton among young Americans vary by race and ethnicity, according to a new GenForward poll of adults ages 18 to 30. The majority of the nation’s younger blacks and Asian-Americans have a favorable impression of Clinton, but the presumptive Democratic nominee struggles with whites and Hispanics.   Continue reading “Poll: Clinton struggles to make inroads with young Americans”


Big Brother and auto insurance companies have devised a devious new way to encourage Americans to spy on each other. They’re offering motorists an insurance discount, if they purchase and install dashcams in their own vehicles!

New York Assembly member Alicia Hyndman and NY Senator Jose Peralta have introduced a bill, that would give New York drivers a 5% auto insurance discount for having a dash camera installed in their car. Fyi, insurance companies are also secretly identifying motorists and passengers using facial biometrics.   Continue reading “Big Brother wants to create 17.5 million spying motorists”