Sweet Liberty

Provided by: Committee to Restore the Constitution – Lt.Col, Archibald E. Roberts – AUS, ret.

“The United Nations is the Greatest Fraud in all History– It’s purpose is to Destroy the United States…” Congressman John E. Rankin   Continue reading “THE KOREAN “POLICE ACTION” United Nations – Greatest Fraud”

American Everyman – by Scott Creighton

When events in the American Gladio campaign take place, one of the first instincts for the leadership class of the town or city involved has to be centered around self preservation. If it’s a city that centers on industry (not many left here in the states) then the first inclination of the spin doctors working for the city would be to assure the financial investment class that they are #BackToWork so that the global speculators don’t write them off or worse, start pulling capitol out of their localities.   Continue reading “#KeepDancingOrlando ? When Massa Mickey says DANCE! you Dance”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

The saga continues in Chicago as violence across the US ticks upward following the Dallas police attack.

Having 115 people shot last week is incredible in lieu of what we reported earlier this year when 120 people in Chicago inside a 10 day span:   Continue reading “115 Shot This Week In Chicago As ‘Gun-Free-Zone’-City Continues Death Spiral”


Few subjects present an undisputable window into modern society than the electronic version of reality that is dispensed through television broadcasts. This technology does not require interactive skills or critical thinking acumen. Just watch and fall into a daydream trance. TV is the stealth killer that penetrates 114.7 million American households. According to Nielsen, the 2012 Universe Estimate (UE), reflects a reduction in the estimated percent of U.S. homes with a television set (TV penetration), which declined to 96.7 percent from 98.9 percent. Should this turn down suggest promise or is it merely a result of internet substitution?   Continue reading “TV Propaganda and the Mind Control Culture”

The Daily Sheeple – by Joshua Krause

Gun Control supporters, and the Left in general, like to portray themselves as loving peaceniks who only want to make America safe. They say that if only the American public was willing to be disarmed, we could reduce crime and eliminate mass shootings. However, gun control is an inherently authoritarian policy, and deep down, the most radical gun control proponents are anything but peaceful.

For instance, take Professor James Pearce of Southern State Community College (SSCC) in Ohio. He recently told his followers on Facebook that the only way to stop the NRA’s influence, is for liberals to arm themselves, storm the NRA’s headquarters in Virginia, and kill everyone.   Continue reading “Professor Tells Gun Grabbers To Arm Themselves And Storm NRA HQ”

Town Hall – by Jenn Jacques

Speaking from the NATO Summit in Poland on Saturday, President Obama dismissed rhetoric that the nation is sharply divided and back to where it was in the 1960s.

“You’re not seeing riots. You’re not seeing police going after people who are protesting peacefully. You’ve seen, almost uniformly, peaceful protests and you’ve seen, uniformly, police handling those protests with professionalism,” Obama said.   Continue reading “Obama: Gun Control Is Necessary ‘If You Care About the Safety of Our Police Officers’”

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Business Insider

ATLANTA (AP) — Police agencies across the U.S. are on edge and on guard after receiving threats and calls for violence against them on social media in the aftermath of the killings of two black men and the sniper attack that left five officers dead in Dallas. Some departments ordered officers to pair up or more generally said they were heightening security.   Continue reading “Police agencies on edge, on guard amid heightened threats”

Franciscus_in_2015Pope Francis (Latin: Franciscus; Italian: Francesco; Spanish: Francisco; born Jorge Mario Bergoglio,[b] 17 December 1936) is the266th and current Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, a title he holds ex officio as Bishop of Rome, and Sovereign of the Vatican City. He chose Francis as his papal name in honor of Saint Francis of Assisi. Francis is the first Jesuit pope, the first from the Americas, the first from the Southern Hemisphere and the first non-European pope since the Syrian Gregory III, who died in 741.   Continue reading “Globalist Target”

Biblicism Institute

Israel is driving the world to catastrophe, not only because of the racist ideology on which it was founded, but also because its government along with its supporters (also known as Jewish neocons and the Israeli Lobby AIPAC) will stop at nothing – including war and terrorism – to prop up a country of impostors, who falsely claim to be Hebrews or God’s Chosen People.   Continue reading “Israel is the Problem”

Politico – by Mike Zapler

Longtime Democratic Rep. Corrine Brown will step down from her role as ranking member of the Veterans Affairs Committee until a federal corruption case filed against her Friday is resolved, Democrats said.

The Florida congresswoman and her chief of staff were charged with 24 counts of wrongdoing. Federal prosecutors say she used her position in Congress to solicit money to a phony education group and spent the money on car repairs, vacations, and lavish events. Continue reading “Indicted Democratic congresswoman loses post on veterans panel”

Jon Rappoport

—Arch-Globalist Hillary Clinton’s no-prosecution, the recent exit of Britain from the EU which torpedoed the unchecked advance of Globalism, the current Presidential campaign which features a candidate (formerly two candidates) attacking Globalism as no major candidate ever has before—all this suddenly fades from public consciousness in the specter of the Dallas shootings—the racial conflict that has been decades in the making—made in America, by Globalists, for the express purpose of Divide and Conquer—   Continue reading “3 Boggling Facts In Hillary Email Cover-Up/Dallas Shooting”

Daily Mail

President Barack Obama’s Republican adversaries piled on the criticism on Friday after he turned the overnight Dallas police massacre into a political platform – and then grinned from ear to ear as he reconnected with world leaders at a NATO summit in Poland.

Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron, both on their way out of office soon, seemed in a particularly light-hearted mood despite the day’s grim and dominant subject matter.   Continue reading “Republicans slam grinning Obama for politicizing Dallas police massacre as he laughs his way through NATO summit”

NBC News

After more than 100 people were arrested in a flurry of nationwide protests Friday night, police departments were preparing for another round of demonstrations Saturday demanding justice after the shootings this week of black men by cops.

Police arrested 74 people at a Black Lives Matter rally in Rochester, New York, and 30 were booked and charged during a protest in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, which remains on edge after 37-year-old Alton Sterling was fatally shot by police early Tuesday.   Continue reading “More Than 100 Arrested at Baton Rouge, Rochester Black Lives Matter Protests”