Yahoo News

JERUSALEM (Reuters) – Israeli police arrested 13 people on Friday on suspicion of arson, authorities said, after massive wildfires tore through central and northern Israel, a conflagration that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu branded as “terrorism”.

Firefighters kept battling the flames in wooded hills around Jerusalem and in northern areas on Friday, with support from Palestinian firemen and emergency teams from Greece, Cyprus, Croatia, Italy, Russia and Turkey.   Continue reading “Israel arrests 13 on suspicion of arson over mass wildfires”

Waking Times – by Dylan Charles

“Every revolution needs a good crisis in order to germinate its seed. The cashless revolution is no different.” ~Patrick Henningsen

Depending on who you ask, the idea of a cashless society is either a utopia of modern convenience or an Orwellian nightmare, but recent international events coupled with stories about ATM cyber-hacks are fair signals that a major push for the cashless society is underway and will intensify.   Continue reading “Problem, Reaction, Solution – How the Government Will Take Your Cash”


Accused white supremacist Dylann Roof is mentally competent to stand trial for the shooting deaths of nine black parishioners at a South Carolina church last year, a federal judge ruled on Friday.

The decision ends a temporary halt to federal efforts to seek justice in the June 2015 attack at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston that shook the country and intensified the debate over U.S. race relations.   Continue reading “South Carolina church shooting suspect found competent to stand trial”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

It’s Thanksgiving, which means that media commentator Mark Dice is back to his annual tradition of shaming the “Black Friday Zombie” shoppers lined up by the hundreds at Best Buy, Target, Walmart, and other Box Box retailers. In his characteristic style, he urges viewers to “have a look at these parasitic consumers who can’t wait to buy more flatscreen televisions, tablets, and toasters, while they go deeper into credit card debt.” As the video below shows, there was not even the faintest reaction to Dice’s public shaming.   Continue reading “Caught On Tape: Multiple Fights Break Out Among “Black Friday Zombies””

The Tap Blog

They are teaching Communism in our schools as environmentalism, says G. Edward Griffin whose up coming climate change conference will include Lord Monckton. Here is Monckton talking to Stefan Molyneux in the last couple of days…

The Global Warming Hoax | Lord Monckton and Stefan Molyneux:   Continue reading “Communism In Our Schools As Environmentalism”

The Survivalist Blog – by Ron Melchiore

I had another post in mind to submit to you folks but forest fires are a subject that is near and dear to my heart. I’ve recently become aware of the fires burning in various areas particularly in the Southeastern United States. In fact, it finally made the National news tonight. I thru-hiked the Appalachian Trail many years ago and I can’t imagine the number of fires or amount of territory now burning through those areas.

As some of you know, we’ve had our share of forest fires out here. They’ve literally had us running for our lives. I can’t think of too many things that demand immediate attention more than walking out the door and seeing a billowing curtain of gray/black smoke rising skyward in the nearby forest.   Continue reading “Preparing For And Protecting You Home And Or Retreat From Forest Fire”

GunsAmerica – by Jordan Michaels

As we reported earlier this month, California residents recently approved Proposition 63, which requires a background check for the purchase of ammunition and bans standard-capacity magazines holding more than 10 rounds of ammo.

The magazine ban is, unfortunately, business as usual in California, but the new ammo restrictions are giving gun store owners a serious headache.   Continue reading “California SNAFU: Prop. 63 Proves to be Nightmare for Gun Shops, Ammo Dealers”

Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft

The Washington Post published a “fake news” story on how the Russians used American websites to push anti-Hillary Clinton propaganda in the 2016 election.

The left is very focused on “fake news” websites after Hillary Clinton suffered a shocking loss in the November 8th election to Republican Donald Trump.   Continue reading “WaPo Releases Report on Russian Propaganda Sites”

LifeSite News – by Claire Chretien

ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexico, November 23, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – Arsonists are suspected in a fire that rendered a pro-life pregnancy center inoperable, and pro-life students are demanding that Planned Parenthood denounce this as a “hate crime.”

Early this morning, someone broke into Project Defending Life, also known as Women’s Pregnancy Options, and set fire to the building’s Holy Innocents Chapel and a room containing pro-life literature. According to the Albuquerque Fire Department, at 12:32 a.m. they received a call about smoke coming from the Project Defending Life building and crews arrived within minutes to extinguish the fire.   Continue reading “Arsonist destroys New Mexico pro-life pregnancy center in alleged ‘hate crime’”

PrawfsBlawg – by Tracy Hresko Pearl

A little over a year ago, as I became fully immersed in my research about driverless cars, I had a conversation with a colleague in which I managed to convince him (I think) that mass adoption of fully driverless vehicles will be an overwhelming net positive for society.  I talked about how these vehicles will dramatically improve highway safety, reduce traffic, increase productivity, and enhance the independence of disabled and elderly individuals.  As the conversation wound down, however, he noted that, despite everything I had said, he would always love driving.  He asked whether, once fully driverless cars are widely available, he would still be able to drive his own car.  I quickly reassured him he would always be able to do so, but as we parted ways, I questioned what I had just told him.  If autonomous vehicle advocates are correct about the dramatic safety gains fully driverless cars stand to offer, might the government eventually outlaw human-driven cars on public roads?     Continue reading “They’re Coming for Your Cars…”

Black Friday – the name elevates images of people standing in long lines, fighting the crowds to grab the best bargains of the year, and filling the shopping carts to the rims. From another perspective Black Friday is the day when retailers try to push their sales to the last limits in order to maximize their profits, i.e. move from red (loss) column to the black (profit). While the shoppers try to grab the best bargains of the year, the retailers, on the other hand, try to achieve their Black Friday sales targets, this battle continues till the end of the day to mark the winners and losers of this battle.   Continue reading “The Battle of Black Friday: Winners and Losers”

Free Thought Project – by Justin Gardner

Idaho is having a hard time letting go of Reefer Madness. Despite being bordered by four states with legal medical cannabis, Idaho’s prohibition is so complete that it crushes the hopes of kids suffering from epileptic seizures.

An investigation by Eric Boehm at found that “cops, prosecutors, and lobbyists conspired to restrict a promising cannabis-derived seizure treatment.”   Continue reading “Cops and Big Pharma Shamefully & Quietly Kill Legislation Allowing CBD Oil for Epileptic Kids”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Aptos, CA — Luke Smith, a sophomore at Aptos High School, was fatally shot by police over the weekend while he was allegedly high on LSD. His death was a tragedy and has shocked the community.

The entire interaction between police and Smith was captured on multiple body cameras. The video shows approximately a dozen police officers surround Smith as he held a knife, and shoot him at least 6 times with 40mm less lethal rounds, 2 times with a taser, 2 times siccing the K9 on him, and one time shooting him with an AR15.   Continue reading “Graphic Video Shows 15yo Boy Killed By Police While Holding a Knife on LSD”


Macy’s 90th Thanksgiving Day Parade went off without incident in New York on Thursday amid heightened security, police said, after Islamic State militants abroad encouraged their followers to attack the popular holiday event.

New York police used sand-filled trucks, radiation detectors, bomb-sniffing dogs and heavily armed officers to defend the 2.5-mile (4-km) parade route in Manhattan.   Continue reading “New York Thanksgiving parade goes off safely under tight security”