Waking Times – by Anna Hunt

When you finally realize that mainstream food companies are basically selling us food full of chemicals and devout of nutrients, you may, like many others, start to become a little fanatic about reading ingredients lists, seeking out GMO-free products, supplementing with superfoods, and actually paying attention to what goes into your body.

Well, guess what? Now, you suddenly may have a mental disorder, at least according to scientists at the University of Northern Colorado who conducted a case study about the obsession of eating healthy. This new eating disorder is called orthorexia nervosa (ON) and is said to be driven by a fear of being unhealthy and disgust for low-quality food.   Continue reading “Experts Claim Passion for Eating Healthy Has Become a Mental Disorder”

The Electric Intifada

A campaigner for US presidential hopeful Ted Cruz has praised the Israeli accused of killing Palestinian baby Ali Dawabsha.

Cruz, now seeking the Republican nomination in the US presidential race, has declined to distance himself from Victor Vancier, a convicted bomber fond of making racist comments on the Internet.   Continue reading “Jewish terror bomber claims influence with Ted Cruz”


Ladies and Gentlemen; the Imperial Storm Troopers are ready to neutralize the threat from the American people against the Colonial Empire. Obama has declared war to the cheers of the progressive imbeciles, who are the most avid abettor of the Totalitarian Collectivist society. You may not get a visit from ATF, DHS or FBI any day soon, but you can be sure your society is being SWAT by the government domestic terrorists carrying out the wishes of a tyrannical regime. The political class and the underlings that implement their illegitimate dictates want to disarm the public out of fear the peasants may storm the castle. Guns and bullets are only instruments of protection. The crucial war on populist independence is waged against the minds, hearts and souls of thinking and fearless Americans.   Continue reading “Disarm Americans Ensure Full-blown Submission”

The Organic Prepper

For a space that’s completely dedicated to getting things clean, the laundry room can be a landmine of dirty substances.  Toxic laundry products can contain ingredients that are irritating to the skin and damaging to the lungs. Some products disrupt hormones and have been linked to cancer.

This month, our Whole Home Detox efforts focus on the laundry room. We’ll discuss laundry detergent, fabric softener, and dryer sheets. There are homemade options that are excellent, or, if you aren’t into DIY, I’ll list some products you can buy that are less of a threat to your health than the standard offerings at the store.   Continue reading “Are These Dirty Little Secrets Lurking in Your Toxic Laundry Products?”

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo


The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (Tratado de Guadalupe Hidalgo in Spanish), officially entitled the Treaty of Peace, Friendship, Limits and Settlement between the United States of America and the Mexican Republic,[1] is the peace treaty signed on February 2, 1848, in the Villa de Guadalupe Hidalgo (now a neighborhood of Mexico City) between the United States and Mexicothat ended the Mexican–American War (1846–48).   Continue reading “Why the Southwest was not stolen from Mexico”

Jon Rappoport

Suppose, in a burst of exasperation, Obama gave a quite different State of the Union Address to Congress and the American people.

Exasperation? Why? Because Obama wants recognition for his clever and ingenious manipulations. He doesn’t want to be known as a clueless President. He doesn’t want to be remembered as a rank amateur. He wants credit where credit is due. Therefore, he spills the beans:   Continue reading “The State of the Union speech Obama won’t give”


A piglet born with the face of a monkey became a brief tourist sensation in the city of Ciego de Avila in central Cuba as people came from across the region to witness its baffling deformity.

The facial deformity resulted in the mutant pig having a simian jaw, a considerably shorter snout and a protruding forehead so that it resembled a monkey.   Continue reading “Monkeypig! Mutant pig with monkey face freaks Cuba”

Truthstream Media – by Melissa Dykes

It’s getting harder to focus on the “news”.

Considering that all media is filtered through just five megacorporations (compared with 50 companies in the early 80s), not to mention (but I will) the fact that domestic propaganda was officially “approved” for use against the American people a few years ago, it’s kinda hard to tell the difference between what is real and what isn’t anymore.   Continue reading “If They Would Feed Radioactive Oatmeal to Little Kids, What Wouldn’t They Do?”

Red State – by streiff

This has been coming for years. Ever since Anthony Kennedy decided that his view of human sexuality was the only one permitted in the United States we have been gathering speed in what will inevitably be the declaration by the Supreme Court that pedophilia is a Constitutionally protected right and the EEOC and other federal agencies will set about making us honor that particular perversion.   Continue reading “We Are On the Road To Normalizing Pedophilia”

Free Beacon – by Stephen Gutowski

The mayor of Harrisburg, Penn., ordered his police department on Friday not to provide security for an upcoming NRA-sponsored gun show after the association refused to meet a demand to pay a 60-percent increase in fees for the service.

Harrisburg police have provided security for the annual Great American Outdoors Show, scheduled this year for February 6-14, in the past. Mayor Eric Papenfuse said that the decision not to offer the department’s services this year was motivated in part by the NRA’s opposition to the city’s gun control policies.   Continue reading “Pennsylvania Mayor Pulls Police From NRA Gun Show”

Free Thought Project – by Justin Gardner

A new survey conducted by the Centre for Addictions Research of BC helps explain why Big Pharma is so afraid of cannabis. The pharmaceutical and alcohol industries, both powerful influences in Washington, have long lobbied against cannabis legalization in order to protect their profits.

However, the tide has turned as decriminalization of medical and recreational cannabis sweeps the nation and the continent. With legalization, more and more people are discovering how this plant can provide a safe alternative to the dangerous effects of prescription pills.   Continue reading “Big Pharma Shaking In Their Boots As 80% Of Cannabis Users Give Up Prescriptions Pills For Pot”

Video Rebel’s Blog

You might think I am talking about Bilderberg, the Rothschilds or the 30 Families David Rothkopf mentioned in his book Superclass. In that book he said our world is run by 30 families and their 6,000 Minions. I am talking about them and their plans to kill people by the billions but I am also talking about everyday people who vote and pay taxes but are never invited to Bilderberg meetings.

We will all bear responsibility for the billion plus people who will starve to death if we do nothing.   Continue reading “You Don’t Have The Right To Starve A Billion People To Death”

Washington Post – by Justin Jouvenal

While officers raced to a recent 911 call about a man threatening his ex-girlfriend, a police operator in headquarters consulted software that scored the suspect’s potential for violence the way a bank might run a credit report.

The program scoured billions of data points, including arrest reports, property records, commercial databases, deep Web searches and the man’s social- media postings. It calculated his threat level as the highest of three color-coded scores: a bright red warning.   Continue reading “The new way police are surveilling you: Calculating your threat ‘score’”


A clandestine meeting that Hollywood star Sean Penn orchestrated with Joaquin “Chapo” Guzman in a jungle hideout late last year helped the Mexican government catch the world’s most-wanted drug lord, sources said.

Guzman, the infamous boss of the Sinaloa drug cartel, was arrested in northwestern Mexico on Friday morning and sent back to the prison he broke out of in July through a mile-long tunnel that led straight into his cell. It was his second prison break.   Continue reading “Sean Penn meeting, Hollywood dreams help Mexican drug lord’s downfall”


Martin Shkreli ‒ the pharmaceutical CEO infamous for jacking up drug prices 5,500 percent ‒ has shed light on the extent of his riches after he used his E-trade brokerage account containing assets currently worth $45 million to keep himself out of jail.

Shkreli used the account to secure the $5 million bond that has kept him out of jail since mid-December, when he was indicted on federal securities fraud charges.   Continue reading “‘Most hated’ Pharma CEO uses $45 mn stock trading account to secure bail”


Some 4,000 residents of Whitesboro, a village in upstate New York, will decide in a vote on Monday whether to change their village seal, which depicts a white settler and a Native American wrestling.

“We want to just put an end to it once and for all,” Mayor Patrick O’Connor told WKTV. “Let the residents have their say about what seal they want to represent them and their home and their history.”   Continue reading “NY village vote on changing seal depicting white settler ‘choking Indian’”