Politico – by David Pittman

Delivering on its promise to deliver “common sense” gun control, the Obama administration on Monday finalized a rule that enables health care providers to report the names of mentally ill patients to an FBI firearms background check system.

The action was one of a series of steps that President Barack Obama had called for in January 2013 in the wake of the Newtown, Conn., shootings to curb gun violence, but the rule was not published until today.   Continue reading “Doctors can report some mentally ill patients to FBI under new gun control rule”

Jon Rappaport

Suppose Obama tired of hearing his critics assail him on his foreign policy.

Suppose President Obama took time out from his busy schedule ramming through executive orders, in his last year in office, and gave the following speech about Syria—because he wanted credit for being smart and crafty, not naïve, not weak, not misinformed:   Continue reading “Obama: “I am not a doofus.””

Watchmen News – by Valerie Love

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo believes in tough love. Tough as in, he’ll do the loving and compassion his way and if you don’t agree with it voluntarily, then tough on you as you will be arrested or involuntary transferred to a psychiatric hospital for an evaluation.

The compassionate, loving governor signed an executive order to remove homeless people off the streets when the temps dip below 32 degrees and place them into homeless shelters. According to the New York Times:   Continue reading “Gov. Cuomo’s Orders: Love, Compassion, Arrest or a Psych Eval, if necessary”

The Daily Sheeple – by Joshua Krause

If you were pulled over for driving drunk, I don’t think you would expect any mercy from the law. Your absolute best case scenario, would be spending the night in jail, and facing heavy financial penalties for your crime. But just like every other crime, when a cop does it, the same rules and consequences don’t necessarily apply.   Continue reading “This Is How Drunk Driving Cops Are Treated By Other Cops”

Breitbart – by Warner Todd Huston

As December came to a close, U.S. Border Patrol Agents announced two raids, one on an apartment on the Texas-Mexico border and another on a truck with a secret hiding place. The action resulted in the arrests of 41 illegal immigrants.

On December 31, the agency announced that an apartment in Palmview, Texas, a small town on the border, was raided and 31 illegal immigrants were found within. All were arrested and slated for deportation.   Continue reading “U.S. Border Patrol Arrests 31 Illegals Hiding in One Texas Apartment”

Huffington Post – by Ryan Grenoble

Will the showdown in Burns, Oregon, end with bloodshed, the way similar incidents in Ruby Ridge, Idaho, and Waco, Texas, did in the 1990s?

Not according to Clint Van Zandt. The FBI’s former chief hostage negotiator told The Huffington Post on Monday that he’d be surprised if the bureau responded aggressively to the armed occupation of a federal building in Burns. Instead, Van Zandt says officials would be smart to treat the militants in Oregon with “infinite patience.”
Continue reading “Here’s What The Waco And Ruby Ridge Standoffs Taught The Feds About Oregon”

The Last Refuge – by sundance

The media are focused on the “Bundy Militia” angle to the standoff in Burns Oregon, where Aamon Bundy and brothers have taken over a Malheur Wildlife Refuge Headquarters to draw attention to the plight of the Hammond family (Full Complex Back Story Here).

However, a little research (HatTip NeverTooLate) into the original legal battle reveals a rather startling update.   Continue reading “The U.S. Attorney At The Heart of The Hammond Family Problem”

Sipsey Street Irregulars – by Mike Vanderboegh

In 1996, common criminals calling themselves “the Montana Freemen,” victimized their own neighbors in the community with fake liens and bank fraud. Eventually, the Federal authorities became involved and laid siege to their community. At the time, in the aftermath of Waco and Ruby Ridge, the FBI was very concerned that members of the constitutional militia movement might come to their aid.   Continue reading “A National Three Percent Declaration Regarding the Situation in Harney County, Oregon”

Peak Prosperity

We commonly use two misleading expressions; “money out of thin air” and “government printing press” both imply that our money has no backing.  And often, the term “fiat” money is used to imply the same misconception.  The truth is that every dollar (FRN) issued by the private banks is backed by the good faith and credit of “We the People.”

It is true that the money is created for free by the private banks and it is true that the banks add neither any banking or reserves but; it is not free for “We the People.”  The banks use our credit which means we are backing the money.  If you are wondering why we as a nation; are paying private banks interest and principal for money created via OURcredit – you are catching on – but that’s another story!    Continue reading ““Our Land: Collateral For The National Debt””

Yahoo News

CHICAGO (AP) — At least one officer responding to the fatal shooting of a northern Illinois police officer who staged his suicide to make it look like homicide thought he might have killed himself, while others quickly rejected the idea, newly released documents show.

Fox Lake Lt. Charles Joseph Gliniewicz’s Sept. 1 death touched off an intense manhunt involving hundreds of officers and raised fears of cop-killers on the loose.   Continue reading “Officers quickly rejected suicide in Illinois cop’s death”

Patriot or Traitor

Ann Louise Aiken is a treasonous United States District Court judge for the District of Oregon.

Judge Ann Aiken has sentenced two ranchers from Oregon for what can only be deemed as Double Jeopardy as part of a tyrannical move by the federal government for something that occurred over a decade ago.   Continue reading “Ann Louise Aiken is a traitor”

The Economic Collapse – by Michael Snyder

The first trading day of 2016 was full of chaos and panic.  It started in Asia where the Nikkei was down 582 points, Hong Kong was down 587 points, and Chinese markets experienced an emergency shutdown after the CSI 300 tumbled 7 percent.  When European markets opened, the nightmare continued.  The DAX was down 459 points, and European stocks overall had their worst start to a yearever.  In the U.S., it looked like we were on course for a truly historic day as well.  The Dow Jones Industrial Average was down 467 points at one stage, but some very mysterious late day buying activity helped trim the loss to just 276 points at the close of the market.  The sudden market turmoil caught many by surprise, but it shouldn’t have.  The truth is that a whole host of leading indicators have been telling us that this is exactly what should be happening.  The global financial crisis that began in 2015 is now accelerating, and my regular readers already know precisely what is coming next.   Continue reading “Stock Markets All Over The World Crash As We Begin 2016”

SHTF Plan – by  Mac Slavo

Can you believe 2016 just started, and already people are calling for a bigger police state where the government can kill citizens without due process, charge or trial?

It seems that many on the Internet want another Waco – a lethal federal government show of force for the Obama age. You know, to keep the right wingers, pro-gun nuts, anti-government types, patriots and conspiracy theorists at bay.   Continue reading “Liberals Call for Violence to End Oregon Standoff: Send “National Guard With Shoot to Kill Orders””

The Daily Sheeple – by Melissa Dykes

Even as critics in Congress are blasting Obama’s upcoming new gun control executive orders as “dangerous overreach” targeting the 2nd Amendment, Obama has defended them, claiming his plans are “well within my legal authority”.

Obama, via Reuters:   Continue reading “Obama Says New Gun Control Executive Orders Are “Well Within My Legal Authority””

ABC News

Two eastern Oregon ranchers convicted of arson on federal land turned themselves in to a California prison this afternoon, as militia members — who say the ranchers are going to jail for a crime they did not commit — continue an armed occupation of a wildlife refuge in the state that’s on federal property.

Dwight Hammond Jr., 74, and his son, Steven Hammond, 46, were convicted three years ago of setting fires in 2001 and 2006 on lands managed by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, “on which the Hammonds had grazing rights leased to them for their cattle operation,” according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office.   Continue reading “Oregon Ranchers Report to California Prison Amid Armed Standoff”


The theatrics from a presidential campaign cycle is some of the best entertainment that a political junkie can hope for. Imagining that the electoral process has even a remote connection that reflects the will of the people is one of the idiocies that Americans delude themselves with in order to rationalize that the country is ruled under democratic elections. At the outset, elections are actually a selection ratification provided by the party hacks and media gatekeepers that serve their supra-elite masters.   Continue reading “2016 Presidential Unreality Show”