The College Fix – by Nathan Rubbelke

The student newspaper at Evergreen State College has a section in its opinion pages described as “for people of color by people of color.”

“This should be a place where we can be us without it being overshadowed by the dark cloud that is living under white supremacy and having to see things from a white perspective. This is why when we do cover these issues it will be in the context and from the perspective of POC and POC only,” according to the section’s editors as they reintroduced it to readers in September.   Continue reading “Evergreen State’s student newspaper includes no-whites-allowed opinion section”

CBS News

CBS Local — U.S. health officials are bracing for a devastating flu season this winter that many people won’t even be able to ward off with their annual flu shot.

The possibility of a “flu-pocalypse” is being talked about after record numbers of patients were diagnosed with influenza in Australia, whose flu season just ended. In a recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), a group of infectious disease doctors say that Australia’s vaccination against the flu was only effective 10 percent of the time this year.   Continue reading “‘Flu-pocalypse’ Predicted Due To Ineffective Flu Shots, Doctors Say”

Tenth Amendment Center – by Mike Maharrey

CONCORD, N.H. (Nov. 30, 2017) – A bill prefiled in the New Hampshire House would ban sobriety checkpoints in the state. The law would not only end constitutionally dubious “searches” in New Hampshire, it would also thwart federal programs that heavily influence state traffic laws.

A coalition of five representatives prefiled House Bill 1283 (HB1283) for the 2018 legislative session. The legislation would ban law enforcement agencies in New Hampshire from conducting sobriety checkpoints.   Continue reading “New Hampshire Bill Would Ban DUI Checkpoints; Free State from Some Federal Funding Strings”

Jon Rappoport

The Surveillance State has created an apparatus whose implications are staggering. It’s a different world now. And sometimes it takes a writer of fiction to flesh out the larger landscape.

Brad Thor’s novel, Black List, posits the existence of a monster corporation, ATS, which stands alongside the NSA in collecting information on every move we make. ATS’ intelligence-gathering capability is unmatched anywhere in the world.   Continue reading “The Surveillance State is creating new meta-crimes”

Breitbart – by Lucas Nolan

Republican Congressman John Katko was reportedly threatened with murder by a New York man if he did not support net neutrality.

Democrat & Chronicle reports that Patrick D. Angelo of Syracuse, New York, was arrested and charged with threatening a federal official after he allegedly threatened to kill U.S. Congressman John Katko, R-NY if he did not support net neutrality. The charges brought against Angelo carry a maximum sentence of 10 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.   Continue reading “Republican Senator Allegedly Threatened with Murder over Net Neutrality”

Breitbart – by Liam Deacon

Erik Prince, the founder of Blackwater military contractor, has proposed a plan to “humanely” stem the tide of migrants travelling through Libya in an attempt to reach the European Union (EU).

His plan comes amid reports of terrible human rights abuses in the North African nation, including claims that Arab forces are selling black Africans in slave markets.   Continue reading “Blackwater Founder Plans ‘Border Police’ for Libya for ‘Humane’ End to Migrant Crisis”

East Bay Times – by Damin Esper

ALBANY –– A United States District Court judge in San Francisco issued a divided ruling this week on a portion of a case involving an Instagram account created by a former Albany High student that had several racist memes posted on it.

The lawsuits were filed on behalf of 10 students disciplined after the discovery of the account in March. The Albany Unified School District and several employees as well as district officials and an AUSD board member were the defendants.   Continue reading “Judge issues ruling on Albany High online posting lawsuits”

Fox News

A police force in Texas got creative with a Star Wars-themed video, starring Chewbacca as a new recruit.

The video released Wednesday by the Fort Worth Police Department started with roll call and the distribution of assignments.   Continue reading “Star Wars’ Chewbacca gets leading role in Texas police recruiting video”

Free Thought Project – by Rachel Blevins

Courts in both Florida and Michigan have admitted that the dangerous early-morning raids conducted by SWAT teams searching for cannabis were completely unwarranted, and the overeager actions of the officers involved made their searches illegal.

In one case in Florida, Collier County Sheriff’s Deputies arrived at the home of Juan Falcon before 7 a.m. and within 20 seconds of knocking on the front door and announcing themselves, they broke down the door with a battering ram and threw two flash bang grenades inside the house. As a report from Reason noted, the purpose of the raid was to gain access to two dozen cannabis plants that were reportedly growing in Falcon’s backyard.   Continue reading “Paradigm Shift: State Courts Rule Police Raids Over Weed Were Illegal and Uncalled For”

Free Thought Project – by John Vibes

Baltimore, MD — In recent weeks, The Free Thought Project has been keeping a close eye on the developing case of a whistleblower with the Baltimore Police Department named Sean Suiter who was shot with his own gun the day before he was set to testify against corrupt cops within his own department.

Unlike most other shootings where police are the victims, no one has been arrested and there is no suspect to speak of. In fact, this is the only time in the history of Baltimore that a suspect in the shooting of a police officer has gone this long uncaptured.   Continue reading “Baltimore Police Now Blocking FBI from Investigating Murder of Cop Set to Testify Against Fellow Cops”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Update: The Senate tax plan roll vall vote which was widely expected to take place on Thursday evening, has been pushed back to 11am on Friday following the collapse of the “Trigger” compromise (discussed below) to win a majority for a Senate tax overhaul left Republicans scrambling to salvage the legislation, Bloomberg reports. While debate over the bill may continue into the evening, McConnell said. It’s unclear when the unlimited amendment vote series known as “vote-a-rama” would begin.   Continue reading ““A Potential Nightmare Scenario For The GOP”: Tax Vote Delayed To Friday; May Include $350BN In New Tax Hikes”

Reuters – by Lawrence Hurley

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – When conservative Christian baker Jack Phillips in 2012 politely but firmly told Colorado gay couple David Mullins and Charlie Craig he would not make them a cake to celebrate their wedding, it triggered a chain of events that will climax on Tuesday in highly anticipated U.S. Supreme Court arguments.

Phillips contends the U.S. Constitution’s free speech guarantees protect him from making a cake that would violate his religious beliefs against gay marriage. To Mullins and Craig, the baker’s refusal represented a simple case of unlawful discrimination based on sexual orientation.   Continue reading “Supreme Court’s cake case pits gay rights versus Christian faith”

USA Today – by Jessica Estepa

The Secret Service spent nearly $7,500 on golf cart rentals while President Trump was in at his private golf club Mar-a-Lago for Thanksgiving.

According to federal purchase orders flagged by progressive PAC American Bridge and reviewed by USA TODAY, the agency charged with protecting the president spent $7,470 on the rentals for Trump’s Florida golf outings.   Continue reading “Secret Service spent $7,500 on golf carts during Trump’s Thanksgiving Mar-a-Lago trip”


MOSCOW, November 29. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin has sent a message of congratulations to his Palestinian counterpart Mahmoud Abbas on the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, the Kremlin reported on its website on Wednesday.

“Russia, as a permanent member of the UN Security Council and the Middle East Quartet of international mediators, takes a principled stand in support of the realization of the Palestinians’ legitimate right to self-determination. We are in favor of a comprehensive and fair settlement in the Middle East on a solid international legal basis, including the relevant UN Security Council resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative. It should result in the end of the Israeli occupation of the Arab lands that began in 1967 and the creation of an independent Palestinian state with its capital in East Jerusalem,” the Russian head of state noted in his message of greetings.   Continue reading “Putin favors Palestinian state with capital in East Jerusalem”

The Sun – by Lauren Windle

AN IRANIAN woman has gone viral after claiming she’s had 50 surgeries in a bid to look like her idol Angelina Jolie.

Sahar Tabar claims to be one of the Tomb Raider actress’ biggest fans and has said she “would do anything” to emulate her.

The 19-year-old from Tehran underwent 50 surgeries in the space of just a few months, according to Belgian website Sud Info.   Continue reading “Teen ‘undergoes 50 surgeries’ in a bid to look like her idol Angelina Jolie”