Breitbart – by Joel Pollak

This week, illegal aliens stormed Capitol Hill and demanded that Congress legalize President Barack Obama’s unconstitutional Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, as well as the broader “Dream Act.”

They were outraged that Democrats caved to President Donald Trump and the GOP by re-opening the government on Monday without legalizing DACA or providing legal status for millions of “Dreamers” who came to the U.S. as minors.   Continue reading “Blue State Blues: The DACA ‘Kids’ Have Changed My Mind About Amnesty”


The audience at the World Economic Forum in Davos has reacted to US President Donald Trump’s remark about “fake news,” a term which has been named the word of the past year.

US President Donald Trump said, speaking at the Davos forum, “I’ve always gotten a lot of press, or media, I don’t know why…But It wasn’t until I became a politician that I saw how nasty, how mean, how vicious and how fake the press can be,” getting “boos” from the crowd in turn. Continue reading “Audience ‘Boos’ Trump’s Address in Davos”

Breitbart – by John Binder

In President Trump’s historic immigration speech in Phoenix, Arizona during the 2016 presidential election, the then-candidate promised that amnesty for illegal aliens would never be considered until illegal immigration was ended, a border wall was constructed, and pro-American immigration reforms were enacted.

During the speech, Trump made clear that American workers would see benefits with pro-American immigration reforms before illegal aliens were given a pathway to legal status to permanently remain in the United States.  Continue reading “Trump’s 2016 ‘Phoenix Promise’: No Consideration of Amnesty Until ‘Illegal Immigration Is Memory of the Past’”

The New Observer

The Trump Administration’s newly-released “immigration outline” is a “preemptive surrender” which will mean an amnesty for up to two million illegal aliens—a number far bigger than what even was contemplated during the Obama presidency, the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) has warned.

Writing on the CIS website in an article titled “The Art of the Choke,” CIS Executive Director Mark Krikorian said that the enforcement component of the plan “is fine, as far as it goes. There’s no E-Verify, but the White House decided months ago not to push that, thinking it would be a bridge too far for Democrats, since it impacts illegals who are already here.   Continue reading “Trump’s Immigration Plan: Two Million Amnesty “Bigger than Obama’s””

Eric Peters Autos

In addition to “officer safety,” another de facto capital offense in this country is “failure to comply.”

This past fall, a Northern Virginia man named Bijan Ghaisar was executed by armed government workers after a brief car chase. Apparently, the man had been involved in a minor accident – no injuries and he wasn’t the driver who caused the accident –  but he left the scene regardless. It’s possible he had an expired license or some other thing on his mind and feared (rightly) what the “heroes” might do to him if he stuck around. Given the run-amokness of “heroes” these days, avoiding them is reasonable self-preservation.  Continue reading “Blown Away . . . for Not Complying”

Daily Mail

He may be one of the most famous figures in history, but it appears the Google Home smart speaker doesn’t know who Jesus is.

At least, that’s according to several outraged users who have accused Google of deliberately filtering its results to fit its own agenda.

They claim that despite not providing any details about Jesus, the smart speaker can still identify Buddha, Muhammad and Satan.   Continue reading “Google Home speaker does not know who Jesus Christ is”

Bangor Daily News – by Beth Brogan

Twenty sexual assault charges against former Lincoln County sheriff’s deputy Kenneth L. Hatch III will be dismissed as part of a plea agreement that calls for Hatch to plead guilty to providing a place for minors to consume alcohol.

The Maine Attorney General’s office on Thursday filed the latter charge, a Class D misdemeanor, in Lincoln County Superior Court, according to Assistant Attorney General John Risler, who prosecuted a November case against Hatch.   Continue reading “Former Maine deputy cuts deal to have 20 sexual assault charges dismissed”

The Detroit News – by George Hunter

An irate customer who was upset about the price of an item started trashing a northwest Detroit Marathon gas station last month, prompting manager Sadek Kaid to dial 911.

When the police didn’t respond after several minutes, Kaid said he hit redial and asked why.

“The dispatcher said, ‘It’s because you don’t have the Green Light,’ ” Kaid said. “The customer was in here destroying the store, throwing everything off the shelves. He was here for almost an hour before he left. When the police finally came, they told us the Green Light locations get priority.”   Continue reading “Some businesses question fairness of Green Light effort”

Delaware Online – by Karl Baker

The company that sold cellphone tracking devices to the Delaware State Police believes officers are barred from telling state elected officials about the portable surveillance gadgets, according to a document revealed in a lawsuit between the American Civil Liberties Union of Delaware and the state.

Two years ago, a legal challenge to an open records request showed the FBI had prohibited state police from releasing details to anyone outside of law enforcement about the controversial devices, called Stingrays.   Continue reading “In ‘mythical’ agreement, Stingray maker says DSP can’t share details with lawmakers”

Truth Dig – by Ellen Brown

Thirty states and the District of Columbia currently have laws broadly legalizing marijuana in some form. The herb has been shown to have significant therapeutic value for a wide range of medical conditions, including cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, glaucoma, lung disease, anxiety, muscle spasms, hepatitis C, inflammatory bowel disease, and arthritis pain. The community of Americans who rely on legal medical marijuana was estimated to be 2.6 million people in 2016 and includes a variety of mainstream constituency groups like veterans, senior citizens, cancer survivors, and parents of epileptic children. Unlike patented pharmaceuticals, which are now the leading cause of death from drug overdose, there have been no recorded deaths from marijuana overdose in the US. By comparison, alcohol causes 30,000 deaths annually, and prescription drugs taken as directed are estimated to kill 100,000 Americans per year.   Continue reading “How Uncle Sam Launders Marijuana Money”

Reason – by Alec Ward

In theory, the Baltimore Police Department’s now-defunct Gun Trace Task Force was an elite unit dedicated to finding illegal guns. In practice, prosecutors say, it was an armed robbery and extortion conspiracy carried out under color of law. Its members allegedly used their police powers to detain people, take their money, and keep it.

Two of those members are currently on trial. Another six have pled guilty and agreed to testify for the prosecution.   Continue reading “Baltimore Cops on Trial for a Criminal Conspiracy That Looks a Lot Like Everyday Policing”

Military Times

PIERRE, S.D. — A Republican lawmaker wants to lower the drinking age for members of the military to 18 in South Dakota.

Rep. Tim Goodwin’s bill says bars and retailers could serve 18-year-old active duty, reserve and National Guard service members who show valid military identification cards.  Continue reading “South Dakota lawmaker proposes lower drinking age for members of military”

Breitbart – by Katherine Rodriguez

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo wants to give illegal aliens brought to the U.S. as children under DACA free tuition at the state’s public colleges.

Cuomo, a Democrat, included a provision in his $168 billion budget that would change the state’s education law to make illegal alien children who were part of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) amnesty program eligible to receive free tuition through the Excelsior Scholarship, the New York Post reported.   Continue reading “New York Gov. Cuomo Wants to Give DACA Recipients Free Tuition at State Colleges” – Edited by Raquel Baranow

At the end of World War II, one of America’s top military leaders accurately assessed the shift in the balance of world power which that war had produced and foresaw the enormous danger of communist aggression against the West. Alone among U.S. leaders he warned that America should act immediately, while her supremacy was unchallengeable, to end that danger. Unfortunately, his warning went unheeded, and he was quickly silenced by a convenient “accident” which took his life.   Continue reading “Patton On Communism And The Khazar Jews”

CBC News

The man at the centre of a raid that ended with the seizure of 40 animals and several firearms is defending himself and lashing out at Calgary police for the response, and for the way the situation was portrayed in the media.

“Why didn’t you just come in here if you had a problem? Just come in here if you had a problem, just talk to me,” Fredrick Brokop said Thursday as he toured media around the property he leases.   Continue reading “Man at centre of massive raid on rural Calgary property lashes out at police”

Ninja Journalist – by JJ Foster

The world is our tapestry, and it is full of beautiful structures and buildings that are just stunning to look at. Then there are some architects that just didn’t notice the gaping holes in their seemingly flawless ideas. Here are some of the most unbelievable construction fails in recent memory.

There are only two possible explanations for our first construction fail on the list. Either, this architect is an extreme nature conservationist or he’s simply got it wrong.   Continue reading “Some Of The Most Epic Construction Fails Of All Time”