Jerusalem Post

Netanyahu was interviewed by CNN’s Fareed Zakaria on the main Davos stage on Thursday, saying: “Under any peace agreement the capital of Israel will continue to be in Jerusalem.”

Netanyahu reiterated that the seat of Israeli government is in Israel, and that Jerusalem has been the capital of the Jewish people for 3000 years. Donald Trump did “a great service for peace, because peace can only be based on truth. You can’t build peace on fantasy,” the PM said.   Continue reading “Netanyahu at Davos: Jerusalem to Remain Capital Under Any Peace Agreement”

Yahoo News

While flu vaccine effectiveness varies from year to year, the vaccine’s prevention rate is never perfect. As a result, plenty of people just skip getting the flu shot, ignoring all recommendations to the contrary from the medical community. But with new research just released about flu vaccine research,  it seems we’re closer than ever to finding a significantly more effective influenza immunization.

Researchers at Georgia State University have come up with a universal vaccine, to fight influenza A viruses, that produces long-lasting immunity in mice. The researchers shared their findings in a new study published this week in the journal Nature Communications.   Continue reading “A ‘universal’ flu vaccine is in the works”

Meridian Health Clinic

Goitrogens are plant chemicals (thiocyanate) that can decrease the production or activation of thyroid hormone, meaning they slow thyroid function.  These foods are commonly known as “Goitrogenic”, which means they contain substances which slow the thyroid’s ability to uptake iodine.  If eaten in excess, these (otherwise healthy) foods interfere with the efficient function of your thyroid gland.  For some people, eating too much of these foods alone will produce a hypothyroid state.  At its extreme, the Goitrogenic effects makes you susceptible to having a goiter, or enlargement of the thyroid.   Continue reading “Goitrogenic (Thyroid Inhibiting) Foods – Diet Principles”

Medical Express – by Marlowe Hood

A rising tide of suspicion amplified by social networks has eroded public trust in modern medicine, leaving scientists and health officials scrambling for ways to shore up its credibility, experts say.

Especially in rich nations, faith has waned in vaccines that have saved millions from the ravages of polio, tetanus, small pox, influenza and many other once rampant and deadly diseases.   Continue reading “Modern medicine infected by the virus of mistrust”

Breitbart – by Charlie Spiering

President Donald Trump spoke at the World Economic Forum in Davos on Friday, urging the global elites to reinvest in their people.

“Each of you has the power to change hearts, transform lives, and shape your countries’ destinies,” he said. “With this power comes an obligation, however, a duty of loyalty to the people, workers, customers who have made you who you are.”   Continue reading “Donald Trump Reminds Davos Elites of ‘Duty of Loyalty to the People’”

The Organic Prepper

The hypothetical “Doomsday Clock” is closer to midnight – the hour of doom – than it has been since 1953, the year that the US and the USSR both tested hydrogen bombs at the beginning of the global nuclear arms race.

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (BAS) announced on Tuesday that the time on the clock was now two minutes to midnight. The BAS is a group of science and policy experts who assess human advancement…and risk…say that we’re getting alarmingly close to the Zero Hour. Their statement said:   Continue reading “According to the Doomsday Clock, the End Is Near”

The New Observer

Rwandan President Paul Kagame has confirmed that his country will take in Africans being deported from Israel—as long as the deportations are done “in accordance with international law”—which Israel has already announced that they will be.

The deportations—set to start within the next eight weeks—will all be “legal” because the Africans will all have signed papers to the effect that they have agreed to leave and are doing so voluntarily—because otherwise they will be locked up in Israeli prisons indefinitely until they agree to leave.   Continue reading “Israel and Rwanda Agree: Africans Can Be Deported “If it’s Legal””

The .22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire, also called .22 WMR.22 Magnum.22 MRF, or .22 Mag, is a rimfire cartridge. Originally loaded with a bullet weight of 40 grains (2.6 g) delivering velocities in the 2,000 feet per second (610 m/s) range from a rifle barrel, .22 WMR is now loaded with bullet weights ranging from 50 grains (3.2 g) at 1,530 feet per second (470 m/s) to 30 grains (1.9 g) at 2,200 feet per second (670 m/s). Accuracy around 1 MOA is achievable. Compared to the faster but lighter .17 HMR, the .22 WMR impacts targets with higher kinetic energy within its effective range, important for clean kills on larger small game such as coyote, albeit with a less flat-shooting bullet arc.

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Hollywood, SC– Dashcam footage captured the disturbing scene as Deputies Keith Tyner and Richard Powell of the Charleston County Sheriff’s Department arrived at the home of then 26-year-old Bryant Heyward, who had called 911 after he’d just been the victim of a home invasion. Heyward had fended off the two intruders who were threatening his home and his life, only to be critically shot and paralyzed by those who he had desperately called for help.   Continue reading “Man Calls 911 to Report Burglary, Cops Show Up and Shoot HIM”

The Daily Sheeple – by Dawn Luger

Florida lawmakers are now pushing a totalitarian medical police state law that would deny a public education to children who aren’t injected with the extremely toxic and risky HPV vaccine.

SB 1551, also being deceptively called the “Women’s Cancer Prevention Act,” mandates HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccines in school-aged children, revoking medical choice rights from parents and invoking state-sponsored coercion to force children to be subjected to extremely risky medical interventions, even against the wishes of their parents.   Continue reading “Florida Lawmakers Introduce HPV Vaccine MANDATE Bill”


(Philadelphia) — Philadelphia’s district attorney has created a new position to protect immigrants trying to navigate the criminal justice system.

Larry Krasner says the office’s new immigration counsel will help people move through the system without facing “disproportionate consequences,” like deportation, because of their status.   Continue reading “Philadelphia DA names staffer to protect immigrant rights”

Vermont Public Radio

The Vermont House has given strong initial support to a highway safety bill that includes the primary enforcement of Vermont’s seat belt law.

Under current law, a driver must be pulled over for a different traffic offense in order to receive a ticket for not wearing a seat belt. This bill allows law enforcement officials to stop a car if they see a driver or any passengers not buckled up.   Continue reading “Vermont House Gives Initial Approval On Tougher Enforcement Of Seat Belt Law”

Maine Public

The U.S. Border Patrol is running daily citizenship checks on buses traveling from Fort Kent toward the state’s interior and making periodic checks on buses originating in Bangor. Civil rights advocates say these checks may be in violation of protections outlined in the U.S. Constitution.

Daniel Heibert, chief patrol agent for the Houlton sector, says the agency has the authority to make such checks anywhere within 100 miles of the border, a standard which encompasses the entire state of Maine.   Continue reading “U.S. Border Patrol Checks on Buses Increasing Across Maine”

Note: This is truly a tragedy. An 8 year-old dead over a minor bike fall? No way! How much you want to bet that the flesh-eating bacteria was picked up in the emergency room of the hospital. How much do you want to bet that this emergency room treats illegal aliens. This is where an investigation should begin! 

Fox News

Like most 8-year-old boys, Liam Flanagan was used to getting a few scrapes and bruises here and there — nothing major.   Continue reading “Oregon boy, 8, dies from flesh-eating bacteria days after falling off bike”

Subverted Nation


So many people just fail to grasp the extent of jewish control in our daily lives. Quite a few people are aware of most of what the jews are up to in our world but these people think that as long as jewish malfeasance doesn’t affect them personally that they don’t wish to make waves by taking any sort of stand against jewish crime. Most of these people turn a blind eye to jewish terrorism around the world whether it’s the killing of innocent Palestinians or Lebanese with illegal weaponry or anything else this criminal race of creatures is up to in our world. Foolish non-jews who believe this coward’s credo have no idea that, not only has jewish crime crossed their sacred thresholds, that their entire lives and private worlds are completely influenced and/or run by hidden jewish hands.   Continue reading “Kosher Tax”

Breitbart – by Neil Munro

President Donald Trump’s new “framework” amnesty plan would provide citizenship to at least 1.8 million illegals — but would not allow any beneficial reduction in cheap-labor immigration until 2027.

The pro-business plan, leaked to Washington insiders this afternoon, asks progressive Democrats and business-first Republicans to accept a trade-off: Amnesty for at least 1.8 million illegals in exchange for a border wall, end chain-migration and ending the visa lottery.   Continue reading “WH Plan: Big Amnesty Now, Nothing for Americans Until 2027”

Breitbart – by Robert Kraychik

“This is not how I was taught to negotiate in law school,” said immigration expert Dale Wilcox of the Trump administration’s Thursday-released amnesty proposal, including an offer of amnesty for 1.8 million “DREAMers” beyond initially stated numbers of about 700,000 illegal alien registrants with the Obama administration’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy.

Wilcox is Executive Director & General Counsel for the Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI). His remarks came in a Thursday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with co-hosts Rebecca Mansour and Joel Pollak.   Continue reading “Dale Wilcox on Trump Amnesty: Chain Migration ‘Not Ended Immediately’; Visa Lottery Numbers ‘Shifted’ to Other Categories”