Daily Mail

The Trump administration is considering an offer from Republican mega-donor Sheldon Adelson to pay for at least part of a new U.S. embassy in Jerusalem, four U.S. officials told The Associated Press.

Lawyers at the State Department are looking into the legality of accepting private donations to cover some or all of the embassy costs, the administration officials said.

The discussions are occurring as the new embassy clears its final bureaucratic hurdles.   Continue reading “Sheldon Adelson offers to pay millions for new U.S. embassy in Jerusalem”

Florida Governor Rick Scott

Today, I am announcing a major action plan. I will be working with the legislature aggressively over the next two weeks to get it done.


I’ve broken my action plan down into three sections. Gun laws, school safety, and mental health. We must get this done in the next two weeks.   Continue reading “Florida Governor announces new action plan on guns, school safety, and mental health”

Investment Watch

Just introduced Ohio Senate Bill 260 Defines Glock 19 as “Assault weapon” and bans ownership. Even a Ruger 10/22 is gone with this one, not to mention a massive amount of other guns.


Sec. 2923.171. (A) No person shall knowingly possess or
acquire any assault weapon.   Continue reading “Ohio Senate Bill 260 Defines Glock 19 and Ruger 10/22 as “Assault weapons” and bans ownership.”

The Organic Prepper

Selco interviewed by Daisy Luther

Let’s talk about martial law. This is when the normal law of the land is suspended and the authority comes from the military or federal government.

One recent example of undeclared martial law in the US was when the police were looking for the suspects in the Boston Marathon bombing and went door to door, forcing innocent people to come outside with their hands on their heads at gunpoint, while their homes were searched without warrants.    Continue reading “Selco on Martial Law: Forget your “movie illusions about being a freedom fighter””

The Power Hour

A basic precept to remember is that the Bill of Rights is separate
from and supreme over the Constitution and is the final check over the
Constitution and its officers. This Bill of Rights check is administered
directly by people on Grand and Trial Juries. The following are examples
why the Bill of Rights is supreme.

Article 1 of the Bill of Rights places a limitation (or check) on
the law making power of Congress. “Congress shall make no law… abridging
the freedom of speech, or the press…”   Continue reading “The Bill Of Rights Is Separate And Supreme”

Anti-Media – by Carey Wedler

In the aftermath of yet another mass shooting in the United States, the internet and broadcast news alike are inundated with commentary about why this keeps happening in America. Some blame guns, others blame mental health, and still others confidently blame false flag events and crisis actors.

But one commonality among numerous mass killings in the United States remains absent from these conversations. It is always reported when details of the shooter are published, but the widespread connection is rarely acknowledged: A mounting number of mass shooters have ties to the military, including Nikolas Cruz, who was a member of his school’s military prep organization, JROTC (Army Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps).  Continue reading “Nobody Wants to Talk About What Many Mass Shooters Have in Common”

Yahoo News

LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) — The nation’s largest privately-owned bank holding company and a major car rental chain said Thursday they will stop promotions aimed at National Rifle Association members.

The Nebraska-based First National Bank of Omaha will not renew its contract to issue the group’s NRA Visa Card, spokesman Kevin Langin said in a statement.

“Customer feedback has caused us to review our relationship with the NRA,” Langin said.  Continue reading “US bank halts NRA credit card, car rental firm ends discount”

The Hill

The Oregon legislature passed a bill Thursday banning anyone with a domestic violence conviction from owning a firearm, according to KOIN 6 local news station.

The state has banned those with domestic violence or stalking convictions from owning guns since 2015, but a loophole in the law allowed abusers who aren’t living with, married to or have children with the victim to have their guns, according to OregonLiveContinue reading “Oregon legislature passes bill strengthening state’s gun laws”

USA Today

ALBANY, N.Y. — A collective approach to fighting gun violence could help states in the Northeast, governors said Thursday.

Democratic governors of Northeastern states announced they have formed a coalition, “States for Gun Safety” to work together in the battle against gun violence.

The governors of Connecticut, New Jersey, New York and Rhode Island said they would sign a memorandum of understanding to develop ways the states can jointly address the scourge of illegal guns and develop shared law-enforcement efforts.  Continue reading “Gun violence: Northeast governors form coalition to fight illegal guns”

Ars Technica – by Cyrus Farivar

Last November, a 74-year-old rancher and attorney was walking around his ranch just south of Encinal, Texas, when he happened upon a small portable camera strapped approximately eight feet high onto a mesquite tree near his son’s home. The camera was encased in green plastic and had a transmitting antenna.

Not knowing what it was or how it got there, Ricardo Palacios removed it.   Continue reading “Man removes feds’ spy cam, they demand it back, he refuses and sues”

SHTF Plan – by Brandon Smith, November 13, 2013

It is natural for a society to search for explanations and motivations in the wake of a man-made tragedy. It is also somewhat natural for people to be driven by their personal biases when looking for someone or something to blame. In recent years, however, our country has been carefully conditioned to view almost every criminal event from an ideological perspective.

The mainstream media now places far more emphasis on the political affiliations and philosophies of “madmen” than it does on their personal disorders and psychosis. The media’s goal, or mission, if you will, is to associate every dark deed whether real or engineered to the political enemies of the establishment, and to make the actions of each individual the collective shame of an entire group of people.  Continue reading “Is It Wrong To Be ‘Anti-Government’?”

US Embassy in Cambodia

More than 20 representatives from U.S. colleges and universities will be available to speak with Cambodian students about degree programs, admission requirements, and scholarship opportunities in the United States at the EducationUSA Fair in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap. Other exhibitors at the fair will provide information about student visas, U.S. government exchange programs, and EducationUSA advising.

In Siem Reap, EducationUSA Fair 2018 will take place on March 13, 2018 at Somadevi Angkor Resort & Spa from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. In Phnom Penh, the event will be held at the Grand Ballroom of InterContinental Hotel on March 15, 2018 from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Continue reading “EducationUSA in Cambodia”

Daily Mail

Parkland massacre gunman Nikolas Cruz was able to escape the Florida campus undetected because security guards were watching surveillance footage on a 20-minute delay.

The confusion caused police to believe that Cruz was still on school premises, even though he had already left and was on the way to Subway and McDonald’s.

Police searched for the gunman for 26 minutes using security cameras before realizing he wasn’t inside Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.  Continue reading “Security footage on delay let Florida shooter escape”

Breitbart – by Penny Starr

‘Dreamers’ are dreaming of a nationwide amnesty for all 12 million illegals, according to a co-founder of the United We Dream advocacy group, which claims to represent illegals who were brought into the United States as children by their parents.

The United We Dream group is “advocating for Congress to really get to a breakthrough on this issue and provide a solution that will protect people like my brother and millions like him,” Cristina Jimenez, a co-founder of the group, told NPR.  Continue reading “‘Dreamer’ Group Pushing for Amnesty of 12 Million Illegals”

SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

In the United States, there are one million children under the age of six on psychiatric drugs. This number is particularly disturbing, considering the horrifying side effects and ineffectiveness of a good number of these types of harmful drugs.

One in six Americans overall regularly take some type of medication in this category. However, children are now being swept up in Big Pharma’s desire to make money, not improve health. Mental health watchdog group Citizens Commission on Human Rights is drawing attention to the concerning fact that more than a million kids younger than six in our nation are currently taking these psychiatric drugs.  Continue reading “Big Pharma’s War On Our Children: 1 Million Kids Under Age 6 On PSYCHIATRIC Drugs”

SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo, February 22, 2018

Today is school exclusion day in Oregon.  The public school district will be banning children from attending their classes if they are not fully vaccinated.

The word they are looking for here is “segregation.” But Oregonians are calling it “School Exclusion Day.”  As noted by the state’s Health Authority, “parents must provide schools, child care facilities with kids’ vaccine records”. If their “records on file show missing immunizations”, their “children will not be able to attend school or child care” from this date forth.   Continue reading “Oregon’s ‘School Exclusion Day’ Bans Unvaccinated Kids From Schools”


WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Trump administration plans to announce on Friday what is being billed as the largest package of sanctions yet against North Korea to increase pressure on Pyongyang for its nuclear and ballistic missile tests, a senior administration official said.

President Donald Trump is expected to talk about the new sanctions during a mid-morning speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference, and the Treasury Department will get into the details later in the day.   Continue reading “Trump administration to target North Korea with new sanctions on Friday”