Yahoo News

WASHINGTON (AP) — Federal agents on Monday raided the office of President Donald Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen, seizing records on topics including a $130,000 payment made to a porn actress who says she had sex with Trump more than a decade ago.

The raid on Cohen’s office was done by the U.S. Attorney’s office in Manhattan and was based at least partly on a referral from special counsel Robert Mueller, according to Cohen’s lawyer, Stephen Ryan.  Continue reading “Attorney: Federal agents seize documents from Trump lawyer”

Yahoo News

A manhunt is underway for a suspect — whom police say is armed and dangerous — wanted for a triple killing in Illinois.

Early Saturday morning, 22-year-old Raheem King was allegedly on a private charter limousine-style coach and shot three other passengers with an assault rifle, said police in Rockford, Illinois, which is about 90 miles northwest of Chicago.  Continue reading “Man with assault rifle allegedly shot dead 3 other passengers on charter bus: Police”

Free Thought Project – by Rachel Blevins

San Antonio, TX – Police have admitted that they shot and killed an elderly woman in an attempt to kill her mentally ill son during a standoff last month, an apparent mix-up they blamed on the fact that both mother and son were wearing red shirts.

Amelia Huron-Macias, 84, was killed when she was hit with a barrage of bullets fired into her home by SWAT team members during an hours-long standoff in which officers claimed they were targeting her son, Fernando Macias.   Continue reading “Cops Kill Innocent 84yo Woman While Trying To Kill Her Mentally Ill Son in a Hail of Bullets”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

As YouTube cracks down on peaceful channels, censors alternative media, and allows child exploitation videos to flourish, a coalition of 23 child advocacy group has come forward with damning claims against Google’s behemoth video hosting site. Citing multiple violations of child protection laws, the coalition has filed a complaint with the US Federal Trade Commission to expose them.

The coalition is made up of groups including the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood (CCFC), the Center for Digital Democracy and 21 other organizations. Within their complaint, the coalition alleges that despite Google claiming YouTube is only for children 13-years-old and over—it knows younger children use the site and it targets them—illegally.   Continue reading “23 Child Advocacy Groups Find YouTube ILLEGALLY Spying On and Tracking Kids as Young as 6”

The Daily Caller – by Nick Givas

Vermont’s Republican Governor Phil Scott pledged to sign three new gun-control bills next week, making it easier for the state to confiscate firearms from certain people.

The first bill would make it easier to confiscate guns from someone considered to be at risk of harming themselves or others. The second allows the police to confiscate firearms from anyone whose been arrested or cited for domestic violence. The third bill would raise the gun purchase age to 21 and expand background checks. It would also ban bump stocks and high capacity magazines, according to WVNY.  Continue reading “New Gun Control Laws Spawn Second Amendment Protest In Vermont”

Jon Rappoport

California used to be trumpeted as the cutting edge of American culture.

It still is, except the culture is now all about censoring free speech.

California Senator Richard Pan, who was behind the infamous 2015 law mandating vaccinations for schoolchildren (SB277), has stepped up to the plate and introduced another bill.  Continue reading “Astonishing California bill would shut down free speech, require fact-checkers”

Now the End Begins – by Geoffrey Grider

EDITOR’S NOTE: What started with a trickle of innovation technology to dazzle the eye has now become an all out flood as every major tech company on planet Earth makes a mad dash to wire your home with ‘always on’ audio and video surveillance listening devices. Remember how people said this day would never come? Well, it’s here. Disguised as “home innovation” to “make our lives easier”, we are being wired at a rate never anticipated by the now-antiquated idea of the “FBI file” that the government had on everyone.    Continue reading “Apple Joins the Tech Race to Wire Your House with ‘Homepod’ Listening Device with 6 High-End Microphones”

SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

London’s violence continues to soar out of control after six teenagers were stabbed in 90 minutes during what’s being dubbed the “night of violence” in Great Britain’s gun-free capital. As the United Kingdom continues to punish self-defense, the criminals are free to wreak havoc on the city.

Most mainstream media outlets continue to fail to mention that much of United Kingdom is disarmed, and there have been some pretty stringent “knife-control” measures enacted as well to attempt to stop the surge in stabbings.  But none of their laws are helping, as criminals have figured out they are the only ones armed and those who even make an effort to defend their own lives or property will be prosecuted.
Continue reading “Six Teens Stabbed During ‘Night Of Violence’ In Gun-Free London: Mayor Demands More Knife Control”


Russian Energy Minister Aleksandr Novak said the country is considering an option of payments for oil in national currencies, in particular with Turkey and Iran.

According to him, both countries are interested but there is also a matter of conversion of currencies and their further use. “There is a common understanding that we need to move towards the use of national currencies in our settlements. There is a need for this, as well as the wish of the parties,” Novak said.   Continue reading “Moscow wants to get rid of dollar & euro payments in oil trade with Turkey and Iran”


There are many indications that ISIS, or ISIS-inspired entities, are looking to renew their armed insurgency in the Philippines. As is typically the case, wherever ISIS goes, the US military is not too far behind.

Not many people will be aware that aside from the fact that peace-prize-laureate Barack Obama was bombing at least seven predominantly Muslim countries in the Middle East at any given time during his presidency, he was also secretly drone-bombing the Philippines, as well. Obama’s drone campaign, of course, was widely regarded as one of the most effective recruitment tool for groups like ISIS (incidentally, a group now growing from strength to strength in the Philippines).   Continue reading “Here’s why the Philippines may become ISIS’ next caliphate”


A report by the UK House of Commons library has warned that the continued accumulation of wealth at the top will fuel growing distrust and anger over the coming decade unless action is taken to restore balance.

According to the report, seen by The Guardian, if trends seen since the 2008 financial crash were to continue, then the top 1 percent will hold 64 percent of the world’s wealth by 2030. Even taking the financial crash into account, and measuring their assets over a longer period, they would still hold more than half of all wealth.  Continue reading “Richest 1% will own two-thirds of global wealth by 2030”

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak is shutting down his Facebook account as the social media giant struggles to cope with the worst privacy crisis in its history. In an email to USA Today, Wozniak says Facebook makes a lot of advertising money from personal details provided by users. He says the “profits are all based on the user’s info, but the users get none of the profits back.”   Continue reading “Apple co-founder protests Facebook by shutting down account”

The Organic Prepper

It’s time for another episode of Doomsday Bunkers of the Rich and Famous. You can find the last article about a doomsday neighborhood in Germany right here.

This time, we’ll travel a bit closer to home – right in the middle of…Kansas. In the small town of Glasco, Kansas, population 473, lies the ultimate in luxury bunker destinations: Survival Condos.  Continue reading “Survival Condos: A Tour of Bunkers for Rich People in the Middle of Kansas”

The Complete Colorado – by Sherrie Peif

BOULDER — A controversial city ordinance to ban “assault weapons, bump stocks and high capacity magazines” passed the Boulder City Council unanimously on first reading Thursday night after more than five hours of public testimony on both sides of the issue.

As written, the ban would require anyone legally possessing anything under the ban to either register that gun with the Boulder Police Department (fee charged) or surrender it for destruction.   Continue reading “Boulder City Council passes gun ban on first reading”

Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse – by Michael Z. Williamson

Here at the house, I have a couple of decades plus of military experience.  I have tools to dig in or out of natural disasters.  I have extinguishers and hoses. I have a field trauma kit and bandages. I have weapons both melee and firearm. I know how to use them. I know how to trench, support and revet.  I understand the fire triangle and appropriate approaches.  I understand breathing, bleeding and shock.  I know how to detain, restrain and control. I have done all of these at least occasionally, professionally. I’ve stood on top of a collapsing levee in a flood. I’ve fought a structure fire from inside so we could get everyone out before the fire department showed up, which only took two minutes, but people can die that fast.  I’ve had structures collapse while I was working on them. I’ve been in an aircraft that had a “mechanical” on approach and had to be repaired in-flight before landing. I’ve helped control a brush fire.  I’ve hauled disabled vehicles out of ditches in sub-zero weather.   Continue reading “No One Cares If You Go Home Safe At The End Of Your Shift”

The Organic Prepper – by M.K. Matthews

Last week was a busy one for economic news, what with a looming tariff war and a job report that is nothing to write home about.

As I wrote earlier, the world’s economy was shakey last week, and the tariff war between the US and China has sent shock waves through the US market.  To refresh, here’s a list of all the products that will be affected should this come to fruition. (And there’s every indication that this is just the beginning.)   Continue reading “What Happened in Economic News Last Week Could Signal a Massive Change for All of Us”

Yahoo News

AMMAN (Reuters) – Syria and its main ally Russia blamed Israel for carrying out an attack on a Syrian air base near Homs on Monday which followed reports of a poison gas attack by President Bashar al-Assad’s forces on a rebel-held town.

Israel, which has struck Syrian army locations many times in the course of its neighbour’s seven-year-old civil war, has not confirmed nor denied mounting the raid.   Continue reading “Syria, Russia accuse Israel over strike on Syrian air base”