Breitbart – by Bob Price

The Department of Justice is reported to have filed criminal charges against 11 “caravan migrants” who allegedly entered the United States illegally over the weekend. One of the migrants is reportedly charged with illegal re-entry after removal.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of California filed criminal complaints against 11 people who are believed to be members of the “migrant caravan,” according to a statement obtained by Breitbart Texas.   Continue reading “DOJ Files Charges Against 11 Alleged ‘Caravan Migrants’ for Illegal Entry to U.S.”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Not that there was much doubt who was behind it, but two days after “enemy” warplanes attacked a Syrian military base near Hama on Sunday, killing at least 11 Iranians and dozens of others, and nobody had yet “claimed responsibility” the attack, US officials told NBC that it was indeed Israeli F-15 fighter jets that struck the base, NBC News reported.   Continue reading “US Officials: Israel Preparing For War With Iran, Seeking US Support”

Free Thought Project – by Rachel Blevins

The state of California is finding that the business model of relying on drivers to break the law in order to fund the state budget, fails miserably when drivers fail to break the law and cannot be slapped with exorbitant fees and fines.

California’s state budget currently relies on more than $450 million from penalties and fees collected from drivers who have been charged with both criminal and traffic violations. However, while trusting drivers to break the law at a rate that would sustain the state’s massive budget worked for a while, the strategy is now causing the state to go bankrupt.   Continue reading “Good Drivers are Creating a Budget Shortfall, Proving Gov’t Needs You to Break the Law to Fund Itself”

Daily Mail

An Edinburgh-based inventor has created a bottle that disintegrates in salt water in just three weeks.

The fully biodegradable bottle is made from paper and a secret combination of plant-based materials and it could help save the planet’s oceans from plastic pollution.   Continue reading “Paper bottle that disintegrates in saltwater in just THREE WEEKS”

The Daily Caller – by David Krayden

As California expands services to illegals residing in the state, legislation introduced Monday in the state legislature would allow them to sit on government boards and potentially collect pay for doing so.

According to the Sacramento Bee, Democratic state Sen. Ricardo Lara’s bill would change the current law surrounding appointments to state and local boards to include anyone over the age of 18 — without considering whether the nominee is an American citizen.  Continue reading “California Bill Would Allow Illegals To Serve On Government Boards”

Liberty Fight – by Martin Hill

“Who makes the profits from the operation of the Federal Reserve bank?” asks Catholic priest.

On April 7, 1940, Father Charles E. Coughlin of Royal Oak Michigan gave a detailed explanation and condemnation of the the Federal Reserve Banking System in his weekly radio address. Many people are familiar with the fiery youtube video clip in which an angry Fr. Coughlin rails against the Federal Reserve and shouts “They’re not even Americans, these Democrats and Republicans!” However, the clip featured here today is an hour long explanation of the system by Fr. Coughlin, in which he presents documentation from U.S. Senate testimony and other official sources. Continue reading “Fr. Coughlin explains the Federal Reserve, 1940: This privately owned corporation ‘thrives on misery’ and is ‘leading this country into chaos’”

Breitbart – by Peter Schweizer and Jacob McLeod

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) in-laws have ordered 10 massive cargo ships from the Chinese government since the senator’s wife Elaine Chao became Secretary of Transportation. The deep financial ties between the Chao family’s shipping business Foremost Group and the Chinese regime were first revealed in the #1 New York Times bestseller Secret Empires.   Continue reading “REVEALED: Mitch McConnell’s In-Laws Bought 10 Massive Ships from the Chinese Government Since His Wife Elaine Chao Became Transportation Secretary”

Free Thought Project – by Rachel Blevins

The name “Michelle Wolf” has dominated headlines and has become the talk of the mainstream media following the comedian’s speech roasting the Trump Administration at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner on Saturday. While everyone seems to have an opinion on Wolf’s comments, the fact is that the debate has served as the perfect distraction from several incredibly important news stories from the around the world.

Here are five stories you may have missed while the media was obsessing over Michelle Wolf’s speech:   Continue reading “5 Stories You Missed While The Media Was Obsessing Over Michelle Wolf’s Speech”

The Organic Prepper

These days, it appears that being a man means you’re crazy. You’re a rapist waiting for a woman to rape. You’re a misogynist, just looking for a woman to oppress. You’re a brute, looking for a woman to punch in the face. You are violent, domineering, and angry.

At least according to the University of Texas at Austin.   Continue reading “Why the War on Men Is Hurting Everyone”

Desertpeace – by Sam Bahour

Several years ago, the late Polish mathematician from Youngstown State University (my alma mater in Ohio), Dr. Zbigniew Piotrowski, walked up to me at the Youngstown Arab-American Community Center and shared a bold observation after I delivered a talk on the Palestinians’ desire for freedom and independence. He said the silver lining of the WWII tragedy, and in particular the Jewish loss thereof, was that the world reset how it operates; post-WWII, international law became the order of the day to avert a repeat of history. It was as if all the nations of the world pressed the reset button and rebooted with this new operating system, one that obligated all states to respect a set of collective rules and regulations. Dr. Piotrowski rightly questioned how Israel, which claims to be built on Jewish values, could be so utterly disrespectful of this new reference point.   Continue reading “Israel at 70 – A Darkness unto the Nations”

Natural News – by Vicki Batts

Climate change has been presented as an irrefutable fact; a happening that cannot be ignored, with even the slightest change in weather being named a harbinger of imminent disaster. But the truth is that the notion of global warming has always been up for debate — and new science continues to show that the world may not be ending, after all.

Despite what the climate change alarmists want you to believe, recent research has shown that climate change predictions have been wildly overstated. In fact, climatologists now say that the impact of human activity on climate is 45 percent less severe than expected.   Continue reading ““Climate change” hoax starting to crumble as scientists admit doom projections were totally wrong”

Washington Post

 As Ni­ger­ian asylum seekers flood into Canada across a ditch in Upstate New York, Canadian authorities are asking the United States for help — but not with managing the influx at the border.

Instead, they want U.S. immigration officials to reduce the foot traffic by screening Nigerians more stringently before granting them U.S. visas.   Continue reading “Nigerians are walking into Canada, prompting request for U.S. to take action”


The world is now 12 percent of GDP deeper in debt than it was at the peak of the financial crisis in 2009, says the International Monetary Fund (IMF). China was described as a “driving force” behind the new debt levels.

According to its Fiscal Monitor report, global debt is at a historical high, reaching the equivalent of 225 percent of GDP.   Continue reading “Global debt balloons to all-time high of $164 trillion”


A large ‘dead zone’ in the Gulf of Oman is increasing in size, according to scientists who warn the oxygen-scarce area is worse than previously thought and poses a threat to the environment. But what does that mean?

The dead zone in the Arabian Sea is now the world’s biggest Oxygen Minimum Zone (OMZ). About the size of Scotland or Florida, the dead zone almost covers the entire Gulf of Oman, which borders Iran, Oman, Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates.   Continue reading “Huge dead zone in Gulf of Oman is far worse than feared – but what is it?”

TIJUANA, Mexico (AP) — U.S. border inspectors allowed some of the Central American asylum-seekers to enter the country for processing, ending a brief impasse over lack of space. But the migrants who crossed Mexico in a caravan may face a long legal path.

Caravan organizers said eight members of the group criticized by President Donald Trump that traveled from southern Mexico to the border city of Tijuana were allowed in to be interviewed by asylum officers, but U.S. Customs and Border Protection did not provide a number.   Continue reading “US starts processing asylum seekers slammed by Trump”

NEW YORK (AP) — Immigrants say President Donald Trump’s administration has become almost everything they feared, but while they rally across the United States on May Day, their focus is less on huge turnout Tuesday than on the first Tuesday in November.

Marches and other demonstrations for labor and immigrant rights were planned from Florida to New York to California on International Workers’ Day and come amid similar actions worldwide. “The Trump administration has made very clear that they’ve declared war on the immigrant community on all levels,” said Javier Valdes, co-executive director of the advocacy group Make the Road New York.   Continue reading “US May Day immigration protests target Trump, fall elections”